Here's what PROGS are fighting for


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Weird how color only matters when the culprit is white. Doesn't even matter most culprits are probably black to begin with, despite being just 13% of the population. PROGS don't hold them accountable, because they're deviants and hypocrites among other applicable terms.

I also believe they're frightened of blacks, so the "social justice warriors" treat them special out of fear.

Thus, thugs are in training with full support of PROGS.

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Ever notice PROGS no longer defend themselves? Doesn't stop them right?

Remember in November The Democrat party must be terminated and replaced by what's at least a somewhat sane party with good intentions.
Weird how color only matters when the culprit is white. Doesn't even matter most culprits are probably black to begin with, despite being just 13% of the population. PROGS don't hold them accountable, because they're deviants and hypocrites among other applicable terms.

I also believe they're frightened of blacks, so the "social justice warriors" treat them special out of fear.

Thus, thugs are in training with full support of PROGS.

A preview of a Biden presidency.


You may die, but at least you will have made it hard for some asshole, and you get to go to Valhalla for dying with a gun in your hand.


If I enter the shithole formerly known as beautiful California, I cannot legally carry because the deviants are in a battle with the most basic of fundamental rights, never mind logic.

I can't carry greater than a 10-round magazine, and the pistol and any rounds must be locked up in two, I say two different locations. Fail to do so is a felony.
Ever notice PROGS no longer defend themselves? Doesn't stop them right?

Could be because "Progs" were here and gone a hundred years ago. Just a guess.

Ever notice PROGS leave context because they can't/won't defend themselves?

The Progressive Era: 1890-1920


Ever notice how PROGS leave context as opposed defending their positions? That might lead one to believe they're cowards and/or they accept their roles as deviants.

PROGS a just term replacing the term "progressive", because progressive implies progress. PROGS are high on antonyms and false definitions, and it's just that PROGS sounds right. Lots of people are using the term now.

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