Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Here is my original quote you asshat.

I showed you his replacement theory from his manifesto. I showed you Tuckers quotes. I never said he was quoted you dumbfuck. You are moving the goalposts to ignore the fact that he basically repeats Tuckers talking points. Nowhere did I say cite or quote you dipshit. He repeated. And I showed you the same line of quotes. Damn you’re stupid.
So he repeats something Tucker says. Big deal. I've repeated what Biden said when he ordered a Big Mac. Gee, I've been groomed by Biden to eat Big Macs.
He's a nut job no doubt. We just don't need the fake news to try and say he represents the GOP or some bull crap like that.
But Democrats need justification to silence conservatives views as "dangerous", and to put further restrictions on guns.

Democrats don't give a shit about the victims. The love a stack of still-warm bodies to preach from.
"On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category,"

Did you forget your glasses?

Later he says: "“conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

The Bimbo from NY (governor) tried to say it was white supremacy. Nope... left wing authoritarianism to the max.. Stalin, Moa, Marx...
Uh oh, here's where the rightards start running away from their own.

Nobody is going to buy anything other than the fact this is just another gun fondling racist rightard, and when it comes out, mommy, daddy, or both are racist conservative rightards, and Jr. heard daddy say ****** one to many times, and after hearing Elise Stefanic use the term replacement theory, triggered the peanut brain that is a rightard, to pick up an AR 15 and shoot up a store.

Just another day in Fox News America.
Hint: When they offer you a glass of Kook-Aid, don't drink the entire washtub full.

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