Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Clearly you have no idea what you are debating. Here is what the killer says… he doesn’t say Jews are replacing non Jews. He says the replacing of whites by brown skin is his issue… basically Tucker in a nut shell. Yea he thinks the whole thing is bigger with Jews pulling the strings but it’s Tuckers talking points.

“I also found other sites, like (redacted), (redacted), and (redacted) where through data and exposure to real information I learned the truth. We are doomed by low birth rates and high rates of immigration. I never even saw this information until I found these sites“

He never mentions Tucker in his manifesto unless you can prove otherwise.....

Except you guys aren't "libertarian' when you want to ban abortion and gay marriage.

Because they aren't important. I doubt an 18 year old can define communism on a bet.

You are being silly since many 18 year old have a high school diploma drives join the military and even be married but he as YOU suggest isn't mature enough to know what Communism is.

Your desperation is obvious here since you FAILED to prove he is a right winger.
The pipsqueak loser doesn't like conservatism and attacked media in general.


Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says​



On Saturday afternoon, an 18-year-old from Upstate New York traveled to Buffalo and live-streamed himself shooting several people, ten of whom he killed, at a Tops Friendly Market in a predominantly black neighborhood. The suspect was captured by law enforcement and has been arraigned on 10 first-degree murder charges.

With their usual swiftness, leftists on Twitter quickly launched a seemingly coordinated effort to blame Fox News and Tucker Carlson for allegedly radicalizing the suspect.

As word of the shooting quickly spread on social media, so did reports that the shooter had posted a 180-page manifesto online, explaining his racist and anti-Semitic motives and detailing how he planned to carry out the attack.

How about the colored man's manifesto when he murdered whites in Brooklyn a month ago. Hell, it was days before the leftwing media revealed the killer was black, even though they knew it.
Except you guys aren't "libertarian' when you want to ban abortion and gay marriage.

Because they aren't important. I doubt an 18 year old can define communism on a bet.
I doubt you can either or know what a Libertarian is without looking it up and no the Kos definition is not correct either.

The shooter is nuts simple as that!
Clearly you have no idea what you are debating. Here is what the killer says… he doesn’t say Jews are replacing non Jews. He says the replacing of whites by brown skin is his issue… basically Tucker in a nut shell. Yea he thinks the whole thing is bigger with Jews pulling the strings but it’s Tuckers talking points.

“I also found other sites, like (redacted), (redacted), and (redacted) where through data and exposure to real information I learned the truth. We are doomed by low birth rates and high rates of immigration. I never even saw this information until I found these sites“
He never mentioned Tucker Carlson or Trump.
The right wing will lie no doubt. It's a given. Just like this article cherry picking.

The whole first part of his manifesto is literally what sucker Carson been saying for months now.
So, what you're saying is Tucker groomed him. Damn, this grooming thing sounds familiar from parents, family member's and wacko tv people grooming a future racist to pedophilia grooming.
You are deflecting form the sick boys' words:

""On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category,"

Can't you read?


Nowhere does he says he is a conservative or republican heck he says this that you ignored:

“conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

Stop Lying!
The fucker isn't sick he was groomed.
So, what you're saying is Tucker groomed him. Damn, this grooming thing sounds familiar from parents, family member's and wacko tv people grooming a future racist to pedophilia grooming.
Oh my gosh, I just read that AG Garland is considering charging the shooter with a "hate crime". Thank God for Garland. He's one sharp cookie.

He "brows" 4 chan that is all he says and did it out of "boredom" while he was already a gun nut and a white supremacist.

He is a nutball and a hater of blacks and jews.
I’m not following your first paragraph. It’s says right in the quote I added he learned about replacement theory on 4chan and went to sites from there. What are you talking about it was sequential. On 4chan. Learned right wing nuttery. Went to right wing nut sites.

Link is the actual manifesto.
Oh my gosh, I just read that AG Garland is considering charging the shooter with a "hate crime". Thank God for Garland. He's one sharp cookie.
Odd. Garland had no such interest in pursuing an IDENTICAL mass shooting in Brooklyn a month earlier by a black man killing whites. That shows what the little midget is all about. Thank GOD McConnell held strong in not giving the little snert a hearing.
I’m not following your first paragraph. It’s says right in the quote I added he learned about replacement theory on 4chan and went to sites from there. What are you talking about it was sequential. On 4chan. Learned right wing nuttery. Went to right wing nut sites.

Link is the actual manifesto.
Nothing about Carlson and Trump.

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