Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

From his manifesto… sound familiar?

“the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists)”

Probably got that here somewhere.
He has a 180 page manifesto yelling about how blacks should go back to “their” homeland and Jews are trying to replace whites. He’s a hard core right wing nationalist who is also a lone wolf psychopath babbling about lacking a political ideology. Who cares what he says about his ideolgy was at 12?!? He’s a 4chan radicalized right wing nut who repeats Tucker Carlson talking points.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
From his manifesto… sound familiar?

“the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists)”

Probably got that here somewhere.
Well, he got that part right.
He never mentions Tucker Carlson and never says he followed 4 chan that was a probable media lie.

You dipshit. Stop dipshittin. From his “manifesto”:

“Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth.
I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid. I would normally browse /k/ because I’m a gun nut and /out/ because I love the outdoors and I eventually wound up on /pol/. There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this. From there, I also found other sites, like…”
Notice they don't actually publish this manifesto.
You dipshit. Stop dipshittin. From his “manifesto”:

“Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth.
I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid. I would normally browse /k/ because I’m a gun nut and /out/ because I love the outdoors and I eventually wound up on /pol/. There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this. From there, I also found other sites, like…”
Aligns perfectly with many posters on this board and in this thread.
You dipshit. Stop dipshittin. From his “manifesto”:

“Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth.
I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid. I would normally browse /k/ because I’m a gun nut and /out/ because I love the outdoors and I eventually wound up on /pol/. There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this. From there, I also found other sites, like…”
Where does he mention Tucker Carlson and Trump?
Where's the part about the Jews?
Clearly you have no idea what you are debating. Here is what the killer says… he doesn’t say Jews are replacing non Jews. He says the replacing of whites by brown skin is his issue… basically Tucker in a nut shell. Yea he thinks the whole thing is bigger with Jews pulling the strings but it’s Tuckers talking points.

“I also found other sites, like (redacted), (redacted), and (redacted) where through data and exposure to real information I learned the truth. We are doomed by low birth rates and high rates of immigration. I never even saw this information until I found these sites“
LOL....That's a fair point.....then again I think the term "Conservative" should be be stricken from the political lexicon as it really does not describe the majority of the right-leaning of today.....I'm more of a (small L) libertarian myself.

That aside it kind of makes you wonder that if he was interviewed by a mental health professional, as recommended, if any of that came to light and if so why was he not committed?

Except you guys aren't "libertarian' when you want to ban abortion and gay marriage.

never disputed his white supremacy screams and that he obviously hates blacks and jews, but he NEVER claims he was conservative or republican and Tucker Carlson was never mentioned in this 180-page manifesto.

Here are the QUOTES you keep overlooking:

Because they aren't important. I doubt an 18 year old can define communism on a bet.
Uh oh, here's where the rightards start running away from their own.

Nobody is going to buy anything other than the fact this is just another gun fondling racist rightard, and when it comes out, mommy, daddy, or both are racist conservative rightards, and Jr. heard daddy say ****** one to many times, and after hearing Elise Stefanic use the term replacement theory, triggered the peanut brain that is a rightard, to pick up an AR 15 and shoot up a store.

Just another day in Fox News America.
Is that what you are wishing for Skew?

He seem more like you than me…
You dipshit. Stop dipshittin. From his “manifesto”:

“Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth.
I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid. I would normally browse /k/ because I’m a gun nut and /out/ because I love the outdoors and I eventually wound up on /pol/. There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this. From there, I also found other sites, like…”


He "brows" 4 chan that is all he says and did it out of "boredom" while he was already a gun nut and a white supremacist.

He is a nutball and a hater of blacks and jews.

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