Here's why Donald Trump could be president

It was, although I would say that Trump will have to really do his homework in finding out who is counting the votes. I believe it was Stalin who said what is extraordinarily important is who will count the votes and how. Obama supporting - SEIU - was contracted for the voting machines and we heard horror stories over how that went. Trump will have to be out in front of that but I'm sure he is already preparing himself.

Watchdog Warns SEIU Contract for Nevada Voting Machines Poses 'Fraud' Concern

when Trump loses its Obamas fault and or voter fraud ...

:dance: HOT DAMN !!!!!!!!
Sure he could win. The Republican clown car is plenty packed this year, but all of them are... clowns. Trump is a star. The right wingnuts better be careful what they wish for, though. Trump will be loyal to no one and no ideology. His "coattails" will be non-existent, and he will destroy the Republican party if he hijacks their nomination.
hope so but destruction of the gop and rino party is a good thing as far as Conservatives like me are concerned Elvis . Take away Trump and Cruz and the only ones left that are running on the gop side are rinos and moderates Elvis .
so , short and sweet , the end of the CURRENT type gop and rino party would be a good thing Elvis !!
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Trump can win it.

All is needed is a bunch of disenfranchised and disillusioned voters wanting to sick it to the Republicans/Democrats to come out this election cycle.

Here that guy that says voting does not matter? All he need is a challlenge to prove him right!! The Trump campaign is all the proof he needs!!

I wonder will the GOP will realize this and start a massive "Get out the vote" campaign. If Trump is the nominee, it works in their favor.

when Trump loses its Obamas fault and or voter fraud ...

:dance: HOT DAMN !!!!!!!!
Why would Obama care if Trump wins or not? I don't trust the machines
Sure he could win. The Republican clown car is plenty packed this year, but all of them are... clowns. Trump is a star. The right wingnuts better be careful what they wish for, though. Trump will be loyal to no one and no ideology. His "coattails" will be non-existent, and he will destroy the Republican party if he hijacks their nomination.

Your candidates are a criminal,communist and complete idiot. I wouldn't be tossing stones there kid.
hope so but destruction of the gop and rino party is a good thing as far as Conservatives like me are concerned Elvis.
No, it isn't. Unless you want to be marginalized and ignored for the rest of your life. Do you really want a strong, unified Democratic party and a split, fractured Republican party? How does that serve your interests? Much more importantly, how does that serve the interests of the US?
I don't care about that , Moderate rino's are my enemy Elvis . I may be marginalized but that already happened with all 2 bushs and that would continue if another jebito bush were to get in . I would have been marginalized under a 'juan mccain' and a 'romney' if they had been elected . Same applies for the other 'roobio' type rinos / gop that is running other than Trump or Cruz . ------------- My plan is to marginalize moderate rinos this time . If a Trump or Cruz isn't nominated I am voting for the enemy dem no matter who it is Elvis !!Just being reported , Trump at 36 percent . 46 percent for Trump when the subject is who is best at fighting 'Islamic state' . Go Trump !!!
besides that , i'm an old guy !! Its you YOUNG moderates that will get the shaft if you are a moderate and if you are a youngster . Like I said , moderate rino / gop are my enemies Elvis !!
Your candidates are a criminal,communist and complete idiot. I wouldn't be tossing stones there kid.
I don't have candidates. I'm a person, not a political party. This is weakest slate of presidential candidates in the history of the US. Clowns and midgets, every one of them. Unless you're an implacable enemy of America, how can you be happy about that? What's the point of arguing whose midget is taller?

Washington warned us about political parties, and of course we ignored him. We've allowed these parties to turn our electoral process into a worthless farce. What an accomplishment. We should all be very proud of ourselves. In the face of this national disaster we've sure pulled together, haven't we?
besides that , i'm an old guy !! Its you YOUNG moderates that will get the shaft if you are a moderate and if you are a youngster . Like I said , moderate rino / gop are my enemies Elvis !!
A childish point of view. I'm neither young nor moderate. I see little point in waging these moronic partisan battles when the real enemy is a broken system. We need term limits and electoral reform, and who's going to get them for us? Professional politicians? Pfft.
I'm only worried about the upcoming election . If it isn't a Trump or Cruz then my America is ruined . Anyway , get to work on your electoral reform . Talk about it , put forth your reforms after this coming election , I'll be happy to read your proposals. By the way , I am a Conservative but vote Repub when the candidate is worthy . Last couple of times they have not been worthy Elvis .
by the way , presidents have term limits Elvis !!
And Supreme Court justices don't. You want to throw a monkey wrench into the system. Brilliant. That'll fix things.

Supreme Court justices are a good example of the stupidity of thinking that you know who people really are and what they'll do once they sit in the big chair. Conservatives have appointed justices who turned out to be liberal and liberals have appointed justices who turned to the right. Cruz will probably try to do the things he says he wants to do, and fail since everyone on the right and left in Congress hates him, and his own party will scheme to make him a one-termer. Trump? What a joke. He's the least conservative person running for president, except Bernie.
should be term limits on the 'supremes' imo . Or at least a limit on their power .
like I have said somewhere on this board , Trump and Cruz are the best of the whole bunch . I know what the others have done because they have records . At least Trump and Cruz are clean and I like what I have heard them say Elvis !!
should be term limits on the 'supremes' imo . Or at least a limit on their power .
And will Santa bring that for you for Christmas? The only way for people to take THEIR government back from the professional politicians who have stolen it is to band together. To find common cause. That's what great men do, even with people they hate. Little children hold their breath till they turn blue.

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