Here's Why Russian Bombers Are in Venezuela.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Here's Why Russian Bombers Are in Venezuela.
And Why the U.S. Is So Angry About it
When two of Russia’s most modern, nuclear-capable bombers landed in Venezuela earlier this week, American officials quickly took note.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted out a statement calling the move “two corrupt governments squandering public funds, and squelching liberty and freedom while their people suffer.” The angry reaction may well have been the intended purpose, according to experts on Russia and Venezuela.... The Tu-160 bombers were manufactured at the end of the Cold War and are among the most advanced strategic bombers in the world. They are capable of flying at twice the speed of sound and carrying both conventional and nuclear-armed cruise missiles that have a range of more than 3,400 miles. It’s not known whether the Russian bombers were carrying any kind of armament on their visit to Venezuela.... For Venezuela, whose collapsing economy has led to chronic food and medicine shortages, the Russian mission represents a useful cameo on the world stage. President Nicolas Maduro will also be happy of a demonstration to potential opponents in the Venezuelan military that he still has powerful friends in Moscow, Moya-Ocampos said. The United States has imposed sanctions on several top Venezuelan officials, and earlier this year barred Americans from buying Venezuelan debt or debt from the state-run oil company.... Dire conditions in Venezuela are likely to get even worse in 2019. The International Monetary Fund estimated that the Venezuelan economy shrank by 18% in 2018, and expects a further contraction by 5% in 2019. Hyperinflation, estimated at 1.37 million percent in 2018, could reach 10 million percent for 2019.

the wealth of Russia, China and Turkey will just be wasted in the socialist sewer of Venezuela. The United States should just watch the money disappear. Actually, the TU-160 a poor reversed engineered US B-1 Lancer. The Russians have seldom built an aircraft that wasn't a US conception first after WWII. The only US planes they haven't 'stolen' from us are the B-52 and the SR-71. The TU-160 bomber should be fodder for an average pilot flying an F16 with a raging hangover could drop these cold-war relics in his sleep!
As long as Maduro is in power with blessings from Communists et al, the more miserable the country and its citizens will be. The internal dissension will be its undoing. All without any energy spent by our country. It would be in our interest to monitor whatever we can, but, no action is required. Russia has a hard time maintaining a portion of its forces. This deployment and the security required will drain on their budget. Obviously the Pentagon has to account for all enemy deployments and have plans ready to interdict the assets during war.
The U.S., like most nations in the West, are in debt well above our heads and have gained little to nothing from offering better deals to third world nations run by lunatics. While we could and should develop a better relationship with Russia, this crazy partisan game in Washington has doomed that.

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