Here's your Groomers

I support peoples' rights to have drag shows as long as minors are not allowed in.

Should drag queen story hour be banned?
What would happen if people abandoned all their political tribalism and operated according to consistent principles, instead?

The man the hyper-partisan propagandist is assailing as the subject of this thread is a creapazoid. Groomers on the left who mind fuck the living daylights out of children are creapazoids.

That is not difficult for me to say. Why is it so difficult for others?
What would happen if people abandoned all their political tribalism and operated according to consistent principles, instead?

The man the hyper-partisan propagandist is assailing as the subject of this thread is a creapazoid. Groomers on the left who mind fuck the living daylights out of children are creapazoids.

That is not difficult for me to say. Why is it so difficult for others?
IKR!....We have no problem saying that the dude is a fucking creeper, and probably shouldn't be around kids, no matter his party affiliation.

The leftbats "believe the women", until they (D)on't.
What would happen if people abandoned all their political tribalism and operated according to consistent principles, instead?

The man the hyper-partisan propagandist is assailing as the subject of this thread is a creapazoid. Groomers on the left who mind fuck the living daylights out of children are creapazoids.

That is not difficult for me to say. Why is it so difficult for others?
People who mutilate children and support their mutilation are evil and dangerous.
Must be why 9 out of 10 pedos in the news are far left whackos.

Of course, it only takes one Harvey Weinstein or Jeff Epstein to equal a hundred of those people you listed.

And Hollywood runs the campaigns for the democrat party.

Kewl ... 5 links ... 0 Democratic pedophiles.

You're on a roll, keep it up. Just 69 more to catch up to my list of rightwing pedophiles.
Notice that most of them don't seem to have a problem with 12 yr olds marrying adults and immediately revert to trannies?

One is legalized child rape. And it isnt the trannies.
No child should get married and anyone who thinks they should is a POS.

Likewise those who mutilate children and support their mutilation.

People who expose children to drag shows are groomers.

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