Heritage Action CEO: Conservatives 'sick' of the GOP

Perhaps if they stopped fighting the New Deal, learn from Vietnam and then concentrate on this century it would help?
Lets be moderate. Liberalism or Conservatism, just empty names. Let's be fair and look at ALL the facts, despite the political spin. All I ask, it won't hurt.
I cross party lines on issues all the time.............and fight both sides doing so.................

And from the left, which we usually disagree, they go SEE WE TOLD YOU WE WERE RIGHT.................like it is equivalent to admitting their party is the way to go............refusing to see the corruption on their side of the fence and take out their trash as well.
omething is broke
Ditto. I am also tired of the left wing democrats and their soviet style groupthink mob mentality model. Let's be critical of all parties and all ways of thinking. Let's actually go to a place were all of us can be free and get rid of this groupthink mentality. Imagine, like John Lennon once said.
I am so sick of the two party system that I think we need to tar and feather both parties until parties don't exist anymore..............

Everyone run as an independent and get rid of the parties all together.....................they are a joke to me anymore.
Oh, I hear ya. Especially when either party supports invading Iraq or illegal aliens. Who or What do either party represent?
They represent their own interests and pocket book.
Good, they're turning on each other....

Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.

Yes they would. Hopefully they will grow a spine this time around.
I hope not. The last time they tried that under Bush, they came very close to destroying this country. Hopefully, they continue to fail.
The last time they grew a spine................was under Clinton............forced him in a corner with gov't shutdowns.............and forced welfare reform that he later took credit for...........................back then they had a spine................too bad they pushed the same NAFTA BS THEN TO as CLINTON SIGNED IT...................

Why does the wind blow to the south in TEXAS..............because clinton signed a a deal that started a giant sucking of our jobs to Mexico.
Except the country did great under Clinton and was nearly ruined under Bush.
Ditto. I am also tired of the left wing democrats and their soviet style groupthink mob mentality model. Let's be critical of all parties and all ways of thinking. Let's actually go to a place were all of us can be free and get rid of this groupthink mentality. Imagine, like John Lennon once said.
I am so sick of the two party system that I think we need to tar and feather both parties until parties don't exist anymore..............

Everyone run as an independent and get rid of the parties all together.....................they are a joke to me anymore.
you do realize if that happened all the "party" people would be lost...
“Most Republican voters hate their party, and that’s what needs to be addressed,” Needham told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”

“People are sick of this,” he said of the political process. “It’s a game.”

Needham charged that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is gaining traction with Americans because he is a political outsider.

Trump’s freedom from Republican leadership, he added, is winning him potential voters.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP TheHill


I don't get why they should be mad.

Anti science. Anti education. Pro war. Anti health care. They love the fetus but ignore the baby. Cut school lunches. Cut veterans benefits.
It took them 10 years before they let first responders have health care. They blocked the president from investigating BP after the gulf spill. They shut down the government. The Bush tax cuts redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.
The GOP has done everything the conservatives wanted.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP - Google Search

This fits me well. I was born on the right side converted to the left in last 10 years. I am so sick of my party that I will never vote for Republican again.
Words cannot express how angry I am with these people. That sums up everything for me.
“Most Republican voters hate their party, and that’s what needs to be addressed,” Needham told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”

“People are sick of this,” he said of the political process. “It’s a game.”

Needham charged that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is gaining traction with Americans because he is a political outsider.

Trump’s freedom from Republican leadership, he added, is winning him potential voters.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP TheHill


I don't get why they should be mad.

Anti science. Anti education. Pro war. Anti health care. They love the fetus but ignore the baby. Cut school lunches. Cut veterans benefits.
It took them 10 years before they let first responders have health care. They blocked the president from investigating BP after the gulf spill. They shut down the government. The Bush tax cuts redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.
The GOP has done everything the conservatives wanted.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP - Google Search
Ask yourself why you aren't sick of your party. If you're not...you're clueless.
dean would never question that party.....how would he live with himself?...
Good, they're turning on each other....

Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.

Yes they would. Hopefully they will grow a spine this time around.
I hope not. The last time they tried that under Bush, they came very close to destroying this country. Hopefully, they continue to fail.
The last time they grew a spine................was under Clinton............forced him in a corner with gov't shutdowns.............and forced welfare reform that he later took credit for...........................back then they had a spine................too bad they pushed the same NAFTA BS THEN TO as CLINTON SIGNED IT...................

Why does the wind blow to the south in TEXAS..............because clinton signed a a deal that started a giant sucking of our jobs to Mexico.
Except the country did great under Clinton and was nearly ruined under Bush.
Except the country did great under Clinton
do you think the dotcom boom might have helped with that?....
Good, they're turning on each other....

Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.

Yes they would. Hopefully they will grow a spine this time around.
I hope not. The last time they tried that under Bush, they came very close to destroying this country. Hopefully, they continue to fail.
The last time they grew a spine................was under Clinton............forced him in a corner with gov't shutdowns.............and forced welfare reform that he later took credit for...........................back then they had a spine................too bad they pushed the same NAFTA BS THEN TO as CLINTON SIGNED IT...................

Why does the wind blow to the south in TEXAS..............because clinton signed a a deal that started a giant sucking of our jobs to Mexico.
Except the country did great under Clinton and was nearly ruined under Bush.
Under Clinton we even have billions of tax surplus but Bush just give it away as a mass bonuses..
“Most Republican voters hate their party, and that’s what needs to be addressed,” Needham told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”

“People are sick of this,” he said of the political process. “It’s a game.”

Needham charged that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is gaining traction with Americans because he is a political outsider.

Trump’s freedom from Republican leadership, he added, is winning him potential voters.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP TheHill


I don't get why they should be mad.

Anti science. Anti education. Pro war. Anti health care. They love the fetus but ignore the baby. Cut school lunches. Cut veterans benefits.
It took them 10 years before they let first responders have health care. They blocked the president from investigating BP after the gulf spill. They shut down the government. The Bush tax cuts redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.
The GOP has done everything the conservatives wanted.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP - Google Search

This fits me well. I was born on the right side converted to the left in last 10 years. I am so sick of my party that I will never vote for Republican again.
Words cannot express how angry I am with these people. That sums up everything for me.
and so what do you do?....go over to another worthless party....cut the cord,fuck these 2 parties...
Good, they're turning on each other....

Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.

Yes they would. Hopefully they will grow a spine this time around.
I hope not. The last time they tried that under Bush, they came very close to destroying this country. Hopefully, they continue to fail.
The last time they grew a spine................was under Clinton............forced him in a corner with gov't shutdowns.............and forced welfare reform that he later took credit for...........................back then they had a spine................too bad they pushed the same NAFTA BS THEN TO as CLINTON SIGNED IT...................

Why does the wind blow to the south in TEXAS..............because clinton signed a a deal that started a giant sucking of our jobs to Mexico.
Except the country did great under Clinton and was nearly ruined under Bush.

And that is why another Clinton will be voted in... Last one a success
For the TRUMP party!...Almost sounds possible.... It certainly would FUCK UP both parties!

"Trump’s freedom from Republican leadership, he added, is winning him potential voters."

While driving away the voters any GOP presidential nominee will need to win the General Election – Hispanic voters, women, weak democrats, and democratic leaning moderates, just to name a few.
Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.

Yes they would. Hopefully they will grow a spine this time around.
I hope not. The last time they tried that under Bush, they came very close to destroying this country. Hopefully, they continue to fail.
The last time they grew a spine................was under Clinton............forced him in a corner with gov't shutdowns.............and forced welfare reform that he later took credit for...........................back then they had a spine................too bad they pushed the same NAFTA BS THEN TO as CLINTON SIGNED IT...................

Why does the wind blow to the south in TEXAS..............because clinton signed a a deal that started a giant sucking of our jobs to Mexico.
Except the country did great under Clinton and was nearly ruined under Bush.

And that is why another Clinton will be voted in... Last one a success
Oh my!!!!!!

Trump third party run: 36% GOP supports, 19% of Democrats too (And 33% of Independents!)....and has a YEAR to firm up this landslide!!!!!
‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2015‎ ‎11‎:‎19‎:‎11‎ ‎PM
The Washington Examiner's Washington Secrets ^ | August 3, 2015 | Paul Bedard
If Donald Trump gets bumped out of the Republican primaries and runs as an independent third party candidate, 36 percent of Republicans and a whopping 19 percent of likely Democratic voters would support him, according to a new poll. Rasmussen Reports on Monday said that a Trump third party bid would complicate the presidential election even more than it did when H. Ross Perot ran in 1992, a bid that many believe cost former President George H.W. Bush a second term. According to the poll: • Over a third (36 percent) of likely GOP voters say they are likely to...
I am not against a conservative Republican Party, I am against the leadership of the present democratic lite Republican Party.
LOVE watching the subversives, and the scumbag RINO'S putting down these good men mentioned in this thread..... And what do the Socialist DemocRATS have to offer as president?....




At last resort, they can go with an old pedophile!

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