Herman Cain: The liberal media forced me out of the race

His tendency to not be able to keep his pants zipper up is what forced him out of the race.
Slanted reporting has done damage. Funny how Allred and the tramps disappeared back into the shadows once their mission was complete. They didn't seek retribution, but rather came out to destroy a man's reputation. No proof needed, just some accusations. Wonder what their bank accounts look like now. It was all so methodical, yet unbelievable. The second one came out after the first one failed to knock Cain's ratings down. They never breathed a word of this to any friends or family years ago and the people who knew them were surprised and didn't believe this. They didn't come forth till Cain posed a threat and odd how one of the most liberal, and probably expensive lawyers, was right there.

All a little too coincidental and a I think a huge pile of garbage. But, for those inquiring minds who eat this stuff up, I'm sure it was fun.
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Yeah, they forced Anthony Weiner out of office, too.

boofuckinghoo you idiotic loser with no concept of personal responsibility.

You'll make a great talking head on FOX.
Liberal media forced Cain to keep Ginger White a secret for 13 years from his wife.
The liberal....media....forced..him...out..of the race...

Is he sure it wasn't the fact he couldn't keep it in his pants (typical Republican btw, just look at Gingrich, Cain, Schwarzenegger, Giuliani, and so on).

If anything "forced" him out of the race, it was his inability to keep his dick in his pants... Isn't that why gingrich ended up resigning from speaker?
again we see that the democrats had something to gain from this , but, the republicans had more to gain from taking out the top GOP contender.
Meet our new $arah. He'll be on Focks soon but, did anyone see his incredible moment with Barbara Walters? I didn't see the whole thing, just the Jon Stuart bit. But he showed Cain telling Walters he wants a cabinet post in the, OMG, Dept of Defense.

Her reaction - an astounded "WHUT?" - was a classic.

If he had just told the truth instead of adding lies on top of lies, the pubs/bags will fall for anything. In spite of the massive evidence against him, he just kept lying.

Scum and Focks is welcome to him. He'll fit right in there.
If Cain wilts under this sort of pressure, it's probably better that he just bow out anyway.
again we see that the democrats had something to gain from this , but, the republicans had more to gain from taking out the top GOP contender.

He wasn't and isn't a threat to anyone.

He's dumb and brash, with no common sense to make up for his willful ignorance.

He personifies the very last thing either party wants or needs.

He did it for himself and should take responsibility for his own actions and words. And, then he should learn WHY Uzbekistan is very important to the US.
The Republicans are giving us candidates who cannot stand up to the liberal media.

They are giving us weaklings and morons.

What happens when these mental midget wimps get in office and they are called upon to, say, rebuild Iraq or burst the housing bubble?

Are they going to run from those challenges too?
The Republicans are giving us candidates who cannot stand up to the liberal media.

They are giving us weaklings and morons.

What happens when these mental midget wimps get in office and they are called upon to, say, rebuild Iraq or burst the housing bubble?

Are they going to run from those challenges too?


They do have potential candidates who MIGHT be up to the task - Johnson, Roemer and maybe, Huntsman - but they want idiots and egos.

And, I say, welcome to them.

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