

Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
For those who have a hernia and who hesitate to have an operation the longer you wait the more you will suffer and after the operation do not lift heavy objects because you will worsen your case.

Some of you have had such an experience?
:desk: I did... Of coarse it was 40 years ago... My son was 6 to 8 months old and I could not even pick him up... I don't remember anything real negative about the experience...
A friend of mine who worked at his house during confinement and returned to work and he had so much back pain from a hernia that they put him on morfine. he is going to have an emergency operation because the pain is too severe
I remember waking up from surgery, a male nurse was there in the recovery room, “how do you feel?” He said, I answered “I don’t really know”
A few hours later the pain kicked in, I was given pain killers every 4 hours, I could set my watch to the time the pain came back and the medication wore off.
When I was able I looked at myself, dark bruising had gone all the way down to my knee caps, my penis and testicles were that of an African, one side of my arse was black too.
Over the weeks I was recovering I stayed in bed, I was still taking pain tablets even then.
Learning to walk again properly and building up fitness for my job was agony.
I, thank The Lord, have a strong abdominal wall. My poor dog I had, had a hernia.
At the time, I couldn't afford to get it fixed, so he really couldn't play tug-of-war.
He did other things, though. I knew fun things to do that wouldn't draw his hernia out.
I, thank The Lord, have a strong abdominal wall. My poor dog I had, had a hernia.
At the time, I couldn't afford to get it fixed, so he really couldn't play tug-of-war.
He did other things, though. I knew fun things to do that wouldn't draw his hernia out.
Ahhhh but every time I do anything strenuous my right testicle hurts, even sat down driving, using the brakes and clutch.
I don’t want to push it by having sex, that could break the camels back?

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