Hero Baptist Minister and friends hunted for kidnapped girl and save her

Local late news had a great clip on Calie - on trampoline with her sister and hugging her pet bunny. She's happy to be home. Reporters made clear they were not going to ask her for details of what she went through. Her dad appears to be working with her pediatrician toward reaching the best outcome for Calie.
Dad is a criminal drug addict who has "problems" and was forbidden to see either of his children. Now he's father of the year? Not buying this.

Wouldn't know about the dad's drug addiction - just saying what was on the news. I don't watch news all the time but haven't heard any mention of it. No one has called him father of the year. I'm just glad the child is alive and safe. I'm sure if there are parental problems a full investigation will be made. In the meantime, all of us who don't know the family or the full story should probably let the proper authorities handle the situation.

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