Hero of the left, Rosenbaum, raped five boys, records show

Doesn't it strike anyone as strange that the rioters, shot by Rittenhouse, at a 'Black Live Matter' protest were all white?

Even the people that surrounded Rosenbaum after he was shot and tried to save him were all white.

It seems to me that these rioters that show up at BLM protests have noting to do with BLM. They're either trying to make BLM seem like a criminal organization or just a bunch of anarchist assholes taking the opportunity to cause as much havoc as possible.
Doesn't it strike anyone as strange that the rioters, shot by Rittenhouse, at a 'Black Live Matter' protest were all white?

Even the people that surrounded Rosenbaum after he was shot and tried to save him were all white.

It seems to me that these rioters that show up at BLM protests have noting to do with BLM. They're either trying to make BLM seem like a criminal organization or just a bunch of anarchist assholes taking the opportunity to cause as much havoc as possible.
Actually both, Leftist Biden voters with criminal tendencies taking advantage of the void left behind as a result of the cops standing down. This was happening in every major Democrat run city across the country. People, mostly young, who could give a rats ass about “racial justice” not even protesting and just going straight to where the malls and stores were located for looting, arson, and other criminal activities.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hollywood leftists fondly refer to him as "JoJo". They love the guy.
All their social justice hero‘s and even some of the Left’s leaders and spokespersons are like this. Toobin, Weiner, Cuomo, Hunter, Biden himself, their hollywood and other donors now proven rapists and sexual assaulters etc. it’s a party of sickos and psychos.
Actually both, Leftist Biden voters with criminal tendencies taking advantage of the void left behind as a result of the cops standing down. This was happening in every major Democrat run city across the country. People, mostly young, who could give a rats ass about “racial justice” not even protesting and just going straight to where the malls and stores were located for looting, arson, and other criminal activities.

You really believe that these people vote?
Was he found innocent by a jury?
No, he was found guilty and did time in prison. Only a few years for the boys he raped, when he should had been hanged.

Any more stupid questions about your pedophile hero?

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