'He's an embarrassment': Ted Cruz slammed by family of ex-Marine Trevor Reed after release from Russia

We should get excited because Rump did his job? Yeah, I guess so. The orange douche bag usually fucks up, right?
Sure stupid. Fill your ass tank with 6 dollar a gallon you stupid imbecile........lolololol

You people are so GD miserable I pray for you on the golf course a lot
Sure stupid. Fill your ass tank with 6 dollar a gallon you stupid imbecile........lolololol

You people are so GD miserable I pray for you on the golf course a lot
Maybe that is why you are whining over gas prices. Instead of wasting your time on the golf course like your orange douche bag, why don't you do some work and make a living, you lazy miserable good-for-nothing retard?
Maybe that is why you are whining over gas prices. Instead of wasting your time on the golf course like your orange douche bag, why don't you do some work and make a living, you lazy miserable good-for-nothing retard?
I want the gas prices doubled pal.....lolol.I'm on your side now. All in
Cruz didn't say anything because fuck Biden stopped him. Seems like Resident Fuckwad didn't like Cruz' opposition to Democrat support for Russian Nordstream 2.

From the article
"We were repeatedly advised by Administration officials that my taking a public role in this specific case would be counterproductive," Cruz said in a statement, "and that because of my role fighting to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, leaders in Russia may well have linked the two issues."
He made a drunken fool of himself and assaulted the police officers who had to pick him up and Cruz is an embarrassment. Right.
Let me guess? You didn't read the article? If you had, you would have seen the father praise the other two Repub politicians like Sen. John Cornyn for helping get his son back. And no, they didn't have to fly to Russia personally and break him out of prison.
I ask again, what precisely was Cruz supposed to do to help get this idiot home?
What was Ted supposed to do?

Tell Russia that Texas wants this criminal back, and we mean it goddammit!

Dumb fucking animals.
He could have responded. He could have riden the coat tails of Cornyn. Cruz is a weasel… plain and simple
When Trump got POWs from Korea and had families closures after 70 yrs you bastards said nothing

Why you should every GD one of your teeth pulled with pliers you worthless pofs
We repatriated Korean War era remains, not POW's under the last administration.

The average age of Korean war vets still living would have to be around 90-92.
Putting on a show of action that accomplished nothing? No, that's not really his style.
Hahaha, that’s exactly what Ted Cruz does. I’ve never seen somebody as phony as Ted Cruz… maybe Kamala Harris but Ted still takes the cake
Yet he is being praised by the family while Cruz is being condemned. But I guess they are probably just unpatriotic libtards, right?!
I'm stating facts. Cornyn did nothing that expedited the guys release. He put on a show because he knew it would play well in the press.
I'm stating facts. Cornyn did nothing that expedited the guys release. He put on a show because he knew it would play well in the press.
And yet the family was grateful for his responsiveness, support and efforts., while they were disgusted by Cruzes snub. It’s pretty simple

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