Hey Chicky-Boy

I'm not so sure about Obama being able to force refugee's on a state:

(D) With respect to the location of placement of refugees within a State, the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1) shall, consistent with such policies and strategies and to the maximum extent possible, take into account recommendations of the State.

There's also a bunch of stuff about the state being able to handle them and provide them the "best opportunity" and so forth. We'll see how far this goes, but from what I read, I have a feeling that if it went to the Supreme they would recognize that the 1980 Refugee act was not put down to /force/ states to take refugees, but rather to /regulate/ the funding states received for accepting them.
The states have a legit argument regarding the safety of their people, and here's just a few of their statement's key bits below. Also it appears that the media fails, as usual, if you read the last one.

Anyway at some point the President's power has limits and I think when it comes to taking in refugees and committing state resources to tending to them, especially with an overriding state security issue involved, States are going to have some right to deny them; though I'm not sure how much. I'll be interested to see just how this power play goes down.


"With this in mind, I am calling upon the President to immediately suspend the program pending a full review of its security and acceptance procedures. The State of Wisconsin will not accept new Syrian refugees.

There may be those who will try to take advantage of the generosity of our country and the ability to move freely within our borders through this federal resettlement program, and we must ensure we are doing all we can to safeguard the security of Americans.

Furthermore, I am opposed to recently introduced legislation encouraging the state to accept Syrian refugees in Wisconsin."

- See more at: Governor Scott Walker Releases Statement on Federal Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program | Office of the Governor - Scott Walker


"The FBI director testified to Congress that the federal government does not have the background information
that is necessary to effectively conduct proper security checks on Syrian nationals, Director Comey explained:
"'We can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no
record of them."

The threat posed to Texas by ISIS is very real. ISIS claimed credit last May when two terrorist gunmen
launched an attack in Garland, Texas. Less than two weeks later, the FBI arrested an Iraqi-born man in North
Texas and charged him with lying to federal agents about traveling to Syria to fight with ISIS. And in 2014,
when I served as Texas attorney general, we participated in a Joint Terrorism Task Force that arrested two
Austin residents for providing material support to terrorists including ISIS.

Given the tragic attack in Paris and the threats we have already seen in Texas, coupled with the FBI director's
acknowledgment that we do not have the information necessary to effectively vet Syrian nationals, Texas cannot
participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees any one of whom could be connected to terrorism being
resettled in Texas."


"Since Friday the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has been in contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and this administration has actively shared information with our local public safety partners across Tennessee.

We are currently working to get specifics from the U.S. Department of State on the status of any Syrian refugees currently slated to come to Tennessee. While screening, acceptance and placement is legally under the authority of the federal government, they have said in the past they would be open to cooperating with receiving states. Today I’m asking the federal government to suspend placements in Tennessee until states can become more of a partner in the vetting process."


"As governor of a state that plays a small role in administering part of the federal refugee resettlement program, I have concerns with the vetting process of refugees from conflict-zones, specifically Syria.

After reviewing recent public statements and personally speaking today with intelligence officials, it is my understanding that while our national security agencies are working tirelessly to vet potential refugees, there remain gaps in available intelligence for those fleeing Syria. This lack of historical and verifiable intelligence with many Syrian refugees makes it difficult, if not impossible, to thoroughly vet individuals seeking to enter the United States as a refugee.

Therefore, until I can be assured that all potential refugees from Syria have no ties to terrorist organizations, I am requesting the State Department not resettle any Syrian refugees in South Carolina."


Also it appears that the media is wrong about some of the states they claim are refusing refugees!!! Here's one they listed with this statement linked as their "source":

"The Obama administration needs to assure the public that the background checks they are doing are rigorous, and that American lives will not be endangered in the process,” said Fallin. “Until then, I call on the Obama administration to suspend any Syrian refugees into the United States. During these uncertain times, the Obama administration needs to make sure those entering the United States are not terrorists.”

During a U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing last week, FBI Director James Comey said there is a risk bringing anybody in from the outside, but especially from a conflict zone like Syria.

“The American people need to be assured that national security will not be compromised,” said Fallin. “We must maintain a strict verification process against possible terrorists.”

The governor said she has confidence in the two refugee processing affiliates in the state. Catholic Charities in Oklahoma City and Catholic Charities in Tulsa have the responsibility of placing refugees in the state.

Since 2012, three refugees from Syria have been placed in Jenks, according to information from Catholic Charities in Tulsa and the U.S. Department of State. The three, aged 50, 44 and 14, were brought to Jenks to live with family members.

Catholic Charities in Tulsa and in Oklahoma City predominantly only assist refugees seeking family reunification.

“Oklahomans have welcomed refugees escaping religious persecution for many years and will continue to do so,” Fallin said.

And you find that funny, amusing, etc? That's all the fuckin GOP-igs ever want to do is debate and hold fuckin committee hearings....12 months have gone by and these sorry welfare bastards have done what? You simple minded conservative neo nuts voted these sorry bastards in, based on the following bullshit.....job creation, closing borders, ridding the country of ACA and bullshit...to date, what the fuck have these bastards givin you morons for your votes? And because the president is too gotdamned busy to debate these bastards, you find that entertaining? Again, people like you are just too damn stupid for words
This is what he said:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

Again, he's right. Again, what's your point?
. The idea of "American winning" is an anathema to this pathetic excuse of a world leader. 2017 can't come too soon.
This is what he said:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

Again, he's right. Again, what's your point?

No, he's not. It's just a cover for his inaction.

Arguing with whiny morons is not an "action" that I place particularly high on the scale of Presidential priority.

Well, he can whine about that when the majority of states reject his plan for refugees and refuse to budge.

State Governors don't get a say in national refugee policy. They can't "reject" shit.
So you are in favor of letting iSIS terrorists into our country?
This is what he said:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

Again, he's right. Again, what's your point?

No, he's not. It's just a cover for his inaction.

Arguing with whiny morons is not an "action" that I place particularly high on the scale of Presidential priority.

Well, he can whine about that when the majority of states reject his plan for refugees and refuse to budge.
U.S. governors don't have power to refuse refugees access to their states

And if they do so anyway, what do you think he can do, besides take the states to court?

If he wins in court and they still refuse, what do you think he can do?
. It is tine for resistance to any more Obama edicts. The man is crazed, delusional and following the wishes of Hassan and the Iranians.

This resettlement will be stopped in its tracks if the House refuses to fund the program. Let Obutthole shut down the government over it.
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Buk buk buk ... bu-GAAAAHK!

Your chicken hawk cackle billy?


This is what he said:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

Again, he's right. Again, what's your point?

No, he's not. It's just a cover for his inaction.

Arguing with whiny morons is not an "action" that I place particularly high on the scale of Presidential priority.
Then he should stop arguing with himself.

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