Hey, Cons - Name a Dem Who Corresponds to Karl Rove. Betcha Can't Do It!

But I'm gonna say that Dems are just as dirty as Reps in terms of strategists.

No, we aren't. That's why we don't win elections.

There is no one on the left that pulls the stuff that Rove pulls. No one.

On a national level? Not in a while. But in local elections?

Don't kid yourself. I mean, I AM a Democrat strategist, I think I'd know.
But I'm gonna say that Dems are just as dirty as Reps in terms of strategists.

No, we aren't. That's why we don't win elections.

There is no one on the left that pulls the stuff that Rove pulls. No one.

On a national level? Not in a while. But in local elections?

Don't kid yourself. I mean, I AM a Democrat strategist, I think I'd know.

I was talking on a national level. Local - I don't know; if you say so.

So what are some dirty tricks you have seen pulled - by either side?
This thread about Karl Rove (he got shouted down at a book signing) got me thinking about something. Check this out:

Both sides like to accuse the other side of doing the same thing they are being accused of doing. To a certain extent, that is true almost universally. But it isn't necessarily equal on both sides. In some areas, there is a huge disparity.

It is my observation that Republicans are generally much better at campaigning and in winning elections than are Democrats. I have heard it said that Republicans are very good at winning elections but not very good at governing. That latter business is not the topic of this thread , but the former part is. Republicans just seem to be much better at going for the throat and not giving up. Us Dems don't seem to like to go for the throat to begin with and as far as giving up is concerned, more often than not, we never even get started.

Which brings me around to Karl Rove. Rove is a master political strategist if you don't care about fairness, ethical principles or playing by the rules. He flat gets things done for the Republican party. But his methods are, shall we say, suspect? I'm not going to waste a lot of space being critical of Rove in the OP - there will be time for that later (heh, heh).

So here's my question for the cons: You like to claim Dems do it (whatever) as much as you do. OK. Name someone (anyone) on the Democratic side of the ledger, who corresponds to Karl Rove. Who do the Democrats have who, year after year, decade after decade (and that's the critical distinction), using all kinds of dirty tricks, enables the Dems to win elections and destroy opponents, as Rove does for the Republicans?

Naming someone who made the news on one occasion for doing something nasty won't cut it. I want someone who has hung in there for decades as "Mr. Dirty Tricks" for the Dems, as Rove has unquestionably done for the Republicans.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines . . .

Are you shitting me. Every time Clinton threw a cigar away there was a scrum between Paul Begala and Jame Carville.

And I think Monica Lewinsky turned on Bubba because she was tired of fighting Stephanapolous for clean-up duty.
No, we aren't. That's why we don't win elections.

There is no one on the left that pulls the stuff that Rove pulls. No one.

On a national level? Not in a while. But in local elections?

Don't kid yourself. I mean, I AM a Democrat strategist, I think I'd know.

I was talking on a national level. Local - I don't know; if you say so.

So what are some dirty tricks you have seen pulled - by either side?

In a race where the majority of the electorate was socially conservative and economically liberal (All Polish-Catholics) - the Democratic candidate did a robo-call "thanking" people for supporting the republican, claiming that the call was from a gay rights group. The call stated: "Because of [Republican]'s support, we're this much closer to legalizing gay marriage in this state."

The Republican never supported gay marriage, but the Democrat did.
OK - I think we can sum up here.

As I expected, none of you have come up with squat. Railing at Democrats in general doesn't cut it.

The closest anyone came were the few who mentioned Carville. Carville is similar to Rove only in that they have both been political strategists for their respective parties for a long time. End of similarity. As TXlonghorn notes - how the hell does he know what dirty tricks Carville has pulled? He doesn't because Carville hasn't.

You may not like Emmanuel - but don't compare him to Rove, because Emmanuel is a politician first and a strategist second, if at all.

I am proud to say that us Dems do not have anyone on our side that equates with that slimeball piece of drek over there on the right - Mr. Rove.

I would sum it up as people gave you plenty of examples, but you don;t agree. That doesn't make it any less true. Carville helped get Clinton elected. Remember the '92 Democratic primary? He is the same as Rove. Then you have Emmanuel, Begala, Dick Morris, and Sandy Berger(still has official records stuffed in his underwear BTW). A good summary is that you asked a question, got schooled, didn't like the answer, and then dismissed any opposing opinions. Typical fucking leftist. :cool:
I wonder if Dick Cheney was still healthy and in the news this thread would be about him, and not Karl Rove?

Dick Cheney is to Karl Rove, what Adolph Hitler was to a petty thief. Dick Cheney is the personification of evil. Much can (and should) be said about Dick Cheney, but not on this thread.

Personification of evil? You are a douchenozzle that has neg rep coming your way. :thup:
This thread about Karl Rove (he got shouted down at a book signing) got me thinking about something. Check this out:

Both sides like to accuse the other side of doing the same thing they are being accused of doing. To a certain extent, that is true almost universally. But it isn't necessarily equal on both sides. In some areas, there is a huge disparity.

It is my observation that Republicans are generally much better at campaigning and in winning elections than are Democrats. I have heard it said that Republicans are very good at winning elections but not very good at governing. That latter business is not the topic of this thread , but the former part is. Republicans just seem to be much better at going for the throat and not giving up. Us Dems don't seem to like to go for the throat to begin with and as far as giving up is concerned, more often than not, we never even get started.

Which brings me around to Karl Rove. Rove is a master political strategist if you don't care about fairness, ethical principles or playing by the rules. He flat gets things done for the Republican party. But his methods are, shall we say, suspect? I'm not going to waste a lot of space being critical of Rove in the OP - there will be time for that later (heh, heh).

So here's my question for the cons: You like to claim Dems do it (whatever) as much as you do. OK. Name someone (anyone) on the Democratic side of the ledger, who corresponds to Karl Rove. Who do the Democrats have who, year after year, decade after decade (and that's the critical distinction), using all kinds of dirty tricks, enables the Dems to win elections and destroy opponents, as Rove does for the Republicans?

Naming someone who made the news on one occasion for doing something nasty won't cut it. I want someone who has hung in there for decades as "Mr. Dirty Tricks" for the Dems, as Rove has unquestionably done for the Republicans.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines . . .

Can you be more specific and cite the examples of the actions you ascribe to Rove with links?
Rove didn't invent the Politics of Personal Destruction.

Just sayin'.
Let me make sure I have this right. You are claiming that President Obama and White House Chief of Staff Emmanuel are "lower on the moral ladder" than Karl Rove? I would REALLY like to hear your basis for that one.

Just because a sitting President enacts policies that you disagree with does not mean that he is immoral. Take a look at the link in Rinata's post just above yours. THAT is immorality. Can you cite any such activity on the part of either President Obama or Chief of Staff Emmanuel?
Remember Governor Blagojevich, the guy who tried to sell Obama's old Senate Seat? Rahm Emanuel was the middle-man.

HuffPo: Rahm Emanuel Gave Blagojevich List Of 'Acceptable' Senate Candidates: Report

Anyone who knew Rahm before the 2008 election knows the guy is a snake.

How much did the cost of the seat inflate from when Obama's Handlers bought it for Him???:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'd say David Plouffe did a bang-up job.

He did - but without the dirty tricks.

David Plouffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm looking for a real snake on the left.

the Morris/carville/Clinton monster. The three headed left pointing snake.
This thread about Karl Rove (he got shouted down at a book signing) got me thinking about something. Check this out:

Both sides like to accuse the other side of doing the same thing they are being accused of doing. To a certain extent, that is true almost universally. But it isn't necessarily equal on both sides. In some areas, there is a huge disparity.

It is my observation that Republicans are generally much better at campaigning and in winning elections than are Democrats. I have heard it said that Republicans are very good at winning elections but not very good at governing. That latter business is not the topic of this thread , but the former part is. Republicans just seem to be much better at going for the throat and not giving up. Us Dems don't seem to like to go for the throat to begin with and as far as giving up is concerned, more often than not, we never even get started.

Which brings me around to Karl Rove. Rove is a master political strategist if you don't care about fairness, ethical principles or playing by the rules. He flat gets things done for the Republican party. But his methods are, shall we say, suspect? I'm not going to waste a lot of space being critical of Rove in the OP - there will be time for that later (heh, heh).

So here's my question for the cons: You like to claim Dems do it (whatever) as much as you do. OK. Name someone (anyone) on the Democratic side of the ledger, who corresponds to Karl Rove. Who do the Democrats have who, year after year, decade after decade (and that's the critical distinction), using all kinds of dirty tricks, enables the Dems to win elections and destroy opponents, as Rove does for the Republicans?

Naming someone who made the news on one occasion for doing something nasty won't cut it. I want someone who has hung in there for decades as "Mr. Dirty Tricks" for the Dems, as Rove has unquestionably done for the Republicans.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines . . .

well rahm emanual is just getting started...dick morris was pretty good at it....

but rove is an amature compared to lee atwater....lee was a gop man....and brutal....
Can you be more specific and cite the examples of the actions you ascribe to Rove with links?


Rove's dirty tricks: Let us count the ways

Wayne Madsen: Exposing Karl Rove

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Bush's Hit Man

frontline: karl rove -- the architect: mastermind: chronology - karl rove's life and political career | PBS

Who is Karl Rove? | World news | The Guardian

Karl Rove: I did not pull dirty tricks - TODAY People

Karl Rove - SourceWatch

Karl Rove links CIA leak and GOP dirty tricks

Karl Rove’s Dirty Tricks May Usher in a McCain Presidency

TruthNews.us Blog Archive Karl Rove?s Dirty Tricks May Usher in a McCain Presidency

Karl Rove?s Dirty Tricks - Karl Rove - Zimbio

VOXNYC: "Disinformation and Bush's rise to power"

Garry South: Rove's dirty tricks - Garry South - POLITICO.com

The Return of Rove : Rolling Stone

Stubborn Liberal: Dirty Tricks

Karl Rove - Right Web Profile - Institute for Policy Studies - Right Web

G.O.P. Tricks

Is Rove using his Watergate dirty tricks in NH on Dean and the Dems? - Democratic Underground

N&W: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Karl Rove - US News and World Report

Karl Rove Comes of Age

Push poll - SourceWatch

Karl Rove, Dirty Trick Master, Attempts to Rewrite History politics from the eyes of an ebony mom

Is Karl Rove up to his dirty tricks?

National Guarding Bush: Did Karl Rove Plan Leak of Alleged Forged Documents to 60 Minutes? - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471423270?redirect=true]Amazon.com: Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential (0723812477289): James Moore, Wayne Slater, James C. Moore: Books[/ame]

Karl Rove’s Dirty Tricks A Time for Change

Bush, Rove engaged in dirty tricks of their own, as far back as Watergate, highlighting the need for present-day Deep Throats

Bad Attitudes: Closing Karl Rove’s Bag of Dirty Tricks

American Chronicle | The Exposing of Karl Rove

Republican dirty tricks - Talking Politics - Boston Phoenix

Karl Rove in a Corner - Magazine - The Atlantic

Insider: Republican Dirty Tricks Machine Targeting Grass Roots Constitutionalists

Grime Pays - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Bush's Brain - A Documentary About Karl Rove

The dirty tricks of the man who was christened 'turd blossom' by Dubya - Lifestyle, Frontpage - Independent.ie

Karl Rove: Bush's Brain

Karl Rove: Bush's Brain by Sander Hicks

Karl Rove Defends His Dirty Political Tactics - Denies McCain Whisper Campaign | Video Cafe

Think Progress Rove Decries Dirty Tactics That Target Politicians’ Families

Karl Rove's Strategy for Beating Clinton and Obama - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Karl Rove says water torture is justified — and a cause for pride - Times Online

Rove Is Promoted To Deputy Staff Chief (washingtonpost.com)

Blown circuits: Rove levels attack on Sotomayor based on false claim that she and Alito were colleagues | Media Matters for America

The Election Dirty Tricks Have Begun - The Board Blog - NYTimes.com

Karl Rove's Trojan Horse among the SMU Mustangs

Karl Rove: Is Outing an Anti-Terrorist Expert Patriotic? | Antemedius

What Bush did to McCain in the 2000 S. C. primary

Texas tales in Karl Rove's memoir likely to raise a few questions, eyebrows | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | Senior Political Writer Wayne Slater

Schools Matter: Karl Rove's LAST Dirty Trick

Believers Against Bush: About Bush

Democrats.com Archive: Republican Dirty Tricks

Karl Rove - Early life and political experiences

Funniest Statement Of The Year: Karl Rove: I did not pull dirty tricks - Acura Forum - Acura World.com

Rove's role - The Boston Globe

Republican Dirty Tricks

From day one Karl Rove built a Political career on lying he will not change now! - AGORAVOX - The Citizen Media

2decide.com / Is Rove up to his old dirty tricks again?

FreeWestRadio.com karl rove

Karl Rove Announces Plans to Steal Election | Let's Try Democracy

Dirty Tricks Nixon Watergate Democratic Negative Series Scandal

The Countess: Ugly Karl Rove Tactics

Karl Rove Out! / Queerty

The ***** Vader of US elections | May 2007 | New Internationalist

Karl Rove only cares about winning

Progressives Choke on Their Pretzels as Karl Rove Rewrites History | CommonDreams.org

Karl Rove Destroyed My Life - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Amy Goodman: Rove’s Science of Dirty Tricks - Truthdig
Waaaaaa! Karl Rove beat us!

*stomps foot, takes his toys, and goes home*
This thread about Karl Rove (he got shouted down at a book signing) got me thinking about something. Check this out:

Both sides like to accuse the other side of doing the same thing they are being accused of doing. To a certain extent, that is true almost universally. But it isn't necessarily equal on both sides. In some areas, there is a huge disparity.

It is my observation that Republicans are generally much better at campaigning and in winning elections than are Democrats. I have heard it said that Republicans are very good at winning elections but not very good at governing. That latter business is not the topic of this thread , but the former part is. Republicans just seem to be much better at going for the throat and not giving up. Us Dems don't seem to like to go for the throat to begin with and as far as giving up is concerned, more often than not, we never even get started.

Which brings me around to Karl Rove. Rove is a master political strategist if you don't care about fairness, ethical principles or playing by the rules. He flat gets things done for the Republican party. But his methods are, shall we say, suspect? I'm not going to waste a lot of space being critical of Rove in the OP - there will be time for that later (heh, heh).

So here's my question for the cons: You like to claim Dems do it (whatever) as much as you do. OK. Name someone (anyone) on the Democratic side of the ledger, who corresponds to Karl Rove. Who do the Democrats have who, year after year, decade after decade (and that's the critical distinction), using all kinds of dirty tricks, enables the Dems to win elections and destroy opponents, as Rove does for the Republicans?

Naming someone who made the news on one occasion for doing something nasty won't cut it. I want someone who has hung in there for decades as "Mr. Dirty Tricks" for the Dems, as Rove has unquestionably done for the Republicans.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines . . .

About all this thread does is make transparent how blinded you are by your own mental filters.
Just read, cupcake. Pick any link and read.
All I know about Rove comes from a very trusted source. Me.

You gonna cry some more, now?

No one's crying here. I am simply lifting up a rock and watching a slimy thing running around, looking for another rock.
Just sharing your emotions, eh? As I said, it's amazing how Rove sends the lift into such a tizzy. What is more amazing is how the left reacts on important matters with emotions rather than thoughts. So typical.

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