Hey, democracy doesn't work

It is necessary to put the proclamation of values above the constitution.
Declaration of Indo-Aryan values, and everything else - only on the basis of these values.

What is strictly logically contrary to Indo-Aryan values cannot be included in the Law.

The declaration of Indo-Aryan values must be unshakable. No one should in any way be able to revise the Declaration

This will probably work. But there should be no mistakes in interpretations, so there should be aristocrats who are given the right to interpret. These aristocrats must be knights of the highest honor.

Our laws are based on the US Constitution. It protects ALL people. And can be changed if there is a need, but not easily. So there must be a real need.

If there is one thing history has taught us, it is that the aristocracy does not care about the common people, beyond meaningless gestures.
In this case, it is about the same as a dog, renounces its rights and serves the villain.

A slave is someone who is owned by another person. They have no choice in their life. They only live, work, travel or relocation because they are told to do so.

That is certainly not the case in America.
Exactly what are the Indo-Aryan ideals?
They roughly correspond to knightly values.

Valor in Defense of Truth

Disinterestedness (then corruption in power is impossible)

No mercy for the villain (mercy is not higher than justice)

Fair competition (no corporations, no meanness in the fight)

And so on.
Our laws are based on the US Constitution. It protects ALL people. And can be changed if there is a need, but not easily. So there must be a real need.
It's no need to protect everyone.
The Fathers faithfully tried to build a system, but they had to compromise with the slave owners of Washington. It's time to fix it.

There was a separate declaration of rights, this limited the arbitrariness of the villain in lawmaking.
Now it doesn't work and they find ways to break the constitution

My system is more reliable.

And also it is necessary to clarify the concept of freedom. Freedom in the European sense is not suitable for the US.
A slave is someone who is owned by another person. They have no choice in their life. They only live, work, travel or relocation because they are told to do so.
In this case, I'm talking about those who, like dogs, have exchanged freedom for food and serve the villains.

Forced slavery must be eliminated in any form, including the proletarians must receive the means of production in the property.

Liberation is one of the highest Indo-Aryan values. Indra the liberator.
In America Freedom must be interpreted only in the American sense: Freedom is responsibility. Right creates obligation.
If someone wants freedom without responsibility - death to him.
Who is not able to take responsibility cannot receive freedom. For then others will be responsible for his freedom. And this is contrary to the Rightness(Indo-aryan Rta). Everyone is responsible for himself.

Therefore, the degree of freedom is always limited by the degree of responsibility.
It's no need to protect everyone.
The Fathers faithfully tried to build a system, but they had to compromise with the slave owners of Washington. It's time to fix it.

There was a separate declaration of rights, this limited the arbitrariness of the villain in lawmaking.
Now it doesn't work and they find ways to break the constitution

My system is more reliable.

And also it is necessary to clarify the concept of freedom. Freedom in the European sense is not suitable for the US.

Yes, there is a need to protect everyone. All American citizens are all equal in the eyes of the government.

But speaking of slaves, how does the Indo-Aryan system treat women?
Yes, there is a need to protect everyone. All American citizens are all equal in the eyes of the government.
This is contrary to Rta. A virtuous person must be rewarded, a villain must be killed.
It is necessary to watch not only this, but also that no one dares to try to protect the villain. Whoever tries to defend the villain will also be executed as an accomplice in villainy.
Primitive "gender equality" is not suitable for a right-wing society. First, it contradicts the fact that freedom is measured by responsibility. A woman cannot take on as much responsibility as a strong man.
Secondly, a strong ugly woman cannot inspire superman to a feat and give him the strength not to deviate from the Right Path Rta.
A beautiful woman is a gift from heaven to support a knight on a difficult path.
A pair dance will not work if the woman does not obey, and the man does not lead. The beauty of dance brings out the beauty of romance in general. Beauty is given to man in order to perceive the aroma of life, and villains destroy the aroma of life. Therefore, the image of the villain is always an ugly dwarf and an ugly old woman. Freaks want to drink the juice of life, destroying life and all that is beautiful in it.

Primitive "gender equality" is not suitable for a right-wing society. First, it contradicts the fact that freedom is measured by responsibility. A woman cannot take on as much responsibility as a strong man.
Secondly, a strong ugly woman cannot inspire superman to a feat and give him the strength not to deviate from the Right Path Rta.
A beautiful woman is a gift from heaven to support a knight on a difficult path.

You judge women based on looks. But not men. That will never work in the US.

The days of men wielding swords are gone. Women can shoulder responsibility.
A pair dance will not work if the woman does not obey, and the man does not lead. The beauty of dance brings out the beauty of romance in general. Beauty is given to man in order to perceive the aroma of life, and villains destroy the aroma of life. Therefore, the image of the villain is always an ugly dwarf and an ugly old woman. Freaks want to drink the juice of life, destroying life and all that is beautiful in it.

American women will not be told what to do.
A foreign poster from a freaking country that hasn't been free from tyranny in 200 years, lectures Americans about democracy. Who wooda thunk it?
Great Demon OBAMA destroyed Democracy in the USA.

Sorry America is a full blown Oligarchy of the worst kind

I know many love Odemon but I only state the truth of Soviet Latin America
This is contrary to Rta. A virtuous person must be rewarded, a villain must be killed.
It is necessary to watch not only this, but also that no one dares to try to protect the villain. Whoever tries to defend the villain will also be executed as an accomplice in villainy.

But to you, people who like dogs are villians. To you, men who respect women as equals are villains.

And no, we do not kill people with the casual bloodthirstiness you show on these forums.

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