Hey Elijah.. Imagine this: Waxman threatened ISSA be physically removed!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
".... I cannot imagine a Democrat chairman cutting off the mic of a Republican. I cannot imagine it. And I would never do it. I think that I respect my colleagues, all of us representing over 700,000 people. I respect their voices, and I want to hear their voices. I will fight to hear their voices.
CNN's Erin Burnett Asks Democrat If Darrell Issa Should Lose His Chairmanship | Media Research Center


Henry Waxman Threatens Issa During Hearing, “I Will Have You Physically Removed If You Don’t Stop”…

FLASHBACK: Henry Waxman Threatens Issa During Hearing, ?I Will Have You Physically Removed If You Don?t Stop?? | Weasel Zippers

So did Issa warn you that YOU would be removed "PHYSICALLY".. Elijah???
How about this one Elijah!! Can you imagine THIS kind of suppression???

McHENRY: So the chair is saying that I may not offer an amendment --

FRANK: (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: -- exempting --

FRANK: The gentleman will sus'thpend! (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: -- American Samoa from this legislation?

FRANK: (pounding gavel) The gentleman will sus'thpend!! The gentleman is making a speech and will sus'thpend! The chair is not saying anything.

McHENRY: If the chair will let me finish my question...

FRANK: (pounds gavel) The gentleman will sus'thpend!! The chair has answered the gentleman's question. The gentlemen will state the point of order.

McHENRY: How many times did our distinguished --

FRANK: No! No! (pounding gavel) The gentleman... (pounding gavel) The gentleman (pounding gavel) ''How many times...?'' could not conceivably be a point of order! The --

McHENRY: If the chair will not answer my question --

FRANK: The gentleman will not inter'wupt. (pounding gavel)

HOUSE: (laughter)

McHENRY: Is exempted --

FRANK: (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: -- from this legislation.

FRANK: (pounding gavel) The gentleman will not, eh, uh (coughing) -- While, the chair is presiding, will not make speeches in the guise of a parliament inquiry. Comments --

McHENRY: Yeah. These were --

FRANK: (pounding gavel) No, no! The gentlemen will sus'thpend!

McHENRY: Then the --

FRANK: (slamming gavel harder) The gentlemen from Texas -- !

McHENRY: Point of order!

FRANK: (screaming) The gentlemen from Texas will sus'thpend! (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: The distinguished speaker was out of order in the past!

FRANK: (banging gavel)

Barney Frank's Greatest Hits: "The Gentleman Will Sus'thpend!" - The Rush Limbaugh Show
and since Issa is Arab; waxman must be a bigot or a racist; according to rabid politically-correct speech control
Google Issa+arson.

The man is a scuzzbag.

NOT the issue. Once again just as Cummings is trying to deflect from the criminal interference by the WH using the IRS to attack conservatives, so too is this a deflection.
Cummings is a LIAR!
He said: I cannot imagine a Democrat chairman cutting off the mic of a Republican. I cannot imagine it. And I would never do it
But HE WAS IN CONGRESS when this happened:
Henry Waxman Threatens Issa During Hearing, “I Will Have You Physically Removed If You Don’t Stop”…

FLASHBACK: Henry Waxman Threatens Issa During Hearing, ?I Will Have You Physically Removed If You Don?t Stop?? | Weasel Zippers

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