hey libbs how are you enjoying sky high food prices !!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
yeah print more money and devalue the buying power of the dollar !! and while were at it lets cause energy prices to skyrocket so the costs of producing and shipping food goes through the ceiling !!![ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]
yeah print more money and devalue the buying power of the dollar !! and while were at it lets cause energy prices to skyrocket so the costs of producing and shipping food goes through the ceiling !!!Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube


WTI Crude Oil (1 Month)


Brent Crude Oil (1 Month)

One of the biggest causes of increases in food prices is the increases in the cost of fuel.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the conservatives claim the president cannot control the price of fuel? At least thats the way it was for 8 years when Bush was in office. What changed that allows Obama to control those fuel prices?

Of course, by the same token the liberals swore the higher fuel costs were Bush's fault, but these higher fuel costs are not Obama's fault.

It would be nice if people had a memory that went back more than a week.
the last time i can recall milk being at a reasonable price was probably during the early bush years,(about 1.60 a gallon) i can remember gas going back to 1.00 for a short while in 2002. Life was easy back then.
One of the biggest causes of increases in food prices is the increases in the cost of fuel.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the conservatives claim the president cannot control the price of fuel? At least thats the way it was for 8 years when Bush was in office. What changed that allows Obama to control those fuel prices?

Of course, by the same token the liberals swore the higher fuel costs were Bush's fault, but these higher fuel costs are not Obama's fault.

It would be nice if people had a memory that went back more than a week.

Bush invaded the Middle East, adding more instability which caused prices to go up. Additionally, no one from his Administration went after any of the people artificially inflating energy costs. This is why we.blamed Bush.

So, what has Obama done to deserve being held responsible for gas and food prices?
and yet we have so many obese americans that still eat 4 meals a day, we see them everyday. the high cost of food will affect families on a budget, but if u weigh 300 pounds, u only need to eat one meal a day! and u will save so much money!
how many of you have ever been in a wal mart or grocer check out line and u cant help but observe the 350 pound customer in front of u? you cant help but look in the cart to see what their diet is,,,,,lets see,,,cases of soda, little debbie snacks, red meat, etc etc etc!
the last time i can recall milk being at a reasonable price was probably during the early bush years,(about 1.60 a gallon) i can remember gas going back to 1.00 for a short while in 2002. Life was easy back then.

Shoot, I was buying 2 gallon packs of milk for $5 when my girls were still at home, in the early 90's.

No way it was $1.60 in 2002.

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