Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class

For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Simple answer is yes, take care of our own first and foremost, like you would your own family.

Thank you...pretty fucking simple...RIGHT?
Yet we can't get a single Liberal to engage and say it without spin and diversion.
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.
For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Simple answer is yes, take care of our own first and foremost, like you would your own family.

Thank you...pretty fucking simple...RIGHT?
Yet we can't get a single Liberal to engage and say it without spin and diversion.
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.
Simple answer is yes, take care of our own first and foremost, like you would your own family.

Thank you...pretty fucking simple...RIGHT?
Yet we can't get a single Liberal to engage and say it without spin and diversion.
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.

I am sure I answered your question honestly and firmly. I am sorry about your nutlessness though.
For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Ahh, the old pitting two poor groups of people against each other. That's a new thing never seen before.
Thank you...pretty fucking simple...RIGHT?
Yet we can't get a single Liberal to engage and say it without spin and diversion.
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.

I am sure I answered your question honestly and firmly. I am sorry about your nutlessness though.
Savvy shit right there...you really got me good.
BUT, you lied....you did not answer my question...what is a "Compassionate Libertarian"? This is an honest question.

For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Ahh, the old pitting two poor groups of people against each other. That's a new thing never seen before.

Haha...this really isn't all that trivial is it? I'll bet you can't let it be as simple as it is...care to try? This is where you start to tap dance, deflect or pretend you didn't see this reply...ready? Here's your super difficult question:
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.

I am sure I answered your question honestly and firmly. I am sorry about your nutlessness though.
Savvy shit right there...you really got me good.
BUT, you lied....you did not answer my question...what is a "Compassionate Libertarian"? This is an honest question.

For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Ahh, the old pitting two poor groups of people against each other. That's a new thing never seen before.

Haha...this really isn't all that trivial is it? I'll bet you can't let it be as simple as it is...care to try? This is where you start to tap dance, deflect or pretend you didn't see this reply...ready? Here's your super difficult question:
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"

My bad thought you meant the question that the thread is about.

I do believe in a smaller federal government and more power and strength for state governments. I also believe that government (federal) is here for more than just border control and military. I would like to see a true flat tax with no expenditures for anyone and businesses to only get payroll expenditures.

Government should not be giving away free shit to business or people except those in real and true need. As far as health care the government should have never gotten involved but now that in balls deep it is a little ridiculous to think just jumping out will be a great idea. Many many more things that are to lengthy to get into on a message board but I hope got point across.

Yes it was savoy, if the retort was not what you were looking for perhaps coming across with real discussion will get you the same. Just an idea. Oh and I always do my best to tell the truth as I know it!
I do not consider myself a conservative for sure, but I see ideas from both sides being worth pursuing. Probably more of a compassionate libertarian. If people think that makes me a cop out, that is fine by me.

Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.

I am sure I answered your question honestly and firmly. I am sorry about your nutlessness though.
Savvy shit right there...you really got me good.
BUT, you lied....you did not answer my question...what is a "Compassionate Libertarian"? This is an honest question.

For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Ahh, the old pitting two poor groups of people against each other. That's a new thing never seen before.

Haha...this really isn't all that trivial is it? I'll bet you can't let it be as simple as it is...care to try? This is where you start to tap dance, deflect or pretend you didn't see this reply...ready? Here's your super difficult question:
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"

Repeating it doesn't make it less obvious what you're up to.
Dismantle the empire and take care of americans and america. Pretty simple. But you handed your govt of/by/for the people off to Wall Street, and the donor/"job creator" class.
How about everyone keep what they have, and everyone else mind their own business?
Hey, nothing wrong with toeing the line and playing both sides...it's safer there...right?
"Compassionate Libertarian" does that translate to a little more sensible, logical Liberal? When I hear the word "compassionate" and or "tolerant" I usually hear total disregard for American economics and society right behind it...is that what you mean?

Make it whatever makes you feel better about yourself and/or worse about me. It cracks me up when either cons or libs think only their side has ALL the answers.

I'm not looking to win a contest...I'm asking honest questions...slightly condescending but honest nonetheless...don't be afraid to answer them...you have complete anonymity here.
What cracks me up is when people honestly think there is bipartisan ground these days...there isn't...we're at full on war with the Left and we've learned to embrace it...the Right is fed up and finally tired of being quiet nutless pussies.

I am sure I answered your question honestly and firmly. I am sorry about your nutlessness though.
Savvy shit right there...you really got me good.
BUT, you lied....you did not answer my question...what is a "Compassionate Libertarian"? This is an honest question.

For some time now the DNC has been exhausting all energy and effort in making sure their beloved illegals / future constitutes have a red carpet to walk and are spoon fed by taxpayers...meanwhile the homeless epidemic is growing, the working poor are becoming poorer and the middle class can't get ahead.
Your thoughts?

Ahh, the old pitting two poor groups of people against each other. That's a new thing never seen before.

Haha...this really isn't all that trivial is it? I'll bet you can't let it be as simple as it is...care to try? This is where you start to tap dance, deflect or pretend you didn't see this reply...ready? Here's your super difficult question:
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"

Repeating it doesn't make it less obvious what you're up to.

Haha....sackless whackos are scared shitless of this one....yes, it's rhetorical but it's certainly not trivial...the answer is obvious for any legit American...thanks for proving my point....Meanwhile all the un-American filth continue to open this thread and pretend they didn't see it....afraid to engage for obvious reasons....AWESOME!
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Ah, man...you really hAve to do better than some "what are you, chicken?" Type response. It's a question meant to put two groups who don't have much against each other to distract from those who are taking more than both groups combined.
Ah, man...you really hAve to do better than some "what are you, chicken?" Type response. It's a question meant to put two groups who don't have much against each other to distract from those who are taking more than both groups combined.

WOW...that's the spin? Your final answer? Funny shit...you peeps have no problem at all with making complete asses of yourselves.
BINGO...you're right....this is actually about two groups...one of which is American and the other of which is foreign. AWESOME...we're making progress...Now that we've established that would you like to try again?
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"

Remember, you can always pretend that you're not seeing my replies like the rest of the cowards. OR just keep making an ass of yourself...carry on, your turn.
Dismantle the empire and take care of americans and america. Pretty simple. But you handed your govt of/by/for the people off to Wall Street, and the donor/"job creator" class.

A little side-steppin' huh...super clever..didn't see that coming at all...haha
Let's try this again;
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"
It will help the corporate state continue to divide the masses, it will make no difference economically.

Would booting 20 million illegal aliens help the corporate state?
Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class

if we are going to give away money and support

we should take of our own first
Dismantle the empire and take care of americans and america. Pretty simple. But you handed your govt of/by/for the people off to Wall Street, and the donor/"job creator" class.

A little side-steppin' huh...super clever..didn't see that coming at all...haha
Let's try this again;
"Hey Libs: Should .gov divert energy and cash away from illegals and toward our poor & middle class?"
It will help the corporate state continue to divide the masses, it will make no difference economically.

Would booting 20 million illegal aliens help the corporate state?

I'll answer for him.
"Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, Wall Street"

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