Hey Sharpton, Jackson and the New Black Panthers What about Delric Miller IV?


Apr 22, 2007

Look how adorable this baby is? He is full of life. Or he was full of life until an African American gangbanger shot him! Why aren't Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or the New Black Panthers going down to Detroit to protest and REQUIRE JUSTICE!!! The murders are still at large! Why aren't these race hustlers saying they are under assault? 1000 fold more black men are killed by other black men than by whites or latinos!

Do they not care because it was a black on black murder? Is blacks killing blacks cool in their eyes! What fake worthless shitholes!

9-Month-Old Child is Shot and Killed on Detroit's West Side
Nine-month-old Delric Miller IV was killed this morning as a result of a drive-by shooting on the 8000 block of Greenview street on Detroit's west side. It happened around 4:00 a.m. on Monday.

Police are on the lookout for two men driving a slightly older-model gray minivan, who they say are "cold blooded killers."

A $5,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to the arrest of one or both suspects.

Play the video to watch the latest report from Fox 2's Amy Lange and Alexis Wiley. Fox 2 cameras gained exclusive access to the home Monday. We've included a set of photos above.

We've also included Alexis Wiley's report from Monday evening, at a candlelight vigil for the young victim.

Neighbors say two men stood in the middle of the street with at least one assault rifle and opened fire, riddling the front of the house with 37 bullets. They then continued to fire away at the side of the house.

Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee says as many as 10 people may have been inside
Because, I wager..if the police find the perps..they will arrest them.
Because, I wager..if the police find the perps..they will arrest them.


What if they find the wrong guy, are you still going to be for it even if the "prep" is innocent? Nope the prep has to be white for you to want to toss an innocent guy in jail!
You see, Al and Jesse and other race pimps are lazy bastards. It's a hell of a lot easier to get upset about one dead black kid - especially since he was killed by a "white" Hispanic - than, for example, get involved in the forty-something shootings that took place on the south (black) side of Chicago over the St. Pat's weekend. The vast majority of the victims were black and various reports I've read said 9 or so of them died. More wildly out of control black on black homicides, an epidemic within the black community that's been going on for years and gets worse with each passing one IMO.

Where's the race pimps' outrage over what any rationale human being would consider the complete breakdown of the mores within the black culture? How many blacks in this country will die this year at the hands of other blacks? Several hundreds I'd imagine, but the so-called black leaders don't seem to care about their brothers and sisters.

Wise up black people. You've got much bigger fish to fry right outside your front door.

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