Hey you entitlement class blacks: I've figured out how much in reparations I owe you

Tell that to the Native Americans you will pay reparations to until the end of days. Last, we aren't talking about the sins of the father, we're talking about the sons who continue committing similar sins. On top of that, financial debt owed does not end at death.
I'm actually part indian, and I get nothing other than having to pay taxes. Indians including the Mexicans and others pretending to be Indians need to all be kicked off the freebie tits. I'm tired of supporting their asses....especially the drug and criminal ones like yourself.
I grew during and through the supposed end of Jim Crow. I have been harassed by police for no reason, denied jobs/promotions because I am black, and still endure racism from human shit stains like you. Blacks are owed reparations from the government. America will pay blacks reparations, or America will be destroyed. Understand that and shut your ignorant white whining ass up.

You have never met me. Cops are assholes to anybody who ain't a cop. You are owed nothing.
Biden is your President whether you want to accept it or not you safe space needing snowflake. LOL.

Nah, he's merely the resident. I find it funny that wimps, like you, are trying to get a little war going though. You internet tough guys will run crying to your mommies when the shit hits the fan.

You always do...
Nah, he's merely the resident. I find it funny that wimps, like you, are trying to get a little war going though. You internet tough guys will run crying to your mommies when the shit hits the fan.

You always do...
No. Cuck. We rioted in the streets and bent the country to our will. Got your coward cop convicted, extorted tens of millions of dollars from companies, got statues of your heroes torn down and were celebrated for it, while you cucks rioted once at the Capitol, got a bitch shot and tucked tail and went home to be hunted by the F.B.I. and labeled insurrectionists. You dipshits live in a hilarious alternate reality. But I understand why safe space needing mother fuckers like you would need one. Lol.
Rioting is a proud American tradition. The Tea Party named their movement after our most famous one. Here in America though we like when you riot against tyranny, not to over throw elections. Something the cucks at the Capitol found out. Lol.
So you have no qualms about looting businesses, murdering innocent bystanders and LEOs, and burning buildings? Man I hope the FBI is keeping close tabs on you, Communist scumbag!
Some folks will continue to demand more and more until someone in authority has the guts to say, "Sorry! No more!"
...Time to go home. Then has the guts to make it happen.

Because the rioting, the.looting, the crime, the ridiculous demands are never going to end. Until good citizens do what it takes to make them end. Once and for all.
...Time to go home. Then has the guts to make it happen.

Because the rioting, the.looting, the crime, the ridiculous demands are never going to end. Until good citizens do what it takes to make them end. Once and for all.
Let's be fair and realistic.

1. There are some wonderful African Americans, who are much nicer than the other ethnicities in this strange country.

2. This IS their home. Most come from families who have been here longer than the families of most other Americans.

3. Sadly, there is an unusually large number of their youth who simply have no conscience.

4. The future is obvious: The Caucasian ethnicity will continue to decline in numbers, African Americans and Hispanic Americans will become the majority, the remaining Caucasians (and Asians?) will seek to find safe havens in this country or decide to emigrate.

5. America is simply being punished for its sin of forcing people from a faraway continent to come here in 1619 to work for free.
Let's be fair and realistic.

1. There are some wonderful African Americans, who are much nicer than the other ethnicities in this strange country.

2. This IS their home. Most come from families who have been here longer than the families of most other Americans.

3. Sadly, there is an unusually large number of their youth who simply have no conscience.

4. The future is obvious: The Caucasian ethnicity will continue to decline in numbers, African Americans and Hispanic Americans will become the majority, the remaining Caucasians (and Asians?) will seek to find safe havens in this country or decide to emigrate.

5. America is simply being punished for its sin of forcing people from a faraway continent to come here in 1619 to work for free.
You might want to read a history book or two. Importing slaves was only legal in the USA from 1776 until 1808. There was no USA prior to July 4th, 1776, we were part of the British Empire and importing slaves into the western hemisphere was the policy of the British Kings. So America only allowed "forcing people from a faraway continent to come here" for thirty two years. After that our fledgling navy was one of most active forces in the suppression of the slave trade.

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