Hey you entitlement class blacks: I've figured out how much in reparations I owe you

No. Cuck. We rioted in the streets and bent the country to our will. Got your coward cop convicted, extorted tens of millions of dollars from companies, got statues of your heroes torn down and were celebrated for it, while you cucks rioted once at the Capitol, got a bitch shot and tucked tail and went home to be hunted by the F.B.I. and labeled insurrectionists. You dipshits live in a hilarious alternate reality. But I understand why safe space needing mother fuckers like you would need one. Lol.

I was really, really hoping that the rioting negro hordes were going to bring their riotous ways to my neighborhood.

They're got frozen water bottles. We've got AR-15's and thousands of rounds of ammunition. The guy across the street from me even has two, count 'em, two Barrett 82A1's.

Negroes wouldn't make it past the second corner...
I was really, really hoping that the rioting negro hordes were going to bring their riotous ways to my neighborhood.

They're got frozen water bottles. We've got AR-15's and thousands of rounds of ammunition. The guy across the street from me even has two, count 'em, two Barrett 82A1's.

Negroes wouldn't make it past the second corner...
Sure cuck boy. All that big talk and what? We are taking your country from you and so far all you cucks have done is keep those guns in your pants. Come and do something about us bitch boy.
Eight of my great-grandparents worked to collect Reparations from Russian Nobility. All Russian peasants, workers, and ethnic minorities got Reparations in 1918-1920.

I wish good luck to African Americans.
Sure cuck boy. All that big talk and what? We are taking your country from you and so far all you cucks have done is keep those guns in your pants. Come and do something about us bitch boy.

You're not gonna' do shit, you cum-guzzling bitch.

I've already stood in opposition to pieces of shit like you. You wet yourselves and then run away like the pu8nk bitches everyone knows you are.

So fuck off, "cuck boy"...
You're not gonna' do shit, you cum-guzzling bitch.

I've already stood in opposition to pieces of shit like you. You wet yourselves and then run away like the pu8nk bitches everyone knows you are.

So fuck off, "cuck boy"...
Boy we already have. I'm a first generation immigrant, came to this country in my mother's belly and this country is more mine than yours cuck. Lol. How ashamed your ancestors must be of their soft ass progeny.
I was really, really hoping that the rioting negro hordes were going to bring their riotous ways to my neighborhood.

They're got frozen water bottles. We've got AR-15's and thousands of rounds of ammunition. The guy across the street from me even has two, count 'em, two Barrett 82A1's.

Negroes wouldn't make it past the second corner...
Why didn't you grow a pair and initiate this race war you seem to want ?

Why are you waiting blacks to come to your neck of the woods ?

Why didn't you strap up and take your AR-15's and "thousands of rounds of ammo" and create your own negro bloodbath ?
Why didn't you grow a pair and initiate this race war you seem to want ?

Oh, I don't want it.

But I also won't run from it...

Why are you waiting blacks to come to your neck of the woods ?
I've told you countless times, dumbass, blacks live in my neck of the woods, and they'd be armed and standing right beside me when the shooting starts...

Why didn't you strap up and take your AR-15's and "thousands of rounds of ammo" and create your own negro bloodbath ?

We'll just wait for it to come to us...
Oh, I don't want it.

But I also won't run from it...

I've told you countless times, dumbass, blacks live in my neck of the woods, and they'd be armed and standing right beside me when the shooting starts...

We'll just wait for it to come to us...
What are you waiting for ? Why don't you initiate it ? You're talking all this tough talk
You're not man enough to take anything from anyone, you cum-guzzling bitch...
I'm in your country and helped vote Trump out of office and used protests and social pressure to tear down your statues and piss all over your history and culture. But go ahead and keep pretending none of that happened you safe space needing little cuck. Lol.
Eight of my great-grandparents worked to collect Reparations from Russian Nobility. All Russian peasants, workers, and ethnic minorities got Reparations in 1918-1920.

I wish good luck to African Americans.
The difference there is that all parties involved were alive and participated. Who pays and who receives in this case, Jew? Do you pay?
I've told you countless times, dumbass, blacks live in my neck of the woods, and they'd be armed and standing right beside me when the shooting starts...
Don't be so sure about that. Give me an example of Blacks acting traitor to their own people. I only see whites doing that.
I'm in your country and helped vote Trump out of office and used protests and social pressure to tear down your statues and piss all over your history and culture. But go ahead and keep pretending none of that happened you safe space needing little cuck. Lol.
You've done nothing except repeatedly wet your diaper...
Let's see: Divide the numerator by the denominator, carry the zeroes, round it off to the nearest dollar amount, and it all adds up to this:

Nothing. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. Bupkis: Absolutely nothing; nothing of value, significance, or substance. Wanna know why?

I'll tell you why:

My Great Great Grandfather's name was Jeremiah P******. He was a farmer and lived in Hempstead County Arkansas. He was conscripted into the Confederate army toward the end of the Civil War, but he and several others deserted. He another guy were caught and were going to be hung, but my Great-Great Grandfather escaped, and hid out in the Little Missouri River bottoms. The other guy wasn't so lucky.

After the war was over, he became the County Treasurer. I don't know if it was before the Civil War or after, he got some black girl pregnant. He sent the girl and her kid up North to go to school.

True family story. So reparations? Shove them up you collective asses. I owe you nothing, nor do any of my ancestors. GFY.
Whites Built America, So America Is for Whites Only

What is the difference between Aframs' income and the laziness-produced income of those left behind in the jungle? That amount is the reparations they owe to their cousins in Africa. Or they owe it to Whites, because they would have made a typical African income if they hadn't had a chance to freeload off what we built here. The usual outcome of living back where they came from is to become a lion's lunch.
You've done nothing except repeatedly wet your diaper...
Then tell that to the OP. Apparently he thinks statues of piece of shit slavers were replaced by statues of freed slaves. You should tell him you think that's fake news. Lol

Wait this is a different thread huh? Go find that thread. That's what we did and we ain't done yet boy.
Don't be so sure about that. Give me an example of Blacks acting traitor to their own people. I only see whites doing that.

I'm absolutely certain about that.

The black people who live in my neighborhood are disgusted by the antics of the negroes who live in this city. It's not a matter of being a traitor as those who's be in our sights are colored pieces of shit; negro hordes. They're not blacks...

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