Hey you entitlement class blacks: I've figured out how much in reparations I owe you

Whites Built America, So America Is for Whites Only

What is the difference between Aframs' income and the laziness-produced income of those left behind in the jungle? That amount is the reparations they owe to their cousins in Africa. Or they owe it to Whites, because they would have made a typical African income if they hadn't had a chance to freeload off what we built here. The usual outcome of living back where they came from is to become a lion's lunch.
And don't forget about their life spans. When brought to North America, their lifespans instantly doubled, and there is still a big difference between the life expectancy of US blacks compared to those living in Black Africa, where most wont make it out of their 50s
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Russian serfs were freed in 1861. They got Reparations in 1918-1920.

Leon Trotsky worked to built a Free Socialist Society. Sadly, USSR became Totalitarian under Stalin.
Like I said, the parties affected were still alive. And, the so-called reparations were really just a government scam that did nothing to benefit the serfs.
When it comes to reparations, I ask you again--Who pays and who receives? Do you--a Russian Jew--Pay? Why not? And how about paying reparations to the victims of communism? What about reparations from Rome to Christians? Or how about the Jews pay reparations for the killing of Jesus of Nazareth and the subsequent persecutions? How about my family get reparations from the Democrats who attacked us with weaponized migration into our neighborhoods, thus, forcing us to flee and loose our equity?
Because the government does owes us.
You seem very ungrateful for the successful life you have had living in this great country. All those Haitians splashing around in the Rio Grande would give everything for the opportunity you have had.
You seem very ungrateful for the successful life you have had living in this great country. All those Haitians splashing around in the Rio Grande would give everything for the opportunity you have had.

The government owes us trillions. You seem very ungrateful for what the government gave your family that blacks were excluded from even as blacks paid taxes.
You seem very ungrateful for the successful life you have had living in this great country. All those Haitians splashing around in the Rio Grande would give everything for the opportunity you have had.
The reasons why Haitians want to come to America is BECAUSE of black Americans. Even as a systematic UNDERCLASS blacks in America have fought this nation to give us opportunities that people from other countries are scared to fight for in their own countries.

In the United States Of America black people are up against the single most sophisticated military the world has ever seen. The most violent survelliance state the world has ever seen AND YET WE FIGHT THESE BASTARDS

And we do that knowing that we are outnumbered, outgunned and outfinanced. In 2020 black Americans had these white supremacists on their knees.We forced them to take a knee. The bowed down and all these immigrants see that sh*t and want that protection and a lot of em can't stand black Americans.

And you notice there was no half assin around when they wanted those Haitians out (This was thousands of them) There was no "I think we need to have study to see what we can do for black haitians" "Where will the money come from ?" "Where will we get the planes ?"

No !! They got em outta there with the quickness !!


What does that tell about all the Latinos immigrants ? They can get them outta there if they want to but Latino's boost white numbers and plus whites have the added bonus of the fact that Latino's hate black ppl too.
Oh yeah, you might get pulled over once every 5 years or so for no good reason. How do you poor Blacks endure such horror from Racist America? Maybe you should escape to Brazil.
The government owes us trillions. You seem very ungrateful for what the government gave your family that blacks were excluded from even as blacks paid taxes.
I know it is different in circumstance. Euro People who arrived here from the beginning of the 20th Century through the 1920's did not have it easy. No EBT. No Free Medical. No Welfare Checks. No Child Welfare People. No Free Stuff from the Private Side. They came here without the boot straps that you claim not to have. But they had one thing...A trade with their education as they were escaping the growing fascism we are now experiencing here. Fella. The children out of wedlock and teenagers must be reduced. When the system collapses or craters and it will, you are going to be really pizzed off. Stop calling this hate. If it makes you feel better I go through and have gone through aggravation with my own family. I firmly believe things could be better. If you want socialism then the parameters of the peon class must be made closer together. And many of the employees doing better in that realm or black. In employment, reduce wages for some and rise for others.
I know it is different in circumstance. Euro People who arrived here from the beginning of the 20th Century through the 1920's did not have it easy....
If you think immigrants today "have it easy," you're nuts.
... The children out of wedlock and teenagers must be reduced. ...
"The US teen birth rate (births per 1,000 females aged 15 to 19 years) has been declining since 1991. "

I know it is different in circumstance. Euro People who arrived here from the beginning of the 20th Century through the 1920's did not have it easy. No EBT. No Free Medical. No Welfare Checks. No Child Welfare People. No Free Stuff from the Private Side. They came here without the boot straps that you claim not to have. But they had one thing...A trade with their education as they were escaping the growing fascism we are now experiencing here. Fella. The children out of wedlock and teenagers must be reduced. When the system collapses or craters and it will, you are going to be really pizzed off. Stop calling this hate. If it makes you feel better I go through and have gone through aggravation with my own family. I firmly believe things could be better. If you want socialism then the parameters of the peon class must be made closer together. And many of the employees doing better in that realm or black. In employment, reduce wages for some and rise for others.
Oh yeah, you might get pulled over once every 5 years or so for no good reason. How do you poor Blacks endure such horror from Racist America? Maybe you should escape to Brazil.
Wrong. You're white. Turn black, live for 5 years then come back and talk. Until then you're talking out of your ass. But that's what whire racist do.
And don't forget about their life spans. When brought to North America, their lifespans instantly doubled, and there is still a big difference between the life expectancy of US blacks compared to those living in Black Africa, where most wont make it out of their 50s
Like I said, the parties affected were still alive. And, the so-called reparations were really just a government scam that did nothing to benefit the serfs.
When it comes to reparations, I ask you again--Who pays and who receives? Do you--a Russian Jew--Pay? Why not? And how about paying reparations to the victims of communism? What about reparations from Rome to Christians? Or how about the Jews pay reparations for the killing of Jesus of Nazareth and the subsequent persecutions? How about my family get reparations from the Democrats who attacked us with weaponized migration into our neighborhoods, thus, forcing us to flee and loose our equity?
This question has not been asked for any other group that has received reparations. Your post is stupid, but you're a racist, therefore YOU are stupid.
Wrong. You're white. Turn black, live for 5 years then come back and talk. Until then you're talking out of your ass. But that's what whire racist do.
We were making such good progress in our last discussion about the source of drugs pouring into the inner cities. Too bad you got scared and ran back inside your bubble.
This question has not been asked for any other group that has received reparations. Your post is stupid, but you're a racist, therefore YOU are stupid.
Not much of a reply, Bell Curve boy.
If you think immigrants today "have it easy," you're nuts.
Of course they have it immensely more easy today than the European immigrants from the past had it. There were no welfare programs, no ESL classes in schools (it was English immersion only), no NGO like we have today, No HEEP, no WIC, no SNAP, no free medical, no housing programs, they existed in much smaller numbers, they had to take dangerous jobs like mine working without any OSHA, and over 40 percent of them from the past had to go back where they came from

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