Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
At least 10 dead. They won't stop, Iran is flush with cash and so are their terrorist friends. They want to eliminated Israel

Worse, when they believe there is a chance the next administration might be sympathetic to their cause.

JERUSALEM – The Iran-backed terrorist movement Hezbollah on Saturday rained down rockets on Israel, with at least one hitting a soccer field where children were playing in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams right by the border with Syria. Initial reports say at least 10 dead and 29 injured, many thought to be children.

The soccer field in the majority Druze town is a scene of shocking violence and the most devastating loss of life in the north since Hezbollah entered the war on behalf of the terrorist entity Hamas on Oct. 7. The Magen David Adom ambulance service says the victims are aged 10 to 20.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the blame squarely on Hezbollah in a statement issued shortly after the attack. "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children earlier this evening."
At least 10 dead. They won't stop, Iran is flush with cash and so are their terrorist friends. They want to eliminated Israel

Worse, when they believe there is a chance the next administration might be sympathetic to their cause.

JERUSALEM – The Iran-backed terrorist movement Hezbollah on Saturday rained down rockets on Israel, with at least one hitting a soccer field where children were playing in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams right by the border with Syria. Initial reports say at least 10 dead and 29 injured, many thought to be children.

The soccer field in the majority Druze town is a scene of shocking violence and the most devastating loss of life in the north since Hezbollah entered the war on behalf of the terrorist entity Hamas on Oct. 7. The Magen David Adom ambulance service says the victims are aged 10 to 20.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the blame squarely on Hezbollah in a statement issued shortly after the attack. "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children earlier this evening."

Israel is a terrorist state, built on terrorism and maintained by terrorism, they're utter idiots too, they have bitten off more than they can chew this time.

The Israeli settlements are illegal, they have to be destroyed. Typical too, Nazinyahu is schmoozing it up with the US elites while his countrymen are being attacked by missiles, he was effectively absent, useless on Oct 7th and he's absent, useless again today July 27th.

To not expect some kind of attack while he's visiting the US is utter incompetence too.
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That football field was likely a weapon store, kids were being used as human shields, pretend sports field with underground tunnels. Wonder if Hezbollah will bomb a hospital or school next? Nah, that's silly, nobody would ever do anything that depraved...
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Iran is flush with cash

They want to eliminated Israel

Worse, when they believe there is a chance the next administration might be sympathetic to their cause.
YOU THINK? :dunno:

Surely, by "destroyed", you don't mean firing rockets at the villages until every man, woman, and child is killed.
No, those illegal occupants should leave, get out, I'd give them 24 hours notice, seems to be pretty standard time allowance these days, not sure where they will go though, but never mind, that's no important.
At least 10 dead. They won't stop, Iran is flush with cash and so are their terrorist friends. They want to eliminated Israel

Worse, when they believe there is a chance the next administration might be sympathetic to their cause.

JERUSALEM – The Iran-backed terrorist movement Hezbollah on Saturday rained down rockets on Israel, with at least one hitting a soccer field where children were playing in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams right by the border with Syria. Initial reports say at least 10 dead and 29 injured, many thought to be children.

The soccer field in the majority Druze town is a scene of shocking violence and the most devastating loss of life in the north since Hezbollah entered the war on behalf of the terrorist entity Hamas on Oct. 7. The Magen David Adom ambulance service says the victims are aged 10 to 20.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the blame squarely on Hezbollah in a statement issued shortly after the attack. "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children earlier this evening."
Time for the IDF to take (and keep) southern Lebanon.
Time for the IDF to take (and keep) southern Lebanon.
They tried that years ago, got rather a beating too if I recall. Hezbollah now has a hundred times as many rockets as they had back then too.

Hezbollah’s military defeat of Israel was decisive, but its political defeat of the United States–which unquestioningly sided with Israel during the conflict and refused to bring it to an end–was catastrophic and has had a lasting impact on US prestige in the region.

When will the US learn, Israel is ball and chain, brings nothing to the US, other countries no longer give much of a fuck about the Zionist craphole even. Time to throw the dumb bastards under a bus, enough of their racism and genocide and apartheid. Let the Arabs do as they want with Israel, not worth saving.
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Your selection of historical sources is even poorer. FFS, where in the very dregs of the internet do you dig up this shit?
You spotted a factual error?

We Were Caught Unprepared: The 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli War

The Israelis are incompetent, even with huge material advantages they trip over their own feet.

On 12 July 2006, a well-trained, highly motivated detachment of Hezbollah fighters crossed from southern Lebanon into northern Israel killing three Israeli soldiers and abducting two others. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the incursion an act of war and proclaimed Lebanon will suffer the consequences of its actions. Convinced they could force Hezbollah to disarm and withdraw from southern Lebanon by initiating an effects-based air campaign, the Israeli Air Force IAF began pounding targets across Lebanon. Although initially taken aback by the destructive air strikes, Hezbollah unleashed its own attack within 24 hours, launching an extensive rocket barrage from southern Lebanon into Israel.

Despite Israel assuring the United States of a quick and decisive resolution to the conflict, Hezbollahs short-range Katyusha rockets continued to rain down on the Israeli population. As days went by, it became increasingly apparent to both the Israeli Defense Forces IDF and western military analysts that the IAF was having little effect on Hezbollahs rockets. When the IDF reluctantly moved its ground forces into southern Lebanon, the apparent ineffectiveness of the operation and the stubborn resistance of Hezbollah fighters stunned military observers worldwide.

Hezbollah are now armed to the teeth compared to 2006, Israel has everything to lose.

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