"Hi...welcome to Walmart...my name is Pepper and I'm here to help you shop!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!
Evidently these people aren't aware of "Pepper"!!!

McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants are expected to be targeted with acts of civil disobedience that could lead to arrests Thursday as labor organizers escalate their campaign to unionize the industry’s workers.

Kendall Fells, an organizing director for Fast Food Forward, said in an interview that workers in a couple of dozen cities were trained to peacefully engage in civil disobedience ahead of this week’s planned protests.

Fells declined to say what exactly is in store for the protests in around 150 U.S. cities. But workers involved in the movement recently cited sit-ins as an example of strategies they could use to intensify their push for higher pay and unionization. Past protests have targeted a couple of restaurants in each city.

The “Fight for $15” campaign is being backed by the Service Employees International Union and has gained national attention at a time when growing income disparities have become a hot political issue.
'Pepper' is worthless......doesn't even vacuum.
I bet she can tell you how much you in your own order...we, where to put your cash or card, and where to sign or pick up your change, and if for fast food, after you have punched Iin your own order
As they say... be careful what you ask for...

Why do you think so much automation is used in car assembly now?
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!

The job of the greater is more than just saying hi,
They also perform security checks when the alarm goes off on security tags.
our Wal Mart just recently brought back the greeter after years of people complaining about having to get their own carts out of the corral. Can Pepper do that?
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!

The job of the greater is more than just saying hi,
They also perform security checks when the alarm goes off on security tags.
What is a "greater"???
Robots will happen eventually no matter what. Wal-Mart would put all of those employees out of work even if the minimum wage was $1 if they could. Which isn't necessarily something to blame them for it's just the logical progression as technology takes over.
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!

The job of the greater is more than just saying hi,
They also perform security checks when the alarm goes off on security tags.
What is a "greater"???
A typo, it should be greeter...
Pepper's Robot brethren are gonna' fan out all over the US and take those Service Jobs that the Gov't said would sustain the Economy. Then they'll stop yer Gov't checks. See how that works?

Oh, and make sure you encourage your sons and daughters to go get blown up in the made up "War on Terror" or in the Prisons that will soon be filled with American Criminals!

Suckers! There's NOTHING Americans won't accept! :laugh:
No workers, no income. No income, no sales . . . and the eventual end of shareholder profits.

Is capitalism doomed to failure? Yes, it is. This story is one illustration.
This is the incredible fleet of robots helping to provide food for almost 1,000 patients at a new £430 million super hospital.

Southmead Hospital in Bristol has deployed a fleet of 12 automatic guided vehicles to deliver meals to its 950 patients.

The droids, which start work at 10.15 every morning, are capable of opening doors, operating lifts and picking up food without any human assistance.
Robots help deliver meals for patients Western Daily Press

So question.. will Service Employees International Union (SEIU) be bargaining on the robots behalf??
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!

The job of the greater is more than just saying hi,
They also perform security checks when the alarm goes off on security tags.
What is a "greater"???
A typo, it should be greeter...
It's amazing you have to explain it.
1500 dollars seems unreasonable I am thinking it will cost 10 times that amount.

Believe it or not there are people that you just can not teach to be brain surgeons. What are we to do with these people? But them on the welfare wagon and let them ride that their entire life? What are the illegals that are flooding our country going to do? Uneducated, unskilled and speaking Spanish, what is their success path.

I am thinking if people are replaced by robots I will do my best not to frequent that store. But price does rule.

I am thinking that it would cost too much to maintain a robot but then I realize with health care as messed up as it is today, in regards to cost, maintaining an employee isn't cheap either. But since we are not going the Soyant Green path those people will need health care. So again, it comes down to who pays.

I get no joy out of seeing people lose jobs, I am really not sure why many seem to find joy.
Walmart is actually putting on more cashiers in response to customer complaints...

...which if nothing else proves they can afford to.
The 1.2 meter (4 foot) robot dances, makes jokes and estimates human emotions based on expressions. Pepper will go in sale in Japan in February for 198,000 yen ($1,900) while the company hasn’t set a U.S. price.
SoftBank to Sell Robot in U.S. Stores Within 12 Months - Bloomberg

As a result Walmart will be able to keep fewer people BUT thank goodness PAY THEM MORE!!
After all why have a person who's only skill set is coming in on time and saying" Welcome to Walmart" paying them $ 10.00 hour minimum wage???
Makes all the sense in the world... except to the greeters let go!!!

The job of the greater is more than just saying hi,
They also perform security checks when the alarm goes off on security tags.
What is a "greater"???
A typo, it should be greeter...
It's amazing you have to explain it.
NO you idiot! IT IS AMAZING people can't spell!!!
Sure it is a typo... but see this inattention to detail is what our country has become!
So glossed over with emotions that the realities that are VERY VERY important are missing in the
haste to emote!
THINK before you push the "post reply" button!
Check before you hit the send!
This was the point which OBVIOUSLY went WAY WAY over your head!
Walmart is actually putting on more cashiers in response to customer complaints...

...which if nothing else proves they can afford to.
Prove it! Where is your substantiation for YOUR WILD guess comment?
FACT: Walmart is putting more in for the HOLIDAY SEASON... will be cut back and more self service installed!!!
In an attempt to lure more customers this holiday season, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.WMT +0.45% is promising to staff each of its cash register from the day after Thanksgiving through the days just before Christmas during peak shopping times.

When customer service becomes self-service
Whether you’re banking or buying groceries, companies are moving toward a do-it-yourself approach. Here’s how to survive and thrive.
To save money. A customer-service transaction handled by a live agent usually costs between $2 and $10, compared with just pennies for, say, placing an order online, says John Goodman, vice chairman of Customer Care Measurement & Consulting, based in Alexandria, Va.

When that happens, even the self-checkout might become obsolete, because customers could complete the process by wheeling their carts nonstop through a barrier—like a high-speed E-ZPass lane on a highway—that automatically totals all of the items and bills you electronically.
When Customer Service Becomes Self-Service - Consumer Reports

But again idiots like you that call for raising minimum wage are doing nothing but pushing more and more unemployment of the very people you wanted to HELP!
Remember... less then 3.3 million people work at minimum wage!
Of those 1 million are ages 16 to 19 and THEIR ONLY job value they bring to the entry level jobs are being in attendance ON time every day!
Those characteristics CAN BE REPLACED by robots!
Idiots like you and other that jump to conclusions WITHOUT the facts are what is really causing the unemployment of people that need just entry level skills and you are eliminating them with your stupid push to raise minimum wage!
I started working in 1958 at $1.00 hour at my local supermarket.
That's what I was worth at 16 years old as it required ONLY my being there on time and every day! Over the years I learned more and more and my skill sets which at with my knowledge base puts me in a unique class of less then 100 people in the USA having the same set of skills and knowledge. But it started at a entry level $1.00 hr job which is what these 16 to 19 years WILL lose when minimum wage increases to $15.00!
Walmart is actually putting on more cashiers in response to customer complaints...

...which if nothing else proves they can afford to.
Prove it! Where is your substantiation for YOUR WILD guess comment?
FACT: Walmart is putting more in for the HOLIDAY SEASON... will be cut back and more self service installed!!!
In an attempt to lure more customers this holiday season, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.WMT +0.45% is promising to staff each of its cash register from the day after Thanksgiving through the days just before Christmas during peak shopping times.

When customer service becomes self-service
Whether you’re banking or buying groceries, companies are moving toward a do-it-yourself approach. Here’s how to survive and thrive.
To save money. A customer-service transaction handled by a live agent usually costs between $2 and $10, compared with just pennies for, say, placing an order online, says John Goodman, vice chairman of Customer Care Measurement & Consulting, based in Alexandria, Va.

When that happens, even the self-checkout might become obsolete, because customers could complete the process by wheeling their carts nonstop through a barrier—like a high-speed E-ZPass lane on a highway—that automatically totals all of the items and bills you electronically.
When Customer Service Becomes Self-Service - Consumer Reports

But again idiots like you that call for raising minimum wage are doing nothing but pushing more and more unemployment of the very people you wanted to HELP!
Remember... less then 3.3 million people work at minimum wage!
Of those 1 million are ages 16 to 19 and THEIR ONLY job value they bring to the entry level jobs are being in attendance ON time every day!
Those characteristics CAN BE REPLACED by robots!
Idiots like you and other that jump to conclusions WITHOUT the facts are what is really causing the unemployment of people that need just entry level skills and you are eliminating them with your stupid push to raise minimum wage!
I started working in 1958 at $1.00 hour at my local supermarket.
That's what I was worth at 16 years old as it required ONLY my being there on time and every day! Over the years I learned more and more and my skill sets which at with my knowledge base puts me in a unique class of less then 100 people in the USA having the same set of skills and knowledge. But it started at a entry level $1.00 hr job which is what these 16 to 19 years WILL lose when minimum wage increases to $15.00!

What if the cost of the robot works out to $1.00 an hour for Walmart? Do you really expect American workers to work for 99 cents an hour to compete with the machine?

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