Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya

It's obvious that people in general and especially republican crazies don't know diddly about CIA operations. My husband was an attache' (military officer) in Guatemala in the early '70's and he was also working with the CIA.

Cover stories are necessary to protect everyone involved -- our people and citizens who are cooperating and working with us.

Before and after the attack, especially before an abundance of security personnel and obvious weapons needed to fend off a major attack are obvious give-aways to what the actually operation is.

Commonly consulates and safe houses don't display or have a lot of security personnel. This explains why the secrecy and the details were "hidden".

There were people after the attack and STILL in Behghazi that we need to protect and not expose.

The CIA's secret role helps explain why security appeared inadequate at the U.S. diplomatic facility. State Department officials believed that responsibility was set to be shouldered in part by CIA personnel in the city through a series of secret agreements that even some officials in Washington didn't know about.

It also explains why the consulate was abandoned to looters for weeks afterward while U.S. efforts focused on securing the more important CIA quarters. Officials say it is unclear whether the militants knew about the CIA presence or stumbled upon the facility by following Americans there after the attack on the consulate.

The CIA's secrecy affected how the U.S. government dealt with the families of the two slain contractors. Kate Quigley, Mr. Doherty's sister, said officials who visited her mother in Massachusetts identified themselves as State Department representatives. Officials said the State Department deferred to the CIA to contact the families and the "notification teams" included CIA officers.

It is almost always the case that families do not know in advance and may not know for a time afterward that their loved ones work for the CIA to protect both them and their loved one as well as others around him or her.

One of the sisters of a victim said the details were sparse but they were very professional and compassionate.

The article further states that one point during the consulate siege, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned the CIA director directly to seek assistance. Real-time intelligence from the field was scarce and some officials at State and the Pentagon were largely in the dark about the CIA's role.

There was roughly a 10 man security force there deemed to be adequate since the operation was very secretive. Among U.S. diplomatic officials in Libya, the nearby CIA force and the secret agreement alieviated any concerns about security levels. The night of the attack, many top officials at the State Department in Washington weren't initially aware that the annex had a security force that answered to the CIA and provided backup security for the consulate.

The night of the attack the alarm was sounded and the security team from the annex came to assist. More personnel came from Tripoli (it took 50 mins. for them to get there).

The drone arrived over 4 hrs. after the attack ended not during the attack and shot pics of the burning buildings and helped identify certain areas that were targeted.

2 security officials were killed in a secondary attack while searching the embassy for bodies and/or materials. The consulate compound remained ungauraded because of limited assest and the focus was on the annex to destroy and/or secure sensitive documents. (eplains why CNN got into the other compound and retrieved ambassador's diary).

So there you have it. It pretty well explains everything and knocks down the big consipiracy theory, supposed cover-up and the fact that Obama did NOT let people die! Give it a rest!

You weren't even here NOOB when most of us spent day in and day out arguing about freedom of speech in regard to this filmmaker and every liberal not only didn't give a damn about his rights but demanded his arrest and some, even his death.. Worry about something you have some idea about.. I don['t give a shit that you think the investigation should be over.. LIBERAL.

Ms. LadyGunSlinger,

If you are going to ever address me again, you will do it appropriately by addressing me using the designated UID that you see above, or you are not going to do it at all while expecting a civilized response from me in the future at the same time. I hope you can appreciate that point.

Point number #2: Whether I was here yesterday, or last year, the fact that some people want to force the word "terror" down everyone's throat, merely because they've been duped into believing that there is a terrorist lurking around each and every corner, has absolutely nothing rational to do with Benghazi, whatsoever. Nor, does it make the United States of America any more safe or sound a place to live. In fact, the blow-back you just might receive in running around labeling everything a "terrorist attack," just might be the kind of blow-back that you are hopelessly ill-prepared to deal with and on a level that I guarantee you have not yet begun to think about.

Point number #3: The Administration told you what it knew, when it knew it and to the degree that it knew it and at the time that it knew it. Common sense, should tell anyone, even those that have never worked in mission critical levels of government before, that an entire Administration is not composed of a singular individual and that many people comprise an Administration, who work in different parts of the Administration and who often times are physically located in different parts of the world.

Point number #4: Common sense, should tell anyone that neither SecState Rice, PS Carney, SecDef Panetta, CJSC Dempsey or CINC Obama, are robots and will not step in front of a camera with precisely the exact same words and/or phrases that describe what they knew and when they knew it, about Benghazi.

Point number #5: Common sense, should tell most anyone that given the logistical differentials between each higher ranking member of the Administration, tasked with the responsibility of handling the public communications side of any crisis, and given all the inbound information coming into the Administration simultaneously about an extremely fluid tactical situation almost halfway around the world, that each individual might be receiving information from different sources in different places simultaneously, that would provide the one receiving said information with slightly more or less information than anyone else in the loop, just before their Press Conference is expected to be delivered to the American People. By definition that means that the absolute granular detail of statements made by any one individual within the Administration as such close proximity to the actual events, could very easily be anything from being absolutely congruent, to flat out perpendicular to what somebody else in the Administration might have said just a few minutes, or a couple of hours prior (or, subsequent - depending on the arrival time of new information).

Now, this is how the real world work, Ms. LadyGunSlinger. The reports have always been that the CIA was even providing Administration Officials with conflicting information after the attacks. The local Media (not the U.S. media near your hometown) in Benghazi, was reporting conflicting information. Eye witnesses were reporting conflicting information. Such information had to be filtered as best as humanly possible before being delivered to your ears and your eyes through your flat screen television.

CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBC nor NBC, had neither a Studio, nor an Affiliate anywhere near the action when things broke out. So, who can you get reliable information from in a country nearly halfway around the world in a situation like that. You get it from the people on the ground, closest to the action.

Point number #6: There were eye witnesses who said that 150 armed men wearing beards and sporting Radical Islamic "colors," came in an cowed-up nearly 20 younger people and caused them to chant about the Video. So, any other eyewitnesses on the ground, could have easily interpreted that to be similar to the attack on the Egyptian Embassy, where the Video was part of the causation.

Point number #7: During the time of the actual attacks, personnel from the Benghazi compound had previously been reporting to the Administration that in fact the Video had been the causation for local and regional fallout. So, when everything starts to hit the fan at 2130 hrs local time in Benghazi, just outside the compound, it makes perfectly good sense that the initial belief would be that the Video and the fallout therein, had something to do with it. If I were stationed in that compound providing Security as a DSS Special Agent, after witnessing everything that happened in Egypt, Tripoli and throughout the entire region after the Egyptian Government decided to hype a video that had already been out there for two (2) weeks prior, I would have also been under the impression that the initial attack on my position was predicated at least in part, on the Video.

So, sitting here and pretending as if there was no justification for considering the "Video" as the initial probable cause for the attacks in Benghazi, simply flirts with irrational thought and a total lack of logical deduction.

As time progressed and they learned more than they knew previously, the causation became clearer for them and they began to coalesce around a more stable theory of events. Even so, the matter is still under investigation (like it or not) and the causation is subject to change. Not because Fox News got it right - but because Fox News, has single handily confused half the entire country and flooded their absolute hate for this President, with more fuel than was dumped inside the Benghazi Compound by the attackers.

When we stop playing games with this issue - the facts start to get a bit clearer.

Using facts and reason with LadyCumSlinger is really a waste of time, but good effort.

She went on a 20 thread rant about bayonets after the third debate. True story.

write a book who cares
Watergate--a simple break-in at a campaign office--

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.
Watergate--a simple break-in at a campaign office--

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

Indeed they do!

A couple of other things Prickson did.........took us off the gold standard and did away with the draft. People in this country who called themselves patriots used to prove it by leaving their homes, serving and dying in the goddamned wars declared by old dry cod chickenhawk politicians. Now the politicians know that hired peons will have to take care of their chicken shit declarations.

While the sons and daughters of the poor travel 10,000 miles to die away from their families or return invalid from serious wounds the offspring of the wealthy and elite concern themselves about which fancy ivy league school will best prepare them for paper shuffling and money making. They've succeeded in doing away with the middle class....now you either have it or you don't.....exactly what they've been working on for thirty years. Their goal is for the have nots to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. They're getting there. Does this remind you of the serfs and peons and the Lords..............if it doesn't you should wise up before it's too late. Personally I don't want to wait for a Robin Hood to bring me some of their crumbs.

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Watergate--a simple break-in at a campaign office--

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

Indeed they do!

A couple of other things Prickson did.........took us off the gold standard and did away with the draft. People in this country who called themselves patriots used to prove it by leaving their homes, serving and dying in the goddamned wars declared by old dry cod chickenhawk politicians. Now the politicians know that hired peons will have to take care of their chicken shit declarations.

While the sons and daughters of the poor travel 10,000 miles to die away from their families or return invalid from serious wounds the offspring of the wealthy and elite concern themselves about which fancy ivy league school will best prepare them for paper shuffling and money making. They've succeeded in doing away with the middle class....now you either have it or you don't.....exactly what they've been working on for thirty years. Their goal is for the have nots to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. They're getting there:


President Nixon didn't stop the draft, it expired under his administration. Nixon actually requested an extension for the draft in 1971 and got it. You may note that the House and the Senate were both controlled by the Democrats when Congress discontinued the draft in 1973.
There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

Indeed they do!

A couple of other things Prickson did.........took us off the gold standard and did away with the draft. People in this country who called themselves patriots used to prove it by leaving their homes, serving and dying in the goddamned wars declared by old dry cod chickenhawk politicians. Now the politicians know that hired peons will have to take care of their chicken shit declarations.

While the sons and daughters of the poor travel 10,000 miles to die away from their families or return invalid from serious wounds the offspring of the wealthy and elite concern themselves about which fancy ivy league school will best prepare them for paper shuffling and money making. They've succeeded in doing away with the middle class....now you either have it or you don't.....exactly what they've been working on for thirty years. Their goal is for the have nots to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. They're getting there:


President Nixon didn't stop the draft, it expired under his administration. Nixon actually requested an extension for the draft in 1971 and got it. You may note that the House and the Senate were both controlled by the Democrats when Congress discontinued the draft in 1973.

I voted for that crooked son-of-a-bitch three times, 1960,68 and 72. It's the big reason I began to examine closely what the Republican party was morphing into. I was a Republican when the party stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they're in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy. I wouldn't vote for another one of the debt ridden money grabbing assholes if it was the only choice I had. Neither party has ever cut spending a goddamned dime but at least the Democrats kept the income tax adjusted to a rate which wouldn't bankrupt us. Obama assumed a Reagan/Bushes debt which had a half a trillion dollar annual interest payment. That's about two trillion dollars of the accrued debt since Jan 2009.
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As most of us know, the CIA was in charge and they didnot plan for this degree of an attack. They had assets that they used, and lost.

It was just grossly stupid for the US ambassador to spend the night away from the Embassy which was far better guarded. If he had to interview people he should have done so in Italy or at our Embassy, not in a weakly protected residence.

As most of us know, the CIA was in charge and they didnot plan for this degree of an attack. They had assets that they used, and lost.

It was just grossly stupid for the US ambassador to spend the night away from the Embassy which was far better guarded. If he had to interview people he should have done so in Italy or at our Embassy, not in a weakly protected residence.

Don't Do That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

Indeed they do!

A couple of other things Prickson did.........took us off the gold standard and did away with the draft. People in this country who called themselves patriots used to prove it by leaving their homes, serving and dying in the goddamned wars declared by old dry cod chickenhawk politicians. Now the politicians know that hired peons will have to take care of their chicken shit declarations.

While the sons and daughters of the poor travel 10,000 miles to die away from their families or return invalid from serious wounds the offspring of the wealthy and elite concern themselves about which fancy ivy league school will best prepare them for paper shuffling and money making. They've succeeded in doing away with the middle class....now you either have it or you don't.....exactly what they've been working on for thirty years. Their goal is for the have nots to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. They're getting there:


President Nixon didn't stop the draft, it expired under his administration. Nixon actually requested an extension for the draft in 1971 and got it. You may note that the House and the Senate were both controlled by the Democrats when Congress discontinued the draft in 1973.

I voted for that crooked son-of-a-bitch three times, 1960,68 and 72. It's the big reason I began to examine closely what the Republican party was morphing into. I was a Republican when the party stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they're in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy. I wouldn't vote for another one of the debt ridden money grabbing assholes if it was the only choice I had. Neither party has ever cut spending a goddamned dime but at least the Democrats kept the income tax adjusted to a rate which wouldn't bankrupt us. Obama assumed a Reagan/Bushes debt which had a half a trillion dollar annual interest payment. That's about two trillion dollars of the accrued debt since Jan 2009.

Republicans think women should stay home and be pregnant nine of every twelve months and they never give them a ride to the polls. They believe life begins at ejaculation and don't think anyone should be allowed to clean a cum smear off their shorts.
Indeed they do!

A couple of other things Prickson did.........took us off the gold standard and did away with the draft. People in this country who called themselves patriots used to prove it by leaving their homes, serving and dying in the goddamned wars declared by old dry cod chickenhawk politicians. Now the politicians know that hired peons will have to take care of their chicken shit declarations.

While the sons and daughters of the poor travel 10,000 miles to die away from their families or return invalid from serious wounds the offspring of the wealthy and elite concern themselves about which fancy ivy league school will best prepare them for paper shuffling and money making. They've succeeded in doing away with the middle class....now you either have it or you don't.....exactly what they've been working on for thirty years. Their goal is for the have nots to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. They're getting there:


President Nixon didn't stop the draft, it expired under his administration. Nixon actually requested an extension for the draft in 1971 and got it. You may note that the House and the Senate were both controlled by the Democrats when Congress discontinued the draft in 1973.

I voted for that crooked son-of-a-bitch three times, 1960,68 and 72. It's the big reason I began to examine closely what the Republican party was morphing into. I was a Republican when the party stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they're in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy. I wouldn't vote for another one of the debt ridden money grabbing assholes if it was the only choice I had. Neither party has ever cut spending a goddamned dime but at least the Democrats kept the income tax adjusted to a rate which wouldn't bankrupt us. Obama assumed a Reagan/Bushes debt which had a half a trillion dollar annual interest payment. That's about two trillion dollars of the accrued debt since Jan 2009.

You may get to see what raising taxes on every single wage earner, raising capital gains taxes, as well as a dozen other taxes do to the economy if the Obama tax cuts are allowed to expire. They were called the Bush tax cuts until Obama renewed them.

Of course you very likely believe the Obama bullshit about raising taxes on the top 2% and leaving the rest in place will reduce the accrued debt. Any small increase in revenue realized would be spent on new government programs and you do know that.

I was disappointed in Nixon for not getting us out of Vietnam a few years sooner. He should have realized a lot sooner that the fringe groups were going to burn down the US, and were in the process of doing just that before he pulled us out.

That two trillion dollars you refer to was taxes that were not collected due to the tax code being revised by Bush and continued by Obama. I suggest that if the government would have collected that money, they would have spent it and borrowed two or three trillion more.
Watergate--a simple break-in at a campaign office--

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

How many people got killed because of Watergate? Benghazi 4, Watergate 0.
President Nixon didn't stop the draft, it expired under his administration. Nixon actually requested an extension for the draft in 1971 and got it. You may note that the House and the Senate were both controlled by the Democrats when Congress discontinued the draft in 1973.

I voted for that crooked son-of-a-bitch three times, 1960,68 and 72. It's the big reason I began to examine closely what the Republican party was morphing into. I was a Republican when the party stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they're in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy. I wouldn't vote for another one of the debt ridden money grabbing assholes if it was the only choice I had. Neither party has ever cut spending a goddamned dime but at least the Democrats kept the income tax adjusted to a rate which wouldn't bankrupt us. Obama assumed a Reagan/Bushes debt which had a half a trillion dollar annual interest payment. That's about two trillion dollars of the accrued debt since Jan 2009.

You may get to see what raising taxes on every single wage earner, raising capital gains taxes, as well as a dozen other taxes do to the economy if the Obama tax cuts are allowed to expire. They were called the Bush tax cuts until Obama renewed them.

Of course you very likely believe the Obama bullshit about raising taxes on the top 2% and leaving the rest in place will reduce the accrued debt. Any small increase in revenue realized would be spent on new government programs and you do know that.

I was disappointed in Nixon for not getting us out of Vietnam a few years sooner. He should have realized a lot sooner that the fringe groups were going to burn down the US, and were in the process of doing just that before he pulled us out.

That two trillion dollars you refer to was taxes that were not collected due to the tax code being revised by Bush and continued by Obama. I suggest that if the government would have collected that money, they would have spent it and borrowed two or three trillion more.

Bullshit! They were scheduled to expire in 2011 for a reason. The Republicans held them hostage in this "Get Rid Of Obama" pledge by Mitch McConnel and John Boehnor. Now the whole mob of T party assholes are screaming "lower taxes"

As most of us know, the CIA was in charge and they didnot plan for this degree of an attack. They had assets that they used, and lost.

It was just grossly stupid for the US ambassador to spend the night away from the Embassy which was far better guarded. If he had to interview people he should have done so in Italy or at our Embassy, not in a weakly protected residence.

Very well put.

Republicans think women should stay home and be pregnant nine of every twelve months and they never give them a ride to the polls. They believe life begins at ejaculation and don't think anyone should be allowed to clean a cum smear off their shorts.

oh for crying out loud..you are so full of it..
Liberals only see women as voting bloc and to use their vaginas for politics..
Look at Obama's idea of a WOMAN, JULIA...how degrading can you get.
Watergate--a simple break-in at a campaign office--

There was nothing, "simple", about Watergate!!! Are you nuts??? You accuse our current president of terrible actions that never happened. But you totally let Richard Nixon slide on Watergate. After all, it was just a simple break-in. Do you know the lives this simple crime ruined??? Our nation disgraced because our president was no better than a street thug and a liar.

You right wing extremists need help, for real.

How many people got killed because of Watergate? Benghazi 4, Watergate 0.

This lie was told by Fox to help the Romney campaign. It's not working. You're just making a fool of yourself.

As most of us know, the CIA was in charge and they didnot plan for this degree of an attack. They had assets that they used, and lost.

It was just grossly stupid for the US ambassador to spend the night away from the Embassy which was far better guarded. If he had to interview people he should have done so in Italy or at our Embassy, not in a weakly protected residence.

You are blaming the ambassador for his horrible murder?

You are mentally ill, and I can see why you took down your reps.

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