Hiding “Avian Mortality”: Where ‘Green’ is Red (Part I: Altamont Pass)


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
Hiding “Avian Mortality”: Where ‘Green’ is Red (Part I: Altamont Pass) - See more at: Hiding ?Avian Mortality?: Where ?Green? is Red (Part I: Altamont Pass) ? MasterResource

“The wind industry is hiding over 90% of the bird and bat mortality caused by their turbines. This statement is supported by the industry’s own data and reasonable adjustments for its manipulations.”

“The wind industry is … producing faulty, misleading and even fraudulent documents to hide the serious and growing mortality. This situation has continued for years but has been shielded by state and federal agencies and other supporters of wind power.”​

A “green energy” wildlife genocide is depopulating wildlife habitats across the world where vital species once found refuge. Industrial wind turbines have invaded these habitats and are devastating bird and bat species.
Rather than avoiding these critical habitats or taking steps to minimize impacts on important species, the heavily subsidized wind industry is responding by producing faulty, misleading and even fraudulent documents to hide the serious and growing mortality. This situation has continued for years but has been shielded by state and federal agencies and other supporters of wind power.

Having studied these installations and their wildlife impacts for years, I can say without reservation that most of what people hear and read about the wind industry’s benefits and environmental costs is false. However, buried in thousands of pages of wind industry documents are data, omissions and calculations that tell a wind turbine mortality story that is far different from what is portrayed in industry press releases, mainstream news stories and official government reports.

I have frequently said the wind industry is hiding over 90% of the bird and bat mortality caused by their turbines. This statement is supported by the industry’s own data and reasonable adjustments for its manipulations. These calculations will help people understand how the industry is using its studies to hide millions of fatalities; they will also help local residents and officials understand “wind farm” impacts and their role in species extinctions that could soon exact an irreversible toll in many regions.​
Seems like environmentalists don't actually care very much for the environment.
Weigand is a crank, of course. He's an antiques dealer who has zero experience with being a wildlife biologist. Nobody else in the field gives him the time of day, because he just makes crap up. For example, he declared Whooping Cranes are being massacred by wind turbines, even though there's no record of a single Whooping Crane death-by-wind-turbine.

Naturally, Dave fell hard for the scam. He always does. Someone told him what he wanted to hear, so he instantly believed, and never even thought to question. All of the Right Wing Authoritarian followers fell for the scam, and will continue to profess belief in it, even after it's been revealed as a scam. It's what makes them such reliable UsefulIdiots. For example, they'll now declare the lack of any hacked-up Whooping Crane bodies just proves a conspiracy to hide Whooping Crane bodies. Like all good conspiracy theories, it's quite undisprovable.
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Weigand is a crank, of course. He's an antiques dealer who has zero experience with being a wildlife biologist. Nobody else in the field gives him the time of day, because he just makes crap up. For example, he declared Whooping Cranes are being massacred by wind turbines, even though there's no record of a single Whooping Crane death-by-wind-turbine.

Naturally, Dave fell hard for the scam. He always does. Someone told him what he wanted to hear, so he instantly believed, and never even thought to question. All of the Right Wing Authoritarian followers fell for the scam, and will continue to profess belief in it, even after it's been revealed as a scam. It's what makes them such reliable UsefulIdiots. For example, they'll now declare the lack of any hacked-up Whooping Crane bodies just proves a conspiracy to hide Whooping Crane bodies. Like all good conspiracy theories, it's quite undisprovable.
Oh, DO shut up. Your Opposite Day projection crap is tiresome.
Dave, your leaders scammed you.

Instead of blaming the messenger, you could grow a pair and take to task the people who lied to you.

Or you could just run back, drop to your knees and beg to be lied to again. Don't you ever tire of that?

You'll get it eventually. I'm just planting the seeds of doubt here. They take a while to germinate.
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Dave, your leaders scammed you.

Instead of blaming the messenger, you could grow a pair and take to task the people who lied to you.

Or you could just run back, drop to your knees and beg to be lied to again. Don't you ever tire of that?

You'll get it eventually. I'm just planting the seeds of doubt here. They take a while to germinate.

You probably should have taken my advice and shut up. You'd look less foolish.

Wind Turbines Kill 70 Golden Eagles Each Year at California?s Altamont Pass | TheBlaze.com

Wind farms get pass on eagle deaths

Feds look other way as wind farms kill birds -- but haul oil and gas firms to court | Fox News

Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects - Smallwood - 2013 - Wildlife Society Bulletin - Wiley Online Library

You lose.
Don't worry, Dave. No one expects you to abandon your religion overnight. We understand it will take time. In the meantime, you'll be trying to comfort yourself by chanting all your mantras even louder. Everyone goes through that in the withdrawl phase.
more animals die by planes, trains, semi-trucks and auto's and hunters, does that bother you also? Or is this just a, I hate green energy rant,,,again?
Don't worry, Dave. No one expects you to abandon your religion overnight. We understand it will take time. In the meantime, you'll be trying to comfort yourself by chanting all your mantras even louder. Everyone goes through that in the withdrawl phase.
Told you -- you should have just shut up. :lol:
more animals die by planes, trains, semi-trucks and auto's and hunters, does that bother you also? Or is this just a, I hate green energy rant,,,again?

"planes, trains, semi-trucks and auto's and hunters" don't claim to be saving the planet, do they?
more animals die by planes, trains, semi-trucks and auto's and hunters, does that bother you also? Or is this just a, I hate green energy rant,,,again?

"planes, trains, semi-trucks and auto's and hunters" don't claim to be saving the planet, do they?

Not saving the planet, just producing energy with a much lower cost to the environment.
Oil Spills
Oil spills can be a significant source of bird mortality,
but the occurrence of spills and the effect and are obviously difficult to predict. Over 30,000 bird carcasses
were recovered, including 250 Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus
leucocephalus) following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil
spill in Prince William Sound Alaska, but between
100,000 and 300,000 birds of all species were estimated to have died (Piatt et al. 1990). Flint et al. (1999)
conservatively estimated over 1750 birds died as the
result of the M/V Citrus spill near St. Paul Island,
Alaska. Small spills or chronic oiling is much less publicized, yet possibly a significant source of seabird
mortality (Burger 1993). Estimates of annual mortality
based on counting oiled corpses on beaches from small
or chronic oiling have ranged from less than 0.01 per
km of shoreline to 3.68 per km. Many oiled birds
which die at sea are never found on beaches. Considering the US, including the island territories, has
approximately 90,000 miles of marine tidal shoreline,
annual bird mortality from chronic oiling may easily be
in the 10,000 to 100,000 range.
Oil Pits
Man-made pits associated with oil and gas development are another well-documented source of bird mortality. Esmoil (1995) found 282 dead birds during weekly sampling of 35 oil pits in 1989, and 334 dead birds
during weekly sampling of 53 pits in 1990. The largest
affected taxonomic group was passerines (41 percent).
Banks (1979), based on estimates made for the San
Joaquin Valley in the early 1970s, conservatively
estimated 1.5 million birds die annually due to these
Don't worry, Dave. No one expects you to abandon your religion overnight. We understand it will take time. In the meantime, you'll be trying to comfort yourself by chanting all your mantras even louder. Everyone goes through that in the withdrawl phase.

Yes Please do --- "shut up" ..

Or at least til you respond to all the links that Dave provided in the previous post..

70 golden eagle deaths at ONE wind farm??? ------ you ignored THAT???
Fed look the other way at wind farms ??? -------- you ignored THAT???

Go and COMMENT on those items if you want ANY CREDIBILITY to bash any of us...
Otherwise --- continue to be irrelevent and hypocritical..
None of the deniers here are getting the problem statement correct..

This is not about NUMBERS of kills.. It's about particular TERRITORIAL species, mainly raptors and bats who are ANCHORED to the habitat around these wind farms. The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time..

This is NOT gonna happen if a couple hundred migratory songbirds get caught in an oil pond, a few possums end up as road pizza, or feral cats prey on sparrows..

Your purposeful dismissal of this SERIOUS enviro issue paints a big red "L" on your foreheads..
Because by defending this carnage --- you show no interest in objectivity or facts..
The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time..

You understand that repeating silly things over and over won't make them true, right?

Look, we get it. You've been revealed as a hypocrite on this issue, you don't want to admit to it, hence all of your amusing contortions and cherrypicks. If you want to be taken seriously, cease with your gleeful bloodthirsty cackling concerning the bird deaths that you politically approve of, and your phony concern over the bird deaths which you find politically incorrect. Be like the reason-based community, consistent and rational and hysteria-free.

(Do denialists, perhaps, drink the blood of the slaughtered birds? Just a theory, you understand. But it would explain why they're such enthusiastic backers of so many methods of bird slaughter.)
The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time..

You understand that repeating silly things over and over won't make them true, right?

Look, we get it. You've been revealed as a hypocrite on this issue, you don't want to admit to it, hence all of your amusing contortions and cherrypicks. If you want to be taken seriously, cease with your gleeful bloodthirsty cackling concerning the bird deaths that you politically approve of, and your phony concern over the bird deaths which you find politically incorrect. Be like the reason-based community, consistent and rational and hysteria-free.

(Do denialists, perhaps, drink the blood of the slaughtered birds? Just a theory, you understand. But it would explain why they're such enthusiastic backers of so many methods of bird slaughter.)

70 Golden eagles killed over a period of about 12 years at one wind farm..
And you believe my statement is false and just fantasy...

The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time

What exactly do you find "silly" about that factual observation???

Explain to me how a specie like that can maintain a healthy population in that area with an attrition rate like that? Can ya do it??
Of course you can't...

Especially when you project these psychotic guilt episodes like that post above... :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
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None of the deniers here are getting the problem statement correct..

This is not about NUMBERS of kills.. It's about particular TERRITORIAL species, mainly raptors and bats who are ANCHORED to the habitat around these wind farms. The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time..

This is NOT gonna happen if a couple hundred migratory songbirds get caught in an oil pond, a few possums end up as road pizza, or feral cats prey on sparrows..

Your purposeful dismissal of this SERIOUS enviro issue paints a big red "L" on your foreheads..
Because by defending this carnage --- you show no interest in objectivity or facts..

Very odd thing here. Yes, we need to address the raptor kills by the mills. A matter of engineering to warn them off.

However, when the application of DDT nearly wiped out eages and falcons, the 'Conservatives' then and now insisted that nothing was happening. Their care for these birds, and anything else for that matter, seems to be highly selective.
None of the deniers here are getting the problem statement correct..

This is not about NUMBERS of kills.. It's about particular TERRITORIAL species, mainly raptors and bats who are ANCHORED to the habitat around these wind farms. The kill rate is sufficient to annihilate the species from that area in a relatively short period of time..

This is NOT gonna happen if a couple hundred migratory songbirds get caught in an oil pond, a few possums end up as road pizza, or feral cats prey on sparrows..

Your purposeful dismissal of this SERIOUS enviro issue paints a big red "L" on your foreheads..
Because by defending this carnage --- you show no interest in objectivity or facts..

Very odd thing here. Yes, we need to address the raptor kills by the mills. A matter of engineering to warn them off.

However, when the application of DDT nearly wiped out eages and falcons, the 'Conservatives' then and now insisted that nothing was happening. Their care for these birds, and anything else for that matter, seems to be highly selective.

psychological projection is rampant on the left..

"warn them off" --- with engineering no less... OK --- how about an avian public service message on a big screen TV? Do you think the last 20 years of engineering to address this issue has been mismanaged, wasted, not brilliant enough?

The wind farm attracts rodents. The birds fly the best wind currents available.. Houston we have a problem..
What farm does not attract rodents? Hell, a field of grass attracts rodents.
Wanna keep the carrion and birds of prey safe? Get rid of humans.

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