High Court Missionaries


Sep 23, 2010
NOTE: Posting this thread in the Environment forum was not an easy choice for me. Read on and you’ll see that it could just as easily have been posted in the Law forum, or the Religion forum.

Some Supreme Court rulings appear to uphold religious freedom while others actually uphold a government-mandated religion:

Separation of church and state has long been a fundamental part of the U.S. Constitution, as it prohibits the imposition of a federal religion.


Yet a new religion has been imposed upon the citizens of this country. It emanates from the highest federal levels; it has found its voice in the White House bully pulpit. It is promulgated with a religious fervor reminiscent of the fictional Elmer Gantry. This religion is complete with warnings and admonitions of coming days of doom for mankind lest the new tenets be rejected by anyone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=amznbi0lFaU]Elmer Gantry. - YouTube[/ame]​

Man-made carbon dioxide has been targeted by the high priests of the profane as some sort of original sin staining the purity of the virgin Earth, thereby bringing the wrath of devil-like climate change in punishment. Heat waves, excessive rainfall, floods, ocean rise, crop failures are retributions awaiting mankind should the new Federal religion be violated by human-caused carbon dioxide emanations.


The halls of federally funded academia overflow with a cornucopia of papers supporting the climate catastrophes prophesied in the federal climate dogma.


A most perplexing question for these alarmists is “When has the climate not changed?”

What about that "old time religion," or at least that old time science? Traditional science as exemplified by Karl Popper and Richard Feynman should be good enough for anyone. If the facts do not match the theoretical predictions, go back to square one, and find a different theory that can stand the test of reality and your best efforts to disprove it. The NCA relies on fear and unproved claims of future disasters, and computer fabrications. Climate change is happening now; it is going to get worse; it will be a catastrophe…this is not the language of traditional science, it is the lingua franca of the political ruling class, crony capitalists, and Gaia cultists.


It fails as science and it even fails as credible dogma.

Give me that old time religion, and give me that old time science.

May 11, 2014
That Old Time Religion; That Old Time Science
By Charles Battig

Articles: That Old Time Religion; That Old Time Science

The priesthood

I do not agree that Supreme Court justices swallowed faked global warming data in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA ET AL.

A fractured Supreme Court on Monday largely upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s radical rule designed to shut down the power plants that produce the most affordable electricity. The justices continue to accept the EPA’s labeling of carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.” This harmless gas, the agency insists, is melting the planet.

Only the brave deny man’s responsibility for super-heating the globe in precincts where the wise and wonderful (just ask them) gather to reassure each other than they know best. “We know the trends,” President Obama told the graduates at the University of California at Irvine the other day. “The 18 warmest years on record have all happened since you graduates were born.”

The charts and graphs devised by NASA and the government’s other science agencies back up the president’s words. And well they should, because the charts, like the “science,” were faked.

EDITORIAL: Rigged ‘science’
The Supreme Court swallows faked global warming data

EDITORIAL: Rigged 'science' - Washington Times

High Court justices did not swallow faked data. Every one of them would have to be a complete idiot to believe any part of the climate change hustle. They are many things but they are not idiots. Most of all they see themselves as missionaries teaching the one true religion to primitive natives.

Not one of the four conservative lawyers who disagreed —— IN PART —— with five liberal lawyers called the the entire environmental movement a multi-pronged assault on the public purse which is what it is. Priests may disagree on doctrine but never on the omnipotency of their religion. Proof:

Jun 23 2014 Adjudged to be AFFIRMED IN PART, REVERSED IN PART. Scalia, J., announced the judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion, Parts I and II of which were for the Court. Roberts, C. J., and Kennedy, J., joined that opinion in full; Thomas and Alito, JJ., joined as to Parts I, II-A, and II-B-1; and Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, JJ., joined as to Part II-B-2. Breyer, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part, in which Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan, JJ., joined. Alito, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part, in which Thomas, J., joined. VIDED

Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency : SCOTUSblog
Over the years I posted messages on the USMB and other boards pointing out that socialized medicine was a scheme designed to strengthen the Rights of absentee owners:

Wall Street

HillaryCare I & HillaryCare II were designed to enrich the insurance industry. Bailing out the healthcare insurance industry with income tax dollars allows the government to bailout Wall Street’s absentee owners in perpetuity. Here’s how it will work:

For some reason, President Obama hasn’t talked about this particular feature of his signature legislation. Indeed, it’s bad enough that Obamacare is projected by the Congressional Budget Office to funnel $1,071,000,000,000.00 (that’s $1.071 trillion) over the next decade (2014 to 2023) from American taxpayers, through Washington, to health insurance companies. It’s even worse that Obamacare is trying to coerce Americans into buying those same insurers’ product (although there are escape routes). It’s almost unbelievable that it will also subsidize those same insurers’ losses.

But that’s exactly what it will do—unless Republicans take action. As Laszewski explains, Obamacare contains a “Reinsurance Program that caps big claim costs for insurers (individual plans only).” He writes that “in 2014, 80% of individual costs between $45,000 and $250,000 are paid by the government [read: by taxpayers], for example.”
Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare
8:01 AM, Jan 13, 2014 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

In brief: Healthcare insurance industry stocks traded on Wall Street will be called too big to fail; hence, insurance industry bailouts will be used to prop up the stock market forever while patient care deteriorates to Third World levels.

The scheme to turn climate change frauds into law is worse than the escalating cost of healthcare insurance because raising the price of energy automatically raises the price of everything else:

One study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds that the new EPA regulations will destroy 200,000 mostly blue collar energy jobs, reduce the U.S. GDP by about $50 billion a year and cost families thousands of dollars over the next decade in higher energy costs.

Environmentalists Call U.S. Workers ‘Collateral Damage’
Stephen Moore / June 29, 2014

Environmentalists Call U.S. Workers 'Collateral Damage'

The price of a barrel of oil has been Wall Street’s price-rigging mechanism for decades. Basically, the price of crude oil is the primary tool Wall Street uses to manipulate retail prices for one reason only: PROP UP STOCK PRICES. Notice that every time it looks like the stock market might tumble retail prices start climbing up. Prices never come down.

The federal government manipulated the economy for decades by making itself an all-inclusive employment agency. Tens of millions of illegal aliens is very much a part of a government-created, and government-controlled, labor force. The object is to lower wages and living standards at the same time Wall Street does its thing with retail prices. And it is all done under the pretext that America has always been a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants, humanitarian concerns, the need to outsource jobs in order to remain competitive in a global economy, world peace, and every other lie they could think up to abolish individual liberties.

The relatively new environmental movement provided the government with a powerful appendage to controlling the labor force. Supreme Court rulings like Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA ET AL. will enrich absentee owners through Wall Street in addition to the government tightening its grip on all labor.

Conclusion: Supreme Court justices have become priests functioning as Wall Street’s sales reps. If you think that is good for the country try to visualize the Supreme Deity religion of your choice with all of that power in the hands of its priesthood.

If you disagree with my analysis I can only turn to T.J. for assistance:

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

I wonder what T.J. would say about priests sitting on the Supreme Court?

You are obviously disappointed that the SupCt didn't speak to the science of Global Warming.
But what they DID DO in a 9 to Zip ruling -- was knock back the EPA on disallowing new fossil fuel plant permits SOLELY on the basis of CO2 emissions.

Ain't that enough for a bunch of lawyers???

You are obviously disappointed that the SupCt didn't speak to the science of Global Warming.
But what they DID DO in a 9 to Zip ruling -- was knock back the EPA on disallowing new fossil fuel plant permits SOLELY on the basis of CO2 emissions.

Ain't that enough for a bunch of lawyers???

To flacaltenn: You’re right. I was disappointed. I will always be disappointed until the High Court eliminates every regulatory power the EPA exercises. Violators of The Clean Air Act should be arrested based on evidence and given their day in a criminal court. The EPA should not have the authority to punish, levy fines, or dictate the use of private property as it now does to promote the UN’s political agenda.

In truth, my biggest disappointment is that Congress refuses to vote on HR 1146:


You are obviously disappointed that the SupCt didn't speak to the science of Global Warming.
But what they DID DO in a 9 to Zip ruling -- was knock back the EPA on disallowing new fossil fuel plant permits SOLELY on the basis of CO2 emissions.

Ain't that enough for a bunch of lawyers???

To flacaltenn: You’re right. I was disappointed. I will always be disappointed until the High Court eliminates every regulatory power the EPA exercises. Violators of The Clean Air Act should be arrested based on evidence and given their day in a criminal court. The EPA should not have the authority to punish, levy fines, or dictate the use of private property as it now does to promote the UN’s political agenda.

In truth, my biggest disappointment is that Congress refuses to vote on HR 1146:

I'd like a similar outcome on the EPA.. But it's clear to me that the SupersPowers that the EPA are abusing are a SYSTEMIC ISSUE with the way this govt now operates. Congress ceased writing law back in the 90s. They now just write surrogate legislation where they CEDE their legislative judgement to the bureaucracy. This was necessary because Congress chose to meddle in areas of science and commerce that they have no hope of ever understanding. So they pass blank forms for the bureaus to fill in.. You see this in the HHS writing of ObamaCare and in the DHS implementation of "homeland security" and in the rather vague guidelines of the Patriot Act.

This punctures the separation of powers and is totally irresponsible and Congress will never even be able to do the oversight. Thus, the issue really is -- to restrain Congress from passing legislation without understanding the implications of implementation and in general -- restrict them BACK to functions that are CLEARLY under their Constitiutional purview..
Don't stop now. Keep up the posting. The ignorance and stupidity displayed definately aids those like myself that are working to make the populace aware of what is coming down the pike.
Don't stop now. Keep up the posting. The ignorance and stupidity displayed definately aids those like myself that are working to make the populace aware of what is coming down the pike.

To Old Rocks: If you are an American your stupidity knows no limits. You want more of what is already here.

An article by James Lewis is far beyond your ability to comprehend; so I’m posting these excerpts for anyone who sees and understands what is here already. Supporting evidence for every excerpt can be found in the full article:

So far, Obama has shown utter contempt for the U.S. Constitution, . . .


Obama is simply the logical outcome of forty years of indoctrination in our politics, education, and media.


It’s impossible to know where Obama has done the most damage – at home or abroad.


In sum, Obama has presided over the most malignant foreign policy in U.S. history.


Obama is the culmination of decades of Muslim influence-buying, which now controls much of our media, politics, and educational system.


The hokey “spontaneous” immigrant wave of children and criminals is just another example of hard-left agitprop – in this case culminating in massive, deliberate child endangerment and probable abuse.

Obama’s self-appointed mission in life is to destroy the most productive and beneficial culture in history.


Everything depends on telling the truth, and you and I must take full responsibility for doing so. Nobody else will do it for us.

July 5, 2014
Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
By James Lewis

Articles: Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
Don't stop now. Keep up the posting. The ignorance and stupidity displayed definately aids those like myself that are working to make the populace aware of what is coming down the pike.

What's "coming down the pike" is an unrestrained bureaucracy and a no-show Congress that thinks they can and will tackle everything from toilets to fusion. Hopefully, some folks who understand what POWERS they actually have and what their PRIMARY responsibilities are --- will set them straight and save America from creeping dysfunction and rigor mortis ...
Board of Trade v Olsen upheld the Congress's right to regulate commerce.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency[2] (EPA) is an agency of the U.S. federal government which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[3] The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[4] The agency is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by the president and approved by Congress. The current administrator is Gina McCarthy.[5] The EPA is not a Cabinet department, but the administrator is normally given cabinet rank.

The EPA has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., regional offices for each of the agency's ten regions, and 27 laboratories. The agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U.S. states and the federal recognized tribes. EPA enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention programs and energy conservation efforts.

The agency has approximately 15,193 full-time employees [6] and engages many more people on a contractual basis. More than half of EPA human resources are engineers, scientists, and environmental protection specialists; other groups include legal, public affairs, financial, and information technologists.

Board of Trade v Olsen upheld the Congress's right to regulate commerce.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency[2] (EPA) is an agency of the U.S. federal government which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[3] The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate.[4] The agency is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by the president and approved by Congress. The current administrator is Gina McCarthy.[5] The EPA is not a Cabinet department, but the administrator is normally given cabinet rank.

The EPA has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., regional offices for each of the agency's ten regions, and 27 laboratories. The agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U.S. states and the federal recognized tribes. EPA enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention programs and energy conservation efforts.

The agency has approximately 15,193 full-time employees [6] and engages many more people on a contractual basis. More than half of EPA human resources are engineers, scientists, and environmental protection specialists; other groups include legal, public affairs, financial, and information technologists.


To Crick: The XVI Amendment did more to turn the original Bill of Rights into a government Bill of Rights than did every other assault on individual liberties combined.

The America-haters are determined to abolish the first ten amendments, but never an amendment that gives the government authority over the people.

As far as I know the IRS was that first federal bureaucracy that could legally violate the following amendments in one way or another:

IV Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

V Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

VI Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

VII Amendment

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

VIII Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

My point: Unlike the IRS, the EPA has no constitutional foundation for levying and collecting fines, punishing everyone EPA bureaucrats choose to punish, or confiscating private property irrespective of how the EPA came into being.

NOTE: The EPA gets its authority from Nixon’s executive order. That means the EPA can be abolished by rescinding Nixon’s EO.

Incidentally, President Nixon could not have seen the environmental movement coming, nor could he predict the Soviet Union’s implosion; so he could not have seen displaced American Communists flocking to every environmental scam as a surefire way to attack America’s sovereignty. More than anything else Nixon would never have signed that executive order if he had any inkling that the EPA would become a United Nations agency which it is.
The Executive Branch has the responsibility to enforce the law. That empowers any agency of the Executive Branch with the ability to levying and collecting fines for violations of the laws Congress has passed. Period.
Flanders bro......outstanding thread!!!

Unfortunately, we have a segment of the country.......albeit a finge one.......that seek to destroy every tradition the United States ever had. They would burn the constitution tomorrow if they could.

How did they get there?

We have people in this country who never learned how to buckle up their chinstrap in life. They made poor personal life decisions that have left them short of the American dream and now they seek to make everybody else miserable. They look to blame somebody......anybody but themselves. It is the height of ghey. This sense of entitlement BS......its so pathetic and sad. These people deserve the short end of the stick and will go to their box holding it too!!

Most hysterical? They think this is a huge ideological war we are in and fail to recognize that both sides are owned by the banks......the idiots who go around.......still.......blaming George Bush and actually believing it. Hopelessly naïve.....living deep inside the matrix. Assholes......establishment people like Obama and Bush will always be at the helm all pushing us towards a NWO. "Climate change" is a long established strategy for getting there too along with a lot of other BS we see going on today in the markets. Its going to be awesome for our kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pitchforks need to come out......and soon. And my hope is they will before the fuckers push the rest button. I'll be there too.......but you can bet every asswipe limpwristed lefty on here will be hiding in their fucking hobbit hole. I spit on these fairies.

If you come to New York City one time, PM me and come out to see me here on Long Island......love the opportunity to spit a big goober one right in your panty-waist eye!!!:up:
The Executive Branch has the responsibility to enforce the law. That empowers any agency of the Executive Branch with the ability to levying and collecting fines for violations of the laws Congress has passed. Period.

To Crick: Can you show me where federal bureaucracies were granted that authority in the Bill of Rights? I’ll even settle for a line or two in the Constitution before it was amended as I posted in #12 permalink.

Flanders bro......outstanding thread!!!

Unfortunately, we have a segment of the country.......albeit a finge one.......that seek to destroy every tradition the United States ever had. They would burn the constitution tomorrow if they could.

How did they get there?

To skookerasbil: Hopefully, it is turning around. A large majority of Americans never believed the climate change crapola, and more and more Americans are getting fed up with the EPA. Were it not for fear of how the media would portray it, I believe the EPA would be gone tomorrow.

I guess now we know what before we only suspected.

To Crick: Please clarify.
"he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"

Article II, Section 3

Were you thinking that the Executive WASN'T responsible for enforcing law?

And this comment, "I guess now we know what before we only suspected" was not directed at you.
"he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"

Article II, Section 3

Were you thinking that the Executive WASN'T responsible for enforcing law?

And this comment, "I guess now we know what before we only suspected" was not directed at you.

You're missing the point.. ObamaCare wasn't written by Congress, It was written by HHS. Almost all of Dodd-Frank was written by the bureaucracy. Same with the powers that the EPA are usurping. Congress hasn't gotten involved with the details of law since the 90's. So the executive isn't ENFORCING the law --- it is SUPERVISING THE CREATION of the law.

And that's a dangerous situation when "your guys" are not in the Executive Branch..
And very UNConstitutional in general.. In the sense that Congress CEDED it's power to make the laws and skipped town..
That was never the point. The PPACA was PASSED by Congress and signed by the president. It is LAW established by the Legislative Branch and to be enforced by the Executive.

But, to be honest, I thought we were talking about the enforcement practices and authorization of the EPA. Actually, I'm quite certain that's what we were talking about. This is the Environment Forum, dude. Why would we be talking about the Affordable Care Act?
That was never the point. The PPACA was PASSED by Congress and signed by the president. It is LAW established by the Legislative Branch and to be enforced by the Executive.

But, to be honest, I thought we were talking about the enforcement practices and authorization of the EPA. Actually, I'm quite certain that's what we were talking about. This is the Environment Forum, dude. Why would we be talking about the Affordable Care Act?

Mainly because you believe that the PPACA was full-bodied when it was written. Or that the EPA works solely on laws fleshed out by Congress. Either case -- the BUREAUCRACY is writing the laws.. Not the Congress. ACA had THOUSANDS of pages of "as shall be determined by the HHS secretary".. Same with the "law" that allowed the EPA to go after CO2.. Never existed. It was INTERPRETED because of overly broad powers CEDED to the bureaucracy by Congress to MAKE law..

Look -- I don't expect you to care enough to actually THINK.. And I wouldn't actually care if that miracle DID HAPPEN..

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