High School Girl Suspended One Year for Having a Water Gun

From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR
The place where your body type is the norm. You should love Alabama.
What was she supposed to do when another kid gave her the gun at school?
My question is if it was given to her by another kid, why is she the only one to get busted for it? To me, there shouldn't be a punishment for it at all period, but if there just has to be, why should the receiver be the only one to go down for it?

God bless you and her always!!!


Well, just a guess, but what if she was lying about that part?

I used to be an assistant principal. The stories I could tell you!
Watching you defend the moronic public school is most entertaining. You posting you were an assistant principle was the pinnacle.
You validate why every parent should be given a voucher to remove their children from the public school system, thanks.
Child abuse sending your kid to public school.
Don't do it, then.

Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County
If a parent has graduated from a major university, they should be immediately disqualified from home schooling. Just watch any interview with a student there and you know why. But that is not a concern, because they have all been brainwashed into believing government institutions are the only options.

The "assistant principle" Admiral is doing the usual "education is wisdom" BS. There is no link between them. Some of the best engineers I have worked with did not have a diploma, and engineers with doctorates couldn't figure out how a toilet paper dispenser roll could be changed.

That said, if a subject is being taught that the teacher is not familiar with, they simply do what any of us, including teachers, do. They find out the answer.
Child abuse sending your kid to public school.
Don't do it, then.

Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County
If a parent has graduated from a major university, they should be immediately disqualified from home schooling. Just watch any interview with a student there and you know why. But that is not a concern, because they have all been brainwashed into believing government institutions are the only options.

The "assistant principle" Admiral is doing the usual "education is wisdom" BS. There is no link between them. Some of the best engineers I have worked with did not have a diploma, and engineers with doctorates couldn't figure out how a toilet paper dispenser roll could be changed.

That said, if a subject is being taught that the teacher is not familiar with, they simply do what any of us, including teachers, do. They find out the answer.

I am sorry! I hive not had the benefit of working with people like you claim. Most are honed to the fine edge of a beach ball if they do not put the time and effort to study the subject matter.

If that were the case, my substitutes should be able to teach my Geometry classes with no difficulty. However, finding one that can add or subtract without counting fingers is hard enough! At least they have proven the mettle to get some college education.

BTW, the "principal" is your pal, and that is an important "principle" to remember.
What was she supposed to do when another kid gave her the gun at school?
My question is if it was given to her by another kid, why is she the only one to get busted for it? To me, there shouldn't be a punishment for it at all period, but if there just has to be, why should the receiver be the only one to go down for it?

God bless you and her always!!!


Well, just a guess, but what if she was lying about that part?

I used to be an assistant principal. The stories I could tell you!
Watching you defend the moronic public school is most entertaining. You posting you were an assistant principle was the pinnacle.
You validate why every parent should be given a voucher to remove their children from the public school system, thanks.

You just cannot stand the fact that I am right and you have bought into a line of bullshit, force fed you by people who are so uneducated on the topic of education that you would believe anything they say.

Why can't you answer my points instead of making it personal?
It's not just Alabama......my own son was expelled for a day or two for DRAWING A PICTURE of a gun......good grief
This is the effect of an official mentality which is comparable to that of the witch-hunters of old Salem. That is not a rhetorical exaggeration. It is an obvious fact and it should not be tolerated.
Child abuse sending your kid to public school.
Don't do it, then.

Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County
If a parent has graduated from a major university, they should be immediately disqualified from home schooling. Just watch any interview with a student there and you know why. But that is not a concern, because they have all been brainwashed into believing government institutions are the only options.

The "assistant principle" Admiral is doing the usual "education is wisdom" BS. There is no link between them. Some of the best engineers I have worked with did not have a diploma, and engineers with doctorates couldn't figure out how a toilet paper dispenser roll could be changed.

That said, if a subject is being taught that the teacher is not familiar with, they simply do what any of us, including teachers, do. They find out the answer.

I don't have a problem with Admiral Tory and I have no doubt most school faculty have a difficult job. Pretty much babysitting 25-35 kids & trying to keep them all focused on whatever is the subject of the day. They just drive me nuts at how far they take some of their rules. As with the story in the OP, they could have just sent her & the other kid home for the day & a 'don't do that again'.
it's similar with cops many times. What used to be just a slap on the wrist & let go....is now handled by a SWAT team. (ok that's obviously an exaggeration, but you get the point)
Don't do it, then.

Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County
If a parent has graduated from a major university, they should be immediately disqualified from home schooling. Just watch any interview with a student there and you know why. But that is not a concern, because they have all been brainwashed into believing government institutions are the only options.

The "assistant principle" Admiral is doing the usual "education is wisdom" BS. There is no link between them. Some of the best engineers I have worked with did not have a diploma, and engineers with doctorates couldn't figure out how a toilet paper dispenser roll could be changed.

That said, if a subject is being taught that the teacher is not familiar with, they simply do what any of us, including teachers, do. They find out the answer.

I don't have a problem with Admiral Tory and I have no doubt most school faculty have a difficult job. Pretty much babysitting 25-35 kids & trying to keep them all focused on whatever is the subject of the day. They just drive me nuts at how far they take some of their rules. As with the story in the OP, they could have just sent her & the other kid home for the day & a 'don't do that again'.
it's similar with cops many times. What used to be just a slap on the wrist & let go....is now handled by a SWAT team. (ok that's obviously an exaggeration, but you get the point)

Here is the major issue that most people do not seem to get. Many of these "water guns" and "BB guns" look just like the real thing. Legislation has required them to be made so they are recognizable as toys, but that does no good when those safety provisions are defeated by the kids to return them to a more real look.

I was once called by my school resource officers to take a look at a weapon they had confiscated from a student. Laying on the desk was a Colt Model 1911 .45 cal pistol. Without closer examination, it looked to be the real deal, However, it was a pellet gun that our star football player had brought to school to impress his friends at how "gangsta" he was. As a result, this kid lost a full-ride football scholarship to USC, It could have been much worse. Had he pulled that gun on my school resource officers, he would have been ventilated numerous times with their real 9mm Glocks.

I have not researched this story to the nth degree, but my money is on the fact that this young lady is no stranger to the school disciplinary process for them to expel her. Schools are restricted in what they can say and records are not available to the press because of privacy laws which prevent schools from telling their side of the story in the media.

If this was the only incident, it is ridiculous that she was expelled, but we have to remember that these officials are ELECTED.
We can bitch about it all day, but the people of that school district are responsible for fixing the situation.
If I ever have kids they will ALL go to Berkley.
Then what will happen to them when they decide not to bother coming to work on time? And they start a petition to have the company provide a 'safe room'?
Guess you don't give a shit that the tens of thousands of dollars someone paid for their tuition so they could learn that beets dyed leather red in the middle ages, was better spent elsewhere. Like Whatever dude.
If I ever have kids they will ALL go to Berkley.
Then what will happen to them when they decide not to bother coming to work on time? And they start a petition to have the company provide a 'safe room'?
Guess you don't give a shit that the tens of thousands of dollars someone paid for their tuition so they could learn that beets dyed leather red in the middle ages, was better spent elsewhere. Like Whatever dude.
I think cons like you will be forced to pay for their time off! :)
"Autauga County school district superintendent Spence Agee refused to comment about the expulsion, citing student privacy concerns.

I hate stupid shit like this.

The fucker could comment on his actions WITHOUT violating the privacy of the student.

This is such a transparent lie that it is an insult to the intelligence of the reader.

Stories like this reflect a problem with the whole education industry, one rooted in it's domination by liberals.

ONe that needs addressed with strong actions. Like massive purges and the destruction of the Dept of Education.
I don't have a problem with Admiral Tory and I have no doubt most school faculty have a difficult job. Pretty much babysitting 25-35 kids & trying to keep them all focused on whatever is the subject of the day. They just drive me nuts at how far they take some of their rules. As with the story in the OP, they could have just sent her & the other kid home for the day & a 'don't do that again'. it's similar with cops many times. What used to be just a slap on the wrist & let go....is now handled by a SWAT team. (ok that's obviously an exaggeration, but you get the point)
You are quite correct in your overall observation. But to make such a big deal over a water pistol will serve to distort the children's sense of justice and common sense reasoning.

Also, your SWAT team example is certainly not exaggerated. Go here: Shedding light on the use of SWAT teams
"Autauga County school district superintendent Spence Agee refused to comment about the expulsion, citing student privacy concerns.

I hate stupid shit like this.

The fucker could comment on his actions WITHOUT violating the privacy of the student.

This is such a transparent lie that it is an insult to the intelligence of the reader.

Stories like this reflect a problem with the whole education industry, one rooted in it's domination by liberals.

ONe that needs addressed with strong actions. Like massive purges and the destruction of the Dept of Education.

Sorry, but you are wrong! If she has an extensive disciplinary record, citing that as reason for expulsion is considered a violation of the student's privacy and a likely violation of federal law.
Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County
If a parent has graduated from a major university, they should be immediately disqualified from home schooling. Just watch any interview with a student there and you know why. But that is not a concern, because they have all been brainwashed into believing government institutions are the only options.

The "assistant principle" Admiral is doing the usual "education is wisdom" BS. There is no link between them. Some of the best engineers I have worked with did not have a diploma, and engineers with doctorates couldn't figure out how a toilet paper dispenser roll could be changed.

That said, if a subject is being taught that the teacher is not familiar with, they simply do what any of us, including teachers, do. They find out the answer.

I don't have a problem with Admiral Tory and I have no doubt most school faculty have a difficult job. Pretty much babysitting 25-35 kids & trying to keep them all focused on whatever is the subject of the day. They just drive me nuts at how far they take some of their rules. As with the story in the OP, they could have just sent her & the other kid home for the day & a 'don't do that again'.
it's similar with cops many times. What used to be just a slap on the wrist & let go....is now handled by a SWAT team. (ok that's obviously an exaggeration, but you get the point)

Here is the major issue that most people do not seem to get. Many of these "water guns" and "BB guns" look just like the real thing. Legislation has required them to be made so they are recognizable as toys, but that does no good when those safety provisions are defeated by the kids to return them to a more real look.

I was once called by my school resource officers to take a look at a weapon they had confiscated from a student. Laying on the desk was a Colt Model 1911 .45 cal pistol. Without closer examination, it looked to be the real deal, However, it was a pellet gun that our star football player had brought to school to impress his friends at how "gangsta" he was. As a result, this kid lost a full-ride football scholarship to USC, It could have been much worse. Had he pulled that gun on my school resource officers, he would have been ventilated numerous times with their real 9mm Glocks.

I have not researched this story to the nth degree, but my money is on the fact that this young lady is no stranger to the school disciplinary process for them to expel her. Schools are restricted in what they can say and records are not available to the press because of privacy laws which prevent schools from telling their side of the story in the media.

If this was the only incident, it is ridiculous that she was expelled, but we have to remember that these officials are ELECTED.
We can bitch about it all day, but the people of that school district are responsible for fixing the situation.

The 'recognizable as toys' is an orange plastic tip at the end of the barrel....it's easy to break off, whether intentional or by accident. I agree many look too real even up close. Those that are plastic are lightweight, but there are some made of metal or whatever that is much heavier and have similar feel as a real gun. My boys have had many, both pistols & rifles. Most school policies are 'no guns or weapons' period and with all the school shootings of the last several years, we've had that conversation many times about 'Do NOT take anything like that to school EVER', especially with Son #2 who is a gun fanatic and a trouble maker extraordinaire & the schools target whenever anything went wrong...whether he was involved or not.

There was one incidence at school a few years ago involving Son#2, another kid and a real gun. The other kid knew #2 loved guns (and I think was trying to set him up to get kicked out) and had brought a gun to sell it to #2. Another kid seen the gun & went to report it. Thankfully #2 knew his stuff cause he took one look at the gun and refused.....he said it was broken or missing something (firing pin? IDK). Of course school went into lockdown & both kids were hauled into the office. Campus cop & a few more were there to interrogate. Son was finally let go because he hadn't bought or even touched the gun, the other kid was expelled for like a month. I can't tell you how relieved I was that #2 didn't fall for it, was able to walk away & the school couldn't touch him. The only time he didn't get in trouble.

I guess I just don't understand why parents don't talk to their kids about things like this & just assume there won't be a problem. Same with that kid that brought that clock to school that looked like a bomb that was in the news & created so much controversy. Why don't people THINK and consider what MAY happen and try to prevent it before it does??? :banghead:
"Autauga County school district superintendent Spence Agee refused to comment about the expulsion, citing student privacy concerns.

I hate stupid shit like this.

The fucker could comment on his actions WITHOUT violating the privacy of the student.

This is such a transparent lie that it is an insult to the intelligence of the reader.

Stories like this reflect a problem with the whole education industry, one rooted in it's domination by liberals.

ONe that needs addressed with strong actions. Like massive purges and the destruction of the Dept of Education.

Sorry, but you are wrong! If she has an extensive disciplinary record, citing that as reason for expulsion is considered a violation of the student's privacy and a likely violation of federal law.

SO, the law prevents a community from having the facts needed to judge the actions of the school administration?

Or voters the actions of the education industry?

Then that law needs changed.
It is becoming more apparent year after year that the increasing redundancy of gun laws imposed upon American citizens is in fact responsible for a substantial percentage of gun accidents, misuse and criminal use.

While the above observation might seem somewhat contradictory on its face, the fact is the unanticipated effect of this endless flow of repressive laws has served to discourage gun ownership, has indirectly promoted fear of guns, and has greatly contributed to the clearly rising level of ignorance about guns. One obvious consequence of this rising level of ignorance is a proportionately increasing level of counterproductive fascination with guns while knowing nothing about them.

Evidence of this phenomenon is seen in the comparatively low levels of gun misuse and accidents in parts of the Country where gun ownership is common. Children who live in these places learn about guns at an early age and come to take them for granted. While most have an appreciation of guns few if any harbor any curiosity about them. They understand that guns are dangerous and the lure of the illicit does not impel them to do things like covertly bringing guns to school to show their classmates -- none of whom find them interesting or unusual.
It is becoming more apparent year after year that the increasing redundancy of gun laws imposed upon American citizens is in fact responsible for a substantial percentage of gun accidents, misuse and criminal use.

While the above observation might seem somewhat contradictory on its face, the fact is the unanticipated effect of this endless flow of repressive laws has served to discourage gun ownership, has indirectly promoted fear of guns, and has greatly contributed to the clearly rising level of ignorance about guns. One obvious consequence of this rising level of ignorance is a proportionately increasing level of counterproductive fascination with guns while knowing nothing about them.

Evidence of this phenomenon is seen in the comparatively low levels of gun misuse and accidents in parts of the Country where gun ownership is common. Children who live in these places learn about guns at an early age and come to take them for granted. While most have an appreciation of guns few if any harbor any curiosity about them. They understand that guns are dangerous and the lure of the illicit does not impel them to do things like covertly bringing guns to school to show their classmates -- none of whom find them interesting or unusual.

Yep, and most kids of police or military are the least likely to be involved with such actions.
Yep, and most kids of police or military are the least likely to be involved with such actions.
Even though we lived in New York City my brother and I were raised around guns. This was because our father was a locksmith whose profitable sideline was gunsmithing, so there always were all kinds of guns in back of his shop and around the house.

He always answered our questions and took the time to educate us about guns and emphasizing safe handling. We grew up knowing more about guns than most adults we knew. And the reason for that were the gun laws -- which have gotten much worse over the years.

I can tell you with certainty that people who are are anti-gun are afraid of them mainly because they know nothing about them. And the less they know the more afraid they are.
From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR

Just as bad as the one who I believe was suspended for having their pop tart looking like a gun.

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