High School Girl Suspended One Year for Having a Water Gun

From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR

From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR

This is beyond insane! When I was in school, everybody made gun racks for their pickups in shop class.

You could have it displayed in the student parking lot but your truck had to be locked.

2-gun limit. No bringing them past the parking lot.

I spent more time skeet shooting in high school than I did off campus
My dad and his friends would take their .22's to school so they could go rabbit hunting afterwards.
From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR


Not Liberals, Leftists.
From the educators of critical thinking.

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials overseeing a school district in Alabama have expelled a 16-year-old girl for an entire year because she had a water gun at school.

Prior to her yearlong expulsion, the student, Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols, attended Prattville High School Prattville, a town of 35,229 just northwest of Montgomery.

The incident leading to Nichols’s suspension occurred on Friday, January 27, reports the Montgomery Advertiser.

Nichols and her mother, Tara Herring, say the teen girl did not bring the water gun to school. Instead, the mother and daughter claim, a male classmate gave Nichols the water gun to Nichols “as a joke.”

This High School Girl Had A Water Gun On Campus. Now She Is EXPELLED FOR A YEAR

This is beyond insane! When I was in school, everybody made gun racks for their pickups in shop class.

You could have it displayed in the student parking lot but your truck had to be locked.

2-gun limit. No bringing them past the parking lot.

I spent more time skeet shooting in high school than I did off campus
My dad and his friends would take their .22's to school so they could go rabbit hunting afterwards.
I did the same thing except it was shotguns to go rabbit or duck hunting.
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,

All those poor candies getted crushed. :(
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,

All those poor candies getted crushed. :(

Please repeat that in English. And try to stay on topic.
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,

I wonder how many board members would still be on the board if their homes were checked for items that resembled firearms?

Do THEIR children have one of thee?

Or even real firearms.

Do they watch westerns?

Dirty Harry movies?

Just how hypocritical are the people that make these rules?
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,

All those poor candies getted crushed. :(

Please repeat that in English. And try to stay on topic.

It was a joke. Candy Crush is a cell phone game, Luddite. lol

Actually that game is EVERYWHERE.....and very annoying
A harmless water pistol earns a year's suspension, but the cellphone she probably carries and has violent and bloody role playing apps on it and that is OK.

We live in a strange world,

All those poor candies getted crushed. :(

Please repeat that in English. And try to stay on topic.

It was a joke. Candy Crush is a cell phone game, Luddite. lol

Actually that game is EVERYWHERE.....and very annoying

I played a couple times, I found it boring. Pokémon Go is pretty violent as well. Capturing those poor creatures and forcing them to fight for you...
What was she supposed to do when another kid gave her the gun at school?
My question is if it was given to her by another kid, why is she the only one to get busted for it? To me, there shouldn't be a punishment for it at all period, but if there just has to be, why should the receiver be the only one to go down for it?

God bless you and her always!!!

This is insanity. This is not the America I grew up in.

Guns are/were quite commonplace. It's just crazy!

I probably had 20+ toy guns before I got a real one when I was 11.

BB guns count as intermediate.
Lower 48ers are in bad shape. I feel sorry for ya'll, and the kids...

My kido's have regularly forgot to leave their pocket knives at home, not one suspension or even a call home, they just had to turn them in/retrieve them from the office. I think every kid in school does it at least once up here heh I know I did - of course back then I didn't even have to turn it in, or anything, the teacher was just like "Stop playing with that!" lol
I'm quoting:

"This little girl has been made a victim of the intellectual fascism of political correctness"

Public Schools are scary places. :confused-84:
What was she supposed to do when another kid gave her the gun at school?
My question is if it was given to her by another kid, why is she the only one to get busted for it? To me, there shouldn't be a punishment for it at all period, but if there just has to be, why should the receiver be the only one to go down for it?

God bless you and her always!!!


Well, just a guess, but what if she was lying about that part?

I used to be an assistant principal. The stories I could tell you!
^^^ I'm only saying that if there is more than one person in the picture, why should only one go down?

God bless you always!!!

Child abuse sending your kid to public school.
Don't do it, then.

Not everyone has an option

What? You obviously have not read the posts by the home-schoolers on here who claim an unemployed Mom without a high school diploma can educate her children just fine!

I won't argue that an unemployed Mom (or Dad for that matter), without a diploma couldn't educate their kids. The diploma is only a piece of paper that says you earned enough credits to get out of the school system......but really isn't a true measure of intelligence.

There are many that are working parents and aren't able to homeschool because of work schedules. Nor are they able to provide transportation to take their kids to and from another district than where they live.

Every state's homeschooling laws are different as to the requirements the parents have to fulfill in order to homeschool their kids.

In the state of Washington, all kids have to be registered & attend some type of school, unless other certain conditions are met, or the kids & parents are subject to truancy laws. It's called the Becca Bill.
BECCA Bill | Lewis County

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