High School in Alabama School Refuses to Teach American History Past the 1970s

HEY DUMMASS, you haven't the brains to even get your own thread right. Your video claims they are not teaching anything BEFORE the 1970s! :auiqs.jpg:

If true, it probably just means that there is so much WRONG the democrats have done these past 43 years, they had to clear the curriculum of other stuff just to cover it all well enough! :laughing0301:
We're saying the same thing, perhaps I didn't use the best word.
The issue is before 1970s. Funny you bolded "past" and it is wrong lol
Not sure this means "America" is racist.
But they certainly should be teaching about slavery, jim crow etc. Its part of our history. Ignoring it is bullshit.
Yeah ---- what is this thread actually ABOUT? The Youtube on the Tuscaloosa event was about NOT teaching back before 1970 for this one-month Black History thingy. The kids in the video seem to be all black. The thread seems to be saying they wouldn't ever teach anything about modern events, what people used to call current events. (Hey, 1970 is current enough for me.) I think the thread parent may be confused.
I dont think the black students were told they could not discuss history before 1970
The local reporter in the video reported that was the case.

What else do you need?

Also, what do you think the students are protesting about then?
The issue is before 1970s. Funny you bolded "past" and it is wrong lol
Not sure this means "America" is racist.
But they certainly should be teaching about slavery, jim crow etc. Its part of our history. Ignoring it is bullshit.

Kids should be taught the real history of the democrat Party including the Tuskegee Experiment, FDR refusing to shake Jesse Owens hand, LBJ promising to “have them ******* voting democrat for the next two hundred years”
The local reporter in the video reported that was the case.

What else do you need?

Also, what do you think the students are protesting about then?
The local reporter?

Now I know its a lie
This Critical Race Theory hysteria has taken the racist white people so far that they've completely lost their senses and refuse to teach American history past the 1970s.

These are the same people who love to screech that "America is not a racist country!"


Why are blacks failures all over the world? After all if America is a racist country, they should be successful someplace else, instead the most successful blacks are in the USA.
I see what you did there!

In my high school we made it to WWII and then had a speed run because we ran out of time. I can't remember where state history stopped as I don't remember anything from it after Texas Independence. I think there was a small section after where all the other states agreed to join Texas, but its been...cough...awhile.
I had Texas History, it was one of my favorite courses -- because the teacher who taught it (shout out to Coach Williams) made it fun.....always had the class play a Jeopardy game at the end of month; where all of the questions were related to the history we learned thru the course of the week..

Not one time did the "Hispanics" in our class felt they were being targeted or made to feel inferior when we studied the Alamo; nor did the white kids in my class felt picked on when we discussed the Texas Articles of Secession -- they felt the folks who wrote it were assholes too...
Why are blacks failures all over the world? After all if America is a racist country, they should be successful someplace else, instead the most successful blacks are in the USA.
Because they are genetically inferior and its about damn time we get back to teaching that in school again like the good old days...Hell, we wasn't even supposed to let those darkies read....

It wasn't a mystery why we had to start these darkies out early and teach them why they should hate themselves.....why won't Conservatives demand we return back to the good old days of education??

I agree....

And why do kids need to learn about any American history before the 1970's - they weren't even around back then..

Kids should only learn math and English.... and the fact that God hates fags

Why do you insist on posting shit like this? I sincerely doubt anyone here takes you seriously, since all's you seem to be able to post is 'sarcasm'.
Because they are genetically inferior and its about damn time we get back to teaching that in school again like the good old days...Hell, we wasn't even supposed to let those darkies read....

It wasn't a mystery why we had to start these darkies out early and teach them why they should hate themselves.....why won't Conservatives demand we return back to the good old days of education??

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Bingo! Because however obvious, the unspoken is almost always true when it comes to matters of race.
Not at all

The claim that black history before 1970 cannot be discussed is ridicules and undocumented

That means its probably a lie
The history of sub-Saharan Africa is sketchy at best before the slave trade. There is little to be recorded before that time but it certainly goes past the 1970s. Regardless, it is a history of enslavement and failure not only in America but the world.

It would essentially be a history which any proudful civilization would prefer to disregard.

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