High Schooler Recieves Felony For Having Fishing Knife In Tackle Box In Car On Campus

Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

do the breaking of school rules now lead to criminal convictions?

well, then it surpasses Nazi Germany and Soviet Union combined in totalitarian degree of strangling the personal freedom.

Yes, some school rules lead to criminal convictions.

What the fuck sort of school did you go to? Students had to stay for detention for rape and murder?
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

If the school wants to doll out a punishment fine, but for Christ's sake the kid doesn't deserve to go to jail. We have way too many people incarcerated in this country as it is for stupid shit. We have the largest prison population in the world. That is not emblematic of a free country.

this type of charges are emblematic of the worst kind of tyranny possible

Extraploating into the absurd is emblematic of desperation.

Most kids know the simple rule: DO NOT BRING WEAPONS (knives, guns, explosives, brass knuckles, mace, etc. onto the fucking campus).

Thus, bringing a knife onto campus is no only against the rule, it is against the law.

Emblematic of stupidity is bringing a fillet knife onto campus.

A large jail population is emblematic of stupid people.
You idiot. That is a lie and everyone knows it. People who abuse the rep system do not get to use it. YOU abused it and got yours turned off!

People constantly get away with abusing the rep system around here. Look at all of the rep that the right-wingers have. Are you telling me that they don't rep the shit out of each other everyday? And the way they gang up on other members? You guys are like little high school girls with your rep. Shove it up your ass.
You are free to rep whoever you choose, and free to choose what you shove up your ass too.

^^^rep-whore whining
You idiot. That is a lie and everyone knows it. People who abuse the rep system do not get to use it. YOU abused it and got yours turned off!

People constantly get away with abusing the rep system around here. Look at all of the rep that the right-wingers have. Are you telling me that they don't rep the shit out of each other everyday? And the way they gang up on other members? You guys are like little high school girls with your rep. Shove it up your ass.
Gang up? HUH?..You libs get blasted based on your off the subject posts. Not on informed opinions. There are quite a few liberal drive by posters who offer nothing but one liner posts which in direct violation of forum rules offer nothing in contribution to the thread at hand, who either earn their negs or have their rep turned off.
WAH WAH WAH...They're ganging up on me!!!!!!!!
Stay on the point of the discussion and you won't get negged.
Yes...It is a HUGE controversy for conservative posters to positively rep each other as often as possible and doing the reverse to lib posters.
There is no way it could be that lib poster's conduct on here isn't all that popular or in good taste.....NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

You sound unstable. Go go suck on some rep-dick and maybe you'll feel better. Ernie could use some action.
If the school wants to doll out a punishment fine, but for Christ's sake the kid doesn't deserve to go to jail. We have way too many people incarcerated in this country as it is for stupid shit. We have the largest prison population in the world. That is not emblematic of a free country.

this type of charges are emblematic of the worst kind of tyranny possible

Extraploating into the absurd is emblematic of desperation.

Most kids know the simple rule: DO NOT BRING WEAPONS (knives, guns, explosives, brass knuckles, mace, etc. onto the fucking campus).

Thus, bringing a knife onto campus is no only against the rule, it is against the law.

Emblematic of stupidity is bringing a fillet knife onto campus.

A large jail population is emblematic of stupid people.

a large jail population is emblematic with a totalitarian regime
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

do the breaking of school rules now lead to criminal convictions?

well, then it surpasses Nazi Germany and Soviet Union combined in totalitarian degree of strangling the personal freedom.

Yes, some school rules lead to criminal convictions.

What the fuck sort of school did you go to? Students had to stay for detention for rape and murder?

are you a stalinist or a nazi?
school rules are just school rules - they are not laws and should not lead to criminal penalties.
this idiocy started with the gestapo approach of "zero tolerance" and the latter one is not more than a decade old. Even during early 2000s there were no such stupidity like it is rampant NOW
What a insane action to give this young white kid a felony for having a fishing knife in a tackle box. I used to carry a knife in my tackle box on school campus back when I was in high school if I was going fishing immediately after school. I even carried my shotgun on the gun rack in the vehicle and nothing was ever said. The cops are going overboard with this and need to tone it down. How disgusting! This kid needs a good lawyer.

Georgia cops hand out felonies to high schoolers for having a pocket knives locked in cars | Police State USA

MARIETTA, GA — A high school senior is facing felony charges after police searched his car in the parking lot of his school and found a tackle box with some fishing knives in it. The young man could now be sent to prison for 10 years if convicted.

Cody Chitwood, age 17, was pulled out of class at Lassiter High School on September 17th, and told, “You’re going to be in a lot of trouble,” by police and school administrators.

Outside the building, the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department had been combing the parking lot with dogs looking for reasons to arrest students. Performing random sniff-searches of the vehicles in the lot, one police K9 made a signal on Chitwood’s car.

The dog had smelled a firecracker that had been left over from “Independence” Day, two months earlier. Regardless that it is not criminal to have a firecracker laying under your seat, this sniff gave police the excuse they needed to perform an exhaustive search of his personal vehicle.

As deputies rummaged through his property, they found some fishing gear and a tackle box. In it they found — what else — basic tools for fishing, including a fillet knife and a few other utility knives that serve all sorts of useful purposes to a country boy in Georgia. A total of 4 knives were taken from his car.

That's fucking retarded. It was in fishing tackle in the trunk of his car so Obviously it was used for fishing and not a criminal offense;it's not like he had an AK47 in his trunk. Cops who have a bad case of small dick syndrome shouldn't be allowed of the force. Geez if the school is upset,give him detention, remove the knives and have his father come in to get them. We aren't much better than the Red Coats were in 1776; the Founding Fathers would be ashamed at what we've become.
But not one liberal will speak out against the culture of child rape and sodomy of infants that is rampant in their cult!!
Fishing tackle, harmless fishing tackle however, that's jail time!!!

You fucking freaks.

Get with the freedom!!!
You know, the legal protections this child was denied !!
Now he is in jail, this poor baby, being raped by liberals!!
But it's ok, he's only white!!!
policestateusa.com? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: Your beef is w/ the Bu$h II admin for signing into law that monstrosity- DH5
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

do the breaking of school rules now lead to criminal convictions?

well, then it surpasses Nazi Germany and Soviet Union combined in totalitarian degree of strangling the personal freedom.

Yes, some school rules lead to criminal convictions.

What the fuck sort of school did you go to? Students had to stay for detention for rape and murder?
There have been advocacy groups which have either sued or threatened to sue school districts because in the view of said groups, a ( here it comes) a disproportionate percentage of suspensions are black kids. Of course they always say "minority kids" to voer their asses.
Some school districts have policies where suspensions and other disciplinary action are doled out on a quota basis.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg School district has a no expulsion policy. There are students who've committed violent crimes against students and faculty that are allowed to continue to attend.
The most violent and heinous offenders the cops don't finally get a hold of are placed in 'alternative schools'.. Basically they are warehoused until they are given a diploma or they age out of the system.
I will tell you that the Charter Schools in that are VERY popular. There is a lottery to gain admission. More Charters are on the way.
People are also moving out of the County. Essentially voting with their feet.
^ That may be true. But I'll bet you a bazillion dollars the kid is never charged with any felony and the OP is just sensationalizing :cool:

Most likely true.

There is so much violence today in schools, it isn't surprising the authorities are doing stuff like that, and a kid is either stupid or rebellious to not be aware of what he or she needs to have in their car or on their person while on school property. School violence is a hyper-sensitive issue nowadays.

This story has nothing to do with being black or white, so why is the OP mentioning race?

School boards and administrations are hypersensitive about everything.
They spend more time setting up special needs this and special needs that...Peanut free zones, special curriculum for the perpetually offended.
They have more kids in special classes than they do in regular classes.
Every time a kid whines that they object to particular lesson in a class, the parents run to the school and demand their kid get to have an alternative lesson because the teacher offended them. Or some nonsense about the teacher won't grade on a curve and the smart kids get all the advantages....The school administrators wet their drawers and cave to these unrealistic demands just to avoid litigation.
The more the kids and parents think they can get away with so their little cupcake doesn't have to work as hard as the other kids, the more they will try. And it all leads to the same thing. Hauling the school district into court.
If I was on a school board, I would tell the administration "Look, the next parent that storms into the office and threatens a suit, you tell them to go right ahead. We will litigate your suit into the next decade."
" Now ,you can pull your kid out and home school them if you like. But we will not cave to threats of suits. Then take out a stack of folders slam them on the desk and say, "do you see this? Do you think you are special? We get threats of suits every day by people just like you. Get in line".
‘Police State USA,’ oh, brother.

From a factual and objective account not intended to mislead:

Chitwood, a senior at Lassiter High in northeast Cobb, was arrested and charged with violating the same law after a K-9 dog targeted his car during a random police sweep of the student parking lot Sept. 17. When police searched his car they didn’t find any drugs but they did find several fishing knives in a tackle box left in his trunk from a fishing trip several days earlier. He also had a butterfly knife in the side pocket of the driver’s side door.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Legislature may tweak zero tolerance law

A butterfly knife in the side pocket of one’s driver’s side door is a concealed weapon, the carrying of which without a permit is indeed a felony. This wasn’t solely about ‘harmless fishing knives’ in a tackle box.

The scent of gunpowder residue manifests reasonable suspicion to conduct a vehicle search, regardless how innocent its source, and there is a considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one’s car.

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse, Chitwood was stupid and foolish to keep a butterfly knife in his door’s pocket; young drivers should be admonished to never carry knives in their cars because they can indeed be construed as a concealed weapon by LE, even driving on public roads, ‘zero tolerance’ policy or not.

First off, the police shouldn't be doing random searches. That is not probable cause.

Second off, why would the scent of gunpowder be a reason to search a car? Is it illegal to have the scent of gunpowder in your car? No.

Third off, the idea that there is 'considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one's car' is some bull shit that some fascist judge made up to justify this police state stuff.

Fourth off, ignorance of the law is not an excuse, but it should be a mitigating factor. Do you even think you know 1/20th of the laws in your state? I seriously doubt it. I bet hundreds or even thousands of people in Georgia carry butterfly knives without knowing it's a felony.

Fifth off, what is the justification for making owning any knife (without a permit) a felony? That's total police state bull shit. Assaulting people and harming them is the spirit of the law definition of felonious behavior; not this bull shit I want to fuck you over cos I can or I want to control your life crap.

Sixth off, who gives a shit if he has a so-called concealed weapon? Do you give a shit that the police have concealed weapons? Then why the fuck are you so worried about private citizens carrying them? Why? Because you full-on support the police state. Pull your head out of your ass, dip shit.

Hmm. Once on school property, the 4th Amendment does not apply.
It has to be that way.
Suppose there have been bomb threats called in to the point where it was becoming evident there may be some kind of incident? Or if there are reports of widespread drug dealing in the student parking lot?
Do you think that the police should have to acquire a search warrant for every vehicle?
There is a clause in many states regarding searches. It's called "good faith". This gives police wider latitude in searches where the safety of a the public or an individual outweighs the need of the individual.
Good Faith Exception to Exclusionary Rule | LII / Legal Information Institute
n exception to the exclusionary rule barring the use at trial of evidence obtained pursuant to an unlawful search and seizure. If officers had reasonable, good faith belief that they were acting according to legal authority, such as by relying on a search warrant that is later found to have been legally defective, the illegally seized evidence is admissible. See also Fourth Amendment.
Now that I think about it...I always had a toolbox in my car in high school. And one of the thinks in the toolbox was usually a utility knife!

I had a tool box in my car. Pretty sure I remember a Swiss army knife with all those tools in it.
People constantly get away with abusing the rep system around here. Look at all of the rep that the right-wingers have. Are you telling me that they don't rep the shit out of each other everyday? And the way they gang up on other members? You guys are like little high school girls with your rep. Shove it up your ass.
Gang up? HUH?..You libs get blasted based on your off the subject posts. Not on informed opinions. There are quite a few liberal drive by posters who offer nothing but one liner posts which in direct violation of forum rules offer nothing in contribution to the thread at hand, who either earn their negs or have their rep turned off.
WAH WAH WAH...They're ganging up on me!!!!!!!!
Stay on the point of the discussion and you won't get negged.
Yes...It is a HUGE controversy for conservative posters to positively rep each other as often as possible and doing the reverse to lib posters.
There is no way it could be that lib poster's conduct on here isn't all that popular or in good taste.....NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

You sound unstable. Go go suck on some rep-dick and maybe you'll feel better. Ernie could use some action.
It takes a tremendous intellect to come up with a masterpiece like that.
Gang up? HUH?..You libs get blasted based on your off the subject posts. Not on informed opinions. There are quite a few liberal drive by posters who offer nothing but one liner posts which in direct violation of forum rules offer nothing in contribution to the thread at hand, who either earn their negs or have their rep turned off.
WAH WAH WAH...They're ganging up on me!!!!!!!!
Stay on the point of the discussion and you won't get negged.
Yes...It is a HUGE controversy for conservative posters to positively rep each other as often as possible and doing the reverse to lib posters.
There is no way it could be that lib poster's conduct on here isn't all that popular or in good taste.....NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

You sound unstable. Go go suck on some rep-dick and maybe you'll feel better. Ernie could use some action.
It takes a tremendous intellect to come up with a masterpiece like that.

Are you done crying now?
in 1960, when I was 16 years old, I left a high school dance outside of Atlanta, which is only about 40 miles from Marrietta, where this OP happened. I took three friends to a Seven Eleven who wanted to buy cigarettes. We bought them, and started back to the dance. Two local cops who used to patrol our part of the county on weekend nights pulled me over to give me a ticket for driving with one headlight out. These two cops were the bain of existance to all of us teenagers, because they routine harrassed teenagers on Friday and Saturday nights. Everyone knew "Bud" and "Dave", and that they had some sort of obsession with curbing what they considereed was budding juvinile delinquency everywhere they went. It was aroung 10 PM, and it was a cold Winter night. They ordered us out of my car, and comminced to searching every nook and cranny. They even took out the back seat and left it on the side of the road. We stood around shivvering because it was about 20 degrees. They finally found a fishing knife in my glove box that I had bought at a hardware store for $4.99. They gave me a ticket to appear in court for possessing a concealed weapon, which was illegal to carry, because the blade was more than 2 inches long. My mother and I had to go to court and be lectured by the judge, before he dismissed the charges on condition that my mother supervise me better.

There is nothing political about any of this crap. It has nothing to do with race, a "police state", or the collapse of personal freedoms. It is about someone who has been given a little authority, and over zelously goes about giving people grief. Some people especially like to harrass teenagers. It was my first encounter with cops, and it could have lead me down a path that would have grown into distrust and hatred of cops and authority. Instead, I got over it, and realized that "Bud" and Dave" were just a couple of bullies that volunteered to do Friday and Saturday night patrols so that they could get away with pushing punks around. Over the period of my 5 years in high school, they managed to stop and search virtually every car of all of my friends, at least once.

Get over it. The world as we know it did not come to an end.
so what?

the car was PARKED. the child was at school. The knife was not even visible. there was no crime going on and nobody was a suspect.

since when a car can be searched without a warrant on PUBLIC property?

A school is public property or do they have limits for entry? I don't want my Grand kids going to any school that allows weapons on campus.

there are no weapons and the car to be searched needs a warrant.
on public property.
That is one of our Amendments forming the Bill of Rights.

Knives found in the car aren't weapons?
Different states have different laws.
Fight to change them or move

In Florida if you get a flat tire in front of a school, and you have a gun in your car, you're fucked
Either keep driving or don't carry

Don't bring a knife on school grounds
Simple stuff really
None reported. That's the point. So should they have been cited and fined?
Just answer the question without answering a question with a dodge question.
Try being honest...for once.
You know in your heart of hearts you'd be supportive of the OWS people if they were being fined for smoking in a public park. You'd refer to it as harassment.

Why are you trying to compare a law (smoking) based on social stigma, versus a law written for safety. Kinda apples vs. oranges.

But to answer your question; The occupy wall street was stupid. Why should one protest when the facts are already known?

Should citations have been written? YES.

Nice attempt at missing the point.
You stated the kid broke a law. And because he is from a red state you took the side of law and order.
I made a blue state comparison to see whether or not you would again side with law and order. You are now trying to dodge the issue because the law breakers would be liberals. And you certainly don't want to get caught citing law and order principled against your fellow libs.
That's fine. I have your answer.
You're a hypocrite.
Had that kid been a member of one of your protected classes or if this was a lib kid exercising his 'rights' you'd be all over the cops.
No need for you to respond. We're done.

Who cares what state he's from? He broke the law.

I'm a hypocrite? Nah. I don't care who you are, if you break the law you need to have some freedom temporally or permanently revoked.

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