Highest Ever Gas Price In My AO....$4.36

Hey, if any of you out there are traders, buy some oil stocks. In 2008, it was 140% return. It could do it again! I am certain that traders who bought oil stocks before the Ukraine Crisis are making a killing off of this now.
Well, on a side note: These oil stocks are doing quite well - despite the sell-off in the markets. I am hoping for another 140% return - as it did back in 2008.
Yep. Oil companies doing great. Lots of people got raises since Biden came to office, as business started picking up. How are those raises working out? More money in the pocket before or now? This is the thing I have observed at least short term before. Won't have to be a tax hike, gains going directly from the bottom to the top, the corporations, the oil companies. It will level out but I suspect many people will get used to less before the leveling comes and after all is said and done, will be little difference gained. When you or one person gets a raise, it is a good thing, but when large swaths get raises beyond the usual, look out everybody is getting ready to get hosed except the top 1%. More people working at higher rate, time for business and (wait for it) government to get a bigger piece. It does not excite me anymore. I have raised prices, not because profits were down, but because I could and corporate smiled. Selling less for more is good business when you can get it.

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