Hiliary Clinton: Assad is "Reformer"


Apr 22, 2007
As the fighting was raging and civilians were being arrested on no charges and executed less than TWO YEARS ago, Clinton has the arrogance to call AAAASSSSad a reformer. How ignorant! What a worthless SOB! She stated he is a reformer and that is why the US won't attack him.

He is NO different than Gaddiff! While he is no reformer, we shouldn't be helping or condemning him. Palin stated it best, let Allah sort it out!

Syrian President Assad Regarded As a ?Reformer,? Clinton Says | CNS News
CBS newsman Bob Schieffer, the interviewer, noted that the president’s father, Hafez Assad, had “killed 25,000 people at a lick” – a reference to the crushing of an Islamist revolt in the town of Hama in 1982 – and said the regime now was firing at civilians with live ammunition.

“Why is that different from Libya?” he asked.

“There’s a different leader in Syria now,” Clinton said. “Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer
Despite appeals from the Obama administration, Bashir Assad has aligned himself with Iran and Hamas.

Syrian President Assad Regarded As a ?Reformer,? Clinton Says | CNS News
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday drew a contrast between Syrian President Bashir Assad and his late father and predecessor, and said U.S. lawmakers who recently have visited Damascus regarded him as a “reformer.”

She made the startling comment while explaining why the United States will not intervene on behalf of Syrian civilians revolting against the regime as it has done in the case of Libya.

The recent wave of unrest in Syria originated in the city of Deraa near the border with Jordan and has spread to other centers, including Damascus and Latakia, a coastal city with a sizeable population of Allawites, members of Assad’s minority Shi’ite sect.

Security forces have opened fire on protestors on several occasions, and human rights groups put the death toll in Deraa alone at more than 60. Clashes in Latakia at the weekend left more people dead, with reports of fatalities ranging from six to 21.

As it has done since the unrest began, the regime’s official SANA news agency has blamed shadowy conspirators and “foreign plots,” attributing the deaths in Latakia to “armed gangs.”

Doing the round of Sunday television talk shows with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Clinton told CBS’s Face the Nation that the U.S. would not enter the conflict in Syria as it has in Libya.

“No,” she said. “Each of these situations is unique.”

While saying the administration deplored the violence in Syria, she contrasted the situation to that of Libya.

“What’s been happening there [in Syria] the last few weeks is deeply concerning, but there’s a difference between calling out aircraft and indiscriminately strafing and bombing your own cities and then police actions, which, frankly, have exceeded the use of force that any of us would want to see.”

Clinton described Muammar Gaddafi as “someone who has behaved in a way that caused grave concern in the past 40-plus years in the Arab world, the African world, Europe, and the United States.”

CBS newsman Bob Schieffer, the interviewer, noted that the president’s father, Hafez Assad, had “killed 25,000 people at a lick” – a reference to the crushing of an Islamist revolt in the town of Hama in 1982 – and said the regime now was firing at civilians with live ammunition.

“Why is that different from Libya?” he asked.

“There’s a different leader in Syria now,” Clinton said. “Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”

Despite appeals from the Obama administration, Bashir Assad has aligned himself with Iran and Hamas.
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No doubt Hillary and Libberhoids support terrorists
Hell, they love the ft hood shooter their poster child for freedom
I could not help but notice you stopped your quote just before this part:

The most recent congressional delegation to visit Syria was one led by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) last month.
The most recent congressional delegation involving Republican lawmakers took place in February and included Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), who led it, as well as Enzi, Wicker, Cornyn, Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho). News reports indicate that Assad put on a sell job, saying, “Arab leaders should tune in to their people’s needs.”

Hillary Clinton?s uncredible statement on Syria - The Washington Post

Here is the news report to which that blogger was referring:

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday told a delegation of visiting US senators that Arab leaders should tune in to their people's needs, state-run SANA news agency reported.

As anti-regime revolts rock several Arab nations, Assad said it is necessary "to better understand the will of the people and to carry out policies that reflect" their demands, SANA reported.

In a meeting with a delegation of Republican senators led by Richard Shelby, Assad also called on the United States to "review its role in the peace process through serious action for a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East."
I could not help but notice you stopped your quote just before this part:

The most recent congressional delegation to visit Syria was one led by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) last month.

Not intentional and not familiar with Shelby! However, I will acknowledge Republicans and acting a fool on Syria also. It's like they have not learned from the Iraq mess! Heck McShame is showing how foolish his hawkish side is! He wants boots on the ground. What an idiot!
It was an error of belief that Qadaffi attacking his own people was different than Assad attacking his own people.

The fact is that since the Arab spring began, many despots, including Mubarek, were attacking their own people in the streets.

The differences are that Mubarak was a US ally for many years, Qadaffi was an enemy, and Assad was the devil we knew. That's it. Our government cannot speak so plainly, though, in the face of innocent blood running in the gutters.

Now the devil we know is acting more satanic with each passing day, making the devil we don't know more attractive. Especially since several other leaders in the region are saying the same thing. So it is sounding more and more like a good idea to shove a few missiles up his ass.
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