Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death

Hillary used a PRIVATE DOT COM address to give select individuals a HIGHER level of access to Her Majesty.

She used a Private Server at her Government Job for the same reason anyone else would: She wanted to keep Criminal Secrets. She wanted to stay off of Government e-mail Servers which have automatic and secure archiving and backup.

What criminal secrets did Colin Powell keep when he did the exact same thing?
Hillary knows she can lie through her teeth and her supporters will not waiver. None of them give a shit that she and Obama lied about the fucking YouTube video being the cause of the attack. She certainly dropped the ball on the security requests, but that isn't illegal, it's just deplorable. B.J. Clinton did the same thing in ignoring the security requests at the Khobar towers. The Clinton administration felt that things such as concrete barriers would disenfranchise the local population.

Clintons always turn their back on security and hope to not offend batshit crazy Muslims. Yet liberals still want idiots like these in power and defend them.
Hillary knows she can lie through her teeth and her supporters will not waiver. None of them give a shit that she and Obama lied about the fucking YouTube video being the cause of the attack. She certainly dropped the ball on the security requests, but that isn't illegal, it's just deplorable. B.J. Clinton did the same thing in ignoring the security requests at the Khobar towers. The Clinton administration felt that things such as concrete barriers would disenfranchise the local population.

Clintons always turn their back on security and hope to not offend batshit crazy Muslims. Yet liberals still want idiots like these in power and defend them.

And can you quote hillary 'blaming stevens for his own death'? I've heard plenty of people quoting themselves on the matter. But none actually quoting hillary.
Hillary testified that he didn't e-mail her PRIVATE DOT COM e-mail address. Her State Department e-mail is a matter of public record.

You understand the difference?

Hillary Admits Chris Stevens Did Not Have Her Email Address [VIDEO]
In a tense line of exchange during Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that while her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal had her personal email address and frequently used it, Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have that level of access.
so stevens did not email Her and ask HER for help?

And when they asked about her PERSONAL email, is this one and the same email address as her working email address?

your rag piece from the dailycaller was very SELECTIVE in what they wrote in order to SPIN their right wing narrative....

It was made very clear in the hearings that if Stevens wanted to reach her, he could easily do so....
Hillary testified that he didn't e-mail her PRIVATE DOT COM e-mail address. Her State Department e-mail is a matter of public record.

You understand the difference?

Hillary Admits Chris Stevens Did Not Have Her Email Address [VIDEO]
In a tense line of exchange during Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that while her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal had her personal email address and frequently used it, Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have that level of access.
so stevens did not email Her and ask HER for help?

And when they asked about her PERSONAL email, is this one and the same email address as her working email address?

your rag piece from the dailycaller was very SELECTIVE in what they wrote in order to SPIN their right wing narrative....

It was made very clear that if Stevens wanted to reach her, he could easily do so....
Apparently these people think that if they're experiencing a medical emergency, they should call their doctor's home phone number at 3 a.m. instead of 911.
Hillary knows she can lie through her teeth and her supporters will not waiver. None of them give a shit that she and Obama lied about the fucking YouTube video being the cause of the attack. She certainly dropped the ball on the security requests, but that isn't illegal, it's just deplorable. B.J. Clinton did the same thing in ignoring the security requests at the Khobar towers. The Clinton administration felt that things such as concrete barriers would disenfranchise the local population.

Clintons always turn their back on security and hope to not offend batshit crazy Muslims. Yet liberals still want idiots like these in power and defend them.

And can you quote hillary 'blaming stevens for his own death'? I've heard plenty of people quoting themselves on the matter. But none actually quoting hillary.

She said that Stevens "knew the risks", as if that justifies ignoring all of his security request. She stated this before, well over a year ago in fact.
All she has to do is say "he knew the risks", smirk, and shrug it off, and the useful idiots will say she handled herself well so let's make her President now.
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so stevens did not email Her and ask HER for help?
Amb Stevens had to have her State.gov e-mail. He was a Government Employee.
And when they asked about her PERSONAL email, is this one and the same email address as her working email address?
No. Blumenthat had her PERSONAL ADDRESS but Amb Stevens did not have that level of access. It's IMPLIED that her PERSONAL ADDRESS is a Higher Level. That's why she kept it on a Private Server to give to whom she pleases. There are Different Laws that apply to Private and Government computers. She is a Lawyer. This is how she Thinks and Acts.
"Congressman,” Clinton began, pausing. “I — I do not believe that he had my personal mail.”

The State Dot Gov address goes to a Secretary who preps the e-mails for her to read. Every Elected and High Public Official has the same setup.

Her Private E-Mail was a Direct Line to Her but she tried to get those hard drives wiped remember? (The FBI has at least One of them) You beginning to see it now? You beginning to understand?

It was made very clear in the hearings that if Stevens wanted to reach her, he could easily do so....
Yes, but NOT Directly so. Some were responded to, others not.

That's why we need ALL the e-mails she sent as Secretary of State and the ones she sent to her Private E-Mail Server, not just the State DOT GOV emails.
He WAS responsible for his own Death. Those times when he e-mailed her asking for more security don't mean nuttin'.

But the Repubs said he didn't email her.

Why did the Repubs cut security? They admitted she asked for more security but they cut the budget.

Even if he had emailed her, the Secty of State has no control over security, no say in it at all. The Repubs admitted that as well.
Hillary is always an easy target because she has a long career in public service with many achievements and failures..
Name a few. Right here.

Many = More than One. More than just a few.
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

Without a doubt, among the most accomplished women (or men) on the planet and certainly the most qualified candidate for prez.
I'd really like to see trump making a speech saying he'd appoint hillary to be ambassador to libya if he were elected president...watch her squirm then...LMAO
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death
If you like a president who lies to you about everything.....can't admit that the sky is blue.....and wants to put on a happy face and claim we're at peace when war is on our doorstep......vote for Hillary.
as sick as it sounds that's pretty much it.

and this BS of how an Ambassador knows the job comes with danger. that's BS. That's not an Ambassadors job description. They aren't trained to go into a place that dangerous and then he expected he could at least COUNT on her and Obama to protect him. WHICH they dropped the ball on, so they deflected, lied, covered up for more than one reason. but the one above is the main one. they also didn't want to get out we were AGAIN attacked on 9/11 under Obama and her. that snake Obama was also up for Re-election and he didn't want that to be in his way of us being attacked again on 9/11.
you notice the last time she had anything to do with our Government she was married to a President where we were attacked with the First world trade center bombings, the Federal building bombings, the Branch Dividians, etc. I mean seriously, this woman can not be counted on to keep us safe
I'd really like to see trump making a speech saying he'd appoint hillary to be ambassador to libya if he were elected president...watch her squirm then...LMAO

lets see now, I would bet she'd turn it down in a heartbeat.
"We already knew that Hillary Clinton is willing to lie openly to avoid responsibility. But she sank to a new low today as she blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death in the Benghazi terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012.

Appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Hillary laid it on thick as she explained how much she cared for Stevens: “I’m here to honor those we lost, and to do what I can to aid those who serve us still.” She touted her friendship with Stevens and his stellar service record, and suggested how deep her personal feeling toward Stevens ran. She did not explain, however, why she addressed her close personal friend Chris Stevens as “Chris Smith” just before midnight on the night Stevens died.

Listening to Hillary bloviate about Stevens was akin to listening to Alan Dershowitz bloviate about Nicole Brown Simpson. Clinton’s State Department refused time and again to grant requests for additional security to Stevens; his last diary entry stated, “Never ending security threats…” Clinton stated that she took responsibility for the events in Benghazi. Then she proceeded to blame the dead man for wearing a short skirt: she stated that Stevens understood the risks of the job, that she wouldn’t want the tragedy of his death compounded by a bunker mentality among diplomats, and that Stevens “felt comfortable” on the ground, despite all evidence to the contrary.

As far as her own culpability, Hillary attempted to say that she was both fully aware of the situation on the ground in Benghazi, and totally out of the loop with regard to decision-making. She blamed unnamed security professionals for not greenlighting Stevens’ requests, although she never fired anyone, of course, and her undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, received the requests. On the other hand, she also said that her lack of email with regard to Libyan security in the run-up to the attacks wasn’t due to negligence. Instead, she implausibly claimed, she didn’t use email all that often; people brought her hard copies of relevant documents in briefcases. Which we haven’t seen."

Hillary Blames Chris Stevens For His Own Death
I thought for sure that Hillary would of blamed global warming.
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