Hillary Calls Mother of Benghazi Dead a Liar Again During the Debate

Joe you must stop with the DNC and MSM talking points every day. It is so transparent.

If an R candidate had the past of Hillary, you would never accept this BS of nobody cares anymore.

You can't sweep Hillary's past under the rug, though you desperately want to.

Here's the problem with Hillary's "past"... how much of it have you been able to prove?

Ken Starr spent 70 million investigating the Clintons. His findings were she did nothing wrong with the Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, the Rose Law Firm, Whitewater or the death of Vince Foster, but you guys keep acting like she did.

You guys keep talking about Benghazi, but you've had EIGHT- count them EIGHT - Congressional investigations into it, and the only thing we found out was that Kevin McCarthy admitted they were designed to sully her reputation.

But the e-mails... that's where we had her. You guys pretty much come off like Captain Queeg and the strawberries.

Joe you must stop with the DNC and MSM talking points every day. It is so transparent.

If an R candidate had the past of Hillary, you would never accept this BS of nobody cares anymore.

You can't sweep Hillary's past under the rug, though you desperately want to.

Here's the problem with Hillary's "past"... how much of it have you been able to prove?

Ken Starr spent 70 million investigating the Clintons. His findings were she did nothing wrong with the Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, the Rose Law Firm, Whitewater or the death of Vince Foster, but you guys keep acting like she did.

You guys keep talking about Benghazi, but you've had EIGHT- count them EIGHT - Congressional investigations into it, and the only thing we found out was that Kevin McCarthy admitted they were designed to sully her reputation.

But the e-mails... that's where we had her. You guys pretty much come off like Captain Queeg and the strawberries.

Oh Joe you are so ridiculous, it is beyond words.

If you think Hillary is trustworthy, principled, and ethical...you need to get your head examined.

She very likely may be the most unethical, unprincipled, and untrustworthy candidate to ever win the WH...and that is saying a lot when you consider the fools who have won the WH.
1. She had nothing to do with it.
- Do with WHAT?
A. Getting 4 People Killed? Stevens never should have been there. Stevens worked for Her. SHE was responsible for keeping him safe. SHE did not make the call to get and keep him out of Benghazi on the day she KNEW there was going to be a terrorist attack, according to the threats. She did not do so because pulling him out would look bad after Obama vowed Al Qaeida was on the run and the War on Terror was over. That was debunked at the cost of 4 American lives who died needlessly. TWF do you mean she had nothing to do with it. It was HER State Department and she FAILED to prevent the needless murder of a US Ambassador.

B. Nothing to do with telling the grieving family members their loved ones died due to a video? That was all her, dude - it is proven BY her in her OWN e-mails.

2. They made the call to be there themselves.
- God, I hope you aren't a parent. 'Yes, I was the legal guardian. Yes jumping off the roof was dangerous, but I let THEM make the call.' REALLY?! It was HILLARY'S Job to keep Stevens safe and she FAILED!

3. You seem to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them in your blind hatred of Clinton.
- No, I didn't forget about them...but OBAMA and HILLARY did! These guys were giving interviews on TV poolside over seas, and Obama said he couldn't find them It took him a year before he caught the guy (scapegoat). He and Hillary were too busy covering their ass, lying about a video, and declaring to the world during a speech before the U.N., "The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam'.
...to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting.

so what would one expect from a disgusting lying criminal khunt like her ?
i believe she even aided in setting up this terrorist attack that killed those four brave patriotic Americans.
Oh Joe you are so ridiculous, it is beyond words.

If you think Hillary is trustworthy, principled, and ethical...you need to get your head examined.

She very likely may be the most unethical, unprincipled, and untrustworthy candidate to ever win the WH...and that is saying a lot when you consider the fools who have won the WH.

Guy, NONE of them are trustworthy, principled, and ethical. They're fucking politicians. Even Trump. Nothing HIllary has been accused of is as bad as what Trump did in trying to steal an old lady's home or defrauding students at "Trump University".

you know, back in the 1990's, I used to be one of you right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a thing I should really give a shit about.

Then Bush came along and gave us war and disasters and recessions, and frankly, I came to miss the Clintons and their petty scandals.
Just letting you know I know how your kind hates miss spelling.
The point is Hillary is is lying bitch and her followers are dumbasses. Didn't think I needed to say the obvious.

OH, was that your point? Because that had nothing to do with what I was saying. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
...to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting.

so what would one expect from a disgusting lying criminal khunt like her ?
i believe she even aided in setting up this terrorist attack that killed those four brave patriotic Americans.
Typical Hillary Supporter,,,,,talks like that Obama-Phone-Girl,,,,,,"Ize dont care if innocent peoples die, I don't care if Hillary lize all the time, I dont give a crap for da middle class, I dont care about anyone So Long As I Get My ABCEDBT Card and mah Free Wide Ass Screen TV" !!!! Bitch !!!
i believe she even aided in setting up this terrorist attack that killed those four brave patriotic Americans.

LMAO. Do they give awards for the most stupid fucking post of the day? Week? Month?

WE HAVE A WINNER. Nice job. Stay tuned for Marty to tell you what you have won.

It is a no expense paid trip to lick Donald trumps balls. That's.right. You have won the trump ball lickers award.

- God, I hope you aren't a parent. 'Yes, I was the legal guardian. Yes jumping off the roof was dangerous, but I let THEM make the call.' REALLY?! It was HILLARY'S Job to keep Stevens safe and she FAILED!

NO, that wasn't her job. Stevens was a big boy, and he could make his own decisions. He CHOSE to go to Benghazi that day, even though he had reports the security situation in the city was deteriorating, even though it was the anniversary of 9/11 and even though riots were breaking out across the middle east over that video.
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'

“You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi," Clinton said. "And I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong. I and everybody in the administration, all the people she named — the president, the vice president, [then-United Nations Ambassador] Susan Rice — we were scrambling to get information that was changing literally by the hour."


Hillary reportedly told the families of the deceased that their loved ones were dead due to a video. Hillary declared that to be false...and did so again during the latest Democratic Party 'Debate'. In her Bullshi, er, explanation above she tries to paint a picture of how there was no definitive answer....much later when she stood with the families as their loved one's flag-draped coffins were off-loaded from a plane, when she told them the reason was due to a video and promised to put the director / movie-maker in jail!

In Hillary's own e-mails it reveals she told a foreign Ambassador the night after the attack, 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it' and later told Chelsea 4 Americans were killed by terrorists'. Sorry, Hillary, 'We weren't sure', and 'we didn't have all the info' doesn't wash anymore - you've been BUSTED.

But what you knew THAT NIGHT is irrelevant because you met with the family members AFTER that, when it had already been proven it was a terrorist attack.

It is absolutely shameful that these 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY to begin with because of her incompetence and unwillingness to make the necessary call(s) required to keep Americans safe ,but to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting. It's not bad enough she got their loved ones needlessly murdered but now she is insulting them and smearing their names to protect her own ass.

So, if you lose a person, then you're ALWAYS RIGHT about things?

I don't think so.

I can't imagine Hillary telling a lie, can you?
so what would one expect from a disgusting lying criminal khunt like her ?
i believe she even aided in setting up this terrorist attack that killed those four brave patriotic Americans.

1. Knew of the threats and refused to pull Stevens out when every other country pulled their people out.

2. Had a 'militia', not US troops, guarding a US Ambassador.

3. Denied over 600 pleas for additional security...and laughed about it undr oath, claiming she thought it was a continuous JOKE

4. Stripped Stevens of 14 security members ATER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound BEFORE the known threat of attacks on 9/11/12 and WHILE she knew there was (according to her) NO Quick Reaction Military Force that could come to his rescue if the attack did happen.

This is either the actions of the DUMBEST M*er F*er to EVER sit the Seat of SoS or someone who did just about everything she could to ensure Stevens did not survive 9/11/12!
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'

“You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi," Clinton said. "And I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong. I and everybody in the administration, all the people she named — the president, the vice president, [then-United Nations Ambassador] Susan Rice — we were scrambling to get information that was changing literally by the hour."


Hillary reportedly told the families of the deceased that their loved ones were dead due to a video. Hillary declared that to be false...and did so again during the latest Democratic Party 'Debate'. In her Bullshi, er, explanation above she tries to paint a picture of how there was no definitive answer....much later when she stood with the families as their loved one's flag-draped coffins were off-loaded from a plane, when she told them the reason was due to a video and promised to put the director / movie-maker in jail!

In Hillary's own e-mails it reveals she told a foreign Ambassador the night after the attack, 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it' and later told Chelsea 4 Americans were killed by terrorists'. Sorry, Hillary, 'We weren't sure', and 'we didn't have all the info' doesn't wash anymore - you've been BUSTED.

But what you knew THAT NIGHT is irrelevant because you met with the family members AFTER that, when it had already been proven it was a terrorist attack.

It is absolutely shameful that these 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY to begin with because of her incompetence and unwillingness to make the necessary call(s) required to keep Americans safe ,but to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting. It's not bad enough she got their loved ones needlessly murdered but now she is insulting them and smearing their names to protect her own ass.

So, if you lose a person, then you're ALWAYS RIGHT about things?

I don't think so.

I can't imagine Hillary telling a lie, can you?

A lie? No. A fucking whopper, yes! She's a politician without a fundamental basis for her views. They all lie.
Havent her emails proved her lies wrong?
FFS, she claimed it was a video for weeks!
She is goddamn scum. NO, fuck that. Even worse. The bacteria that grows on the fungus on scum.
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It is absolutely shameful that these 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY to begin with because of her incompetence and unwillingness to make the necessary call(s) required to keep Americans safe ,but to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting. It's not bad enough she got their loved ones needlessly murdered but now she is insulting them and smearing their names to protect her own ass.
1. She had nothing to do with it.
2. They made the call to be there themselves.
3. You seem to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them in your blind hatred of Clinton.
4. See 1.

1. They all worked for the Sec of State.
2. The Ambassador requested additional security dozens of times and was ignored.
3. They were merely having a demonstration and then broke out the AK's and mortors.
4. All other western countries had the common sense to move their people out of Libya.

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