Hillary Calls Mother of Benghazi Dead a Liar Again During the Debate

So, if you lose a person, then you're ALWAYS RIGHT about things?
Only if you're a Democrat

This is just descending in to the same bullshit as normal then.

Not familiar with the leftist 9/11 orgs or the Democrats positions on them, are you? Remember Cindy can't be wrong ever because her son died in Iraq Sheehan? You're full of shit, you have to see what the left does in this subject, yet you only speak up when they aren't the ones doing it
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'

“You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi," Clinton said. "And I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong. I and everybody in the administration, all the people she named — the president, the vice president, [then-United Nations Ambassador] Susan Rice — we were scrambling to get information that was changing literally by the hour."


Hillary reportedly told the families of the deceased that their loved ones were dead due to a video. Hillary declared that to be false...and did so again during the latest Democratic Party 'Debate'. In her Bullshi, er, explanation above she tries to paint a picture of how there was no definitive answer....much later when she stood with the families as their loved one's flag-draped coffins were off-loaded from a plane, when she told them the reason was due to a video and promised to put the director / movie-maker in jail!

In Hillary's own e-mails it reveals she told a foreign Ambassador the night after the attack, 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it' and later told Chelsea 4 Americans were killed by terrorists'. Sorry, Hillary, 'We weren't sure', and 'we didn't have all the info' doesn't wash anymore - you've been BUSTED.

But what you knew THAT NIGHT is irrelevant because you met with the family members AFTER that, when it had already been proven it was a terrorist attack.

It is absolutely shameful that these 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY to begin with because of her incompetence and unwillingness to make the necessary call(s) required to keep Americans safe ,but to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting. It's not bad enough she got their loved ones needlessly murdered but now she is insulting them and smearing their names to protect her own ass.
its people like youth keeps distorting the information and calling a lie or you calling it a bull shit explanation ... this was testified by Leon Panetta he state while being asked by Ted cruse ... pancetta state in the area there were protest and rioting going on over this video that was released in the US, while these things were going on, then benghazi attacks started ... Hillary never lied about it... when updated as time went on, which by they way was all document in the benghazi hearings ... she would get updated that's when finally she found out it was done by terrorist ... thats when Hillary started telling everyone it was terrorist ... there wasn't and deception here like you are implying here you're just lying to try and prove your point and doing so very poorly at it ... do some research as for the night after the Benghazi hearings said after three days and the emails she sent supported that number ...
It is amazing that Hillary, with the long history of lies, corruption, and ineffectiveness; is being considered for POTUS. I guess Dem voters either are uninformed or don't care.

I doubt very much that R voters would ever support a candidate in their party, with the past of Hillary.

What does that say about D voters?
Considering who you are running, I wouldn't be pointing fingers. And HC can win, that actually matters in elections eh?
See now that is completely nonsensical. The R candidates are nothing like Hillary...yeah they have their issues, but nothing close to Hillary. They have not lied for decades, committed all kinds of corrupt actions for decades, were not utterly ineffective in government positions.

Bernie is far more competent and does not have decades of corruption and lies in his past. But, D voters still go for Cankles.

It could be that the MSM and the elites can more easily dupe D voters.
The GOP has an internal war, on full public display, of three people who can't win while the Dems have one that can. I'd say you have other things to concern yourself with eh?
Means nothing.

Clearly Hillary is as corrupt a politician as there ever was, yet D voters still vote for her. CRAZY!!!
Can you tell us all what she supposedly did that was CORRUPT in her 8 years as a US Senator and 4 years as Secretary of state? You and others have regurgitated this talking point ad nauseum but never tell us what she did during her 12 years in public service that was CORRUPT???
Good lord...what do we do with people like you?

Are you that uninformed or just unwilling to see the truth?

Have you bothered to research objective reporting of Hillary's actions, since she was in the Arkansas governor's mansion?
AFTER she knew it was a terrorist attack, which was within the 1st hour of the attack starting according to the State Department lead in Tripoli who testified that he personally called and talked to Hillary to confirm this was a terrorist attack, is when she told the grieving family members it was a protest over a video gone wrong.

She told the foreign Ambassador ' We KNOW', not we are still searching for facts, which she did not have to do because people on the ground, people in Libya, had already confirmed it. 'We KNOW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had nothing to do with it."

Hillary and the State Department already KNEW about the threatened Middle East-wide terror attacks called for on the anniversary of 9/11/01. She/they knew it was the anniversary of 9/11/01 and had nothing to do with the video.

Hillary and the State Department KNEW already that an Al Qaeida leader had already called for the ASSASSINATION of Stevens on 9/11/12 in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi who was killed a month earlier by a drone strike, that the video had NOTHING to do with the call for Stevens' assassination!

Hillary and the State Department KNEW terrorists had already attacked his compound TWICE leading up to the final attack and that those attacks had NOTHING to do with a video. These were attempts to test the compound defenses.

The whole false narrative that Hillary really DIDN'T know and thus did not lie about the video can easily be and HAS been debunked with all of the above and more!

Wow, a grieving mother is never wrong. Shame on Hillary :rolleyes:
YOUR words.

It's not just one mother. Several of the deceased's family members have stated the same story - Hillary blaming a video and vowing to punish the filmmaker. Again, with everything know, especially about Hillary, the more than safe bet is believing the grieving family members, not the career liar whose own e-mails prove she lied to the world.
So she can be wrong and is wrong. So what are you objecting too exactly?
So never having been there, not knowing anything that was said, you are also calling the mother / families liars based on what HILLARY has said. Good luck with that.
Hillary doubles-down on LYING / VIDEO:

Hillary: YouTube Video 'Did Play A Role' in Benghazi Attack - Breitbart

Hillary tells Foreign Ambassador, "We KNOW Benghazi was a terrorist attack - the video had NOTHING to do with it'.

Hillary tells her daughter that 4 Americans / Stevens were killed in a terrorist attack.

HILLARY TELLS THE WORLD THE NEXT DAY, AFTER THESE E-MAILS that the attack was a protest gone wrong over the video.

The State Dept Lead in Tripoli testified that he called and spoke directly to Hillary within an hour of the attack beginning, informing her this was a TERRORIST attack.

Hillary already KNEW of the threats of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack on 9/11/12 for the anniversary of 9/11/01 - no mention of a video was made.

Hillary already KNEW every other country had pulled their people out do to these threats.

Hillary already KNEW Stevens had repeatedly reported the growing terrorist threat and repeatedly requested additional security...which Hillary denied, later laughing and claiming she thought these were a running joke.

Hillary already KNEW that a call for Stevens' assassination had been made.

Hillary KNEW 2 terrorist attacks on Stevens compound had been perpetrated, having nothing to do with a video. E-mails showed Stevens warned Hillary that if a 3rd attack occurred he would DIE...Hillary responded by stripping Stevens of 14 security personnel. (SERIOUSLY? WTF?!)

AFTER Hillary claimed to have KNOWN the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack, according to several family members, Hillary blamed the video and promised the FILM MAKER would be punished.

Approx a MONTH after Obama himself supposedly declared the attack to be a terrorist attack he gave a speech before the UN, once again falsely blaming a video and declaring, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

This is also AFTER the family members were supposedly - according to Hillary - told the 'truth'. The TRUTH was that Benghazi was a TERRORIST attack, yet after they already knew this, Hillary was telling grieving family members and Obama was declaring to the world that it was all over a video, continuing to perpetuate the lie.

The TRUTH is factually, by virtue of common sense, via the 'smell test', UNDENIABLE, however, Hillary continues to call grieving family members 'liars' and double down on the idea that Benghazi had anything to do with a video...despite her writing her own e-mail declaring, "We KNOW Benghazi was a terrorist attack - the video had NOTHING to do with it."

This should immediately disqualify for her for running for President, but it won't because Liberals simply don't give a damn.
1. She had nothing to do with it.
2. They made the call to be there themselves.
3. You seem to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them in your blind hatred of Clinton.
4. See 1.
Yeah, Hillary seems to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them too. Who was punished for it, the killers, or the guy who made the video that they now admit was NOT responsible for the attack?
1. She had nothing to do with it.
2. They made the call to be there themselves.
3. You seem to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them in your blind hatred of Clinton.
4. See 1.
Yeah, Hillary seems to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them too. Who was punished for it, the killers, or the guy who made the video that they now admit was NOT responsible for the attack?
Not sure anyone knows who killed him and his small team...
The red cross was smart enough to pull their people out. Hillary wasn't. She is a stupid lying bitch. Get ready to say President Trump, and inmate Hillary Clinton.

The person who made the call on closing the mission in Benghazi was the CIA (which had nothing to do with Hillary) and Ambassador Stevens, who was asked if he wanted more military troops and refused them.
It is amazing that Hillary, with the long history of lies, corruption, and ineffectiveness; is being considered for POTUS. I guess Dem voters either are uninformed or don't care.

I doubt very much that R voters would ever support a candidate in their party, with the past of Hillary.

What does that say about D voters?
Considering who you are running, I wouldn't be pointing fingers. And HC can win, that actually matters in elections eh?

If the RNC select Trump, Huma Abedin can win with her husbands dic-pics as tsymbol of her campaign!! Oh, I did not forget she is a muslim--with dic-pic tweets!
1. She had nothing to do with it.
2. They made the call to be there themselves.
3. You seem to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them in your blind hatred of Clinton.
4. See 1.
Yeah, Hillary seems to have forgotten about the assholes who killed them too. Who was punished for it, the killers, or the guy who made the video that they now admit was NOT responsible for the attack?
Not sure anyone knows who killed him and his small team...
Who went to jail as a result? The guy who made the video that didn't cause the attack.
The red cross was smart enough to pull their people out. Hillary wasn't. She is a stupid lying bitch. Get ready to say President Trump, and inmate Hillary Clinton.

The person who made the call on closing the mission in Benghazi was the CIA (which had nothing to do with Hillary) and Ambassador Stevens, who was asked if he wanted more military troops and refused them.
Stevens did not work for the CIA - he worked for Hillary / the State Department.

The CIA is not responsible for protecting US Ambassadors - that was Hillary's job. She FAILED.

Stevens requesyed additional security hundreds of times and was denied. Hillary kaughed at this and Stevens' resulting death, and she claimed she thought the HUNDREDS of requests were a 'joke'.

So now you are blaming the CIA and Stevens himself for Hillary's incompetence and failure to protect a US Ambassador who was her responsibility?!

Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'
Clinton: Mother of Benghazi victim 'wrong'

“You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi," Clinton said. "And I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong. I and everybody in the administration, all the people she named — the president, the vice president, [then-United Nations Ambassador] Susan Rice — we were scrambling to get information that was changing literally by the hour."


Hillary reportedly told the families of the deceased that their loved ones were dead due to a video. Hillary declared that to be false...and did so again during the latest Democratic Party 'Debate'. In her Bullshi, er, explanation above she tries to paint a picture of how there was no definitive answer....much later when she stood with the families as their loved one's flag-draped coffins were off-loaded from a plane, when she told them the reason was due to a video and promised to put the director / movie-maker in jail!

In Hillary's own e-mails it reveals she told a foreign Ambassador the night after the attack, 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it' and later told Chelsea 4 Americans were killed by terrorists'. Sorry, Hillary, 'We weren't sure', and 'we didn't have all the info' doesn't wash anymore - you've been BUSTED.

But what you knew THAT NIGHT is irrelevant because you met with the family members AFTER that, when it had already been proven it was a terrorist attack.

It is absolutely shameful that these 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY to begin with because of her incompetence and unwillingness to make the necessary call(s) required to keep Americans safe ,but to continue calling the deceased family members 'liars' for continuing to point out HILLARY'S lies is truly disgusting. It's not bad enough she got their loved ones needlessly murdered but now she is insulting them and smearing their names to protect her own ass.

So, if you lose a person, then you're ALWAYS RIGHT about things?

I don't think so.

10 years ago the Left railed on and on about how Cindy Sheehan had moral authority.
Bottom Line:
Hillary-authored E-mail #1:
Tells foreign minister, We KNOW Benghazi was the result of a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it."

Hillary-authored E-Mail #2:
Tells her daughter Stevens and 3 Americans were killed in a TERRORIST attack that day.

Hillary blames the attack on a protest over a video that got out of control.
(No reference is made, no mention was made initially, about 20 US Embassies simultaneously being attacked and 4 overrun as part of a forewarned Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11/01.)

According to SEVERAL of the grieving families, Hillary tells the deaths are a result of a video, that she will make sure the FILM-MAKER pays....Hillary goes on to lie about this. The grieving family members call her on it...she calls the mother of one of the dead a liar.
-- Yeah, considering her track record / history, based on the e-mails above and the lies that followed, and being considered the least trustworthy candidate in this whole race, we are to believe HILLARY - not the grieving family members - is the one who should be trusted?!

Sounds like information changed as it became available.

The problem with you guys is you think "Attack over a video" and "Planned Terrorist Attack" are mutually exclusive. How long do you think it actually takes to plan the attack.

As for Clinton's discussions with the Egyptian Minister, that was a case where the Egyptian government was getting ready to crack some heads, and didn''t want to give him a pretext we'd get blamed for later.
A class act, that Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky woman.

Low class, it is true, but "low" IS a class.
Bottom Line:
Hillary-authored E-mail #1:
Tells foreign minister, We KNOW Benghazi was the result of a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it."

Hillary-authored E-Mail #2:
Tells her daughter Stevens and 3 Americans were killed in a TERRORIST attack that day.

Hillary blames the attack on a protest over a video that got out of control.
(No reference is made, no mention was made initially, about 20 US Embassies simultaneously being attacked and 4 overrun as part of a forewarned Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11/01.)

According to SEVERAL of the grieving families, Hillary tells the deaths are a result of a video, that she will make sure the FILM-MAKER pays....Hillary goes on to lie about this. The grieving family members call her on it...she calls the mother of one of the dead a liar.
-- Yeah, considering her track record / history, based on the e-mails above and the lies that followed, and being considered the least trustworthy candidate in this whole race, we are to believe HILLARY - not the grieving family members - is the one who should be trusted?!

Sounds like information changed as it became available.

The problem with you guys is you think "Attack over a video" and "Planned Terrorist Attack" are mutually exclusive. How long do you think it actually takes to plan the attack.

As for Clinton's discussions with the Egyptian Minister, that was a case where the Egyptian government was getting ready to crack some heads, and didn''t want to give him a pretext we'd get blamed for later.
How do you not forget about the email Chelsea got from Hillary saying it was a terrorist attack?

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