Hillary can't be held responsible over private server-Newsmax


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.
Hillary's defense: she was too stupid to understand what the "S" meant at the top of the document.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.
She emailed the terrorists a map of our Libya facilities .... with red x over the ambassador's location.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.
Like Petraeus

18 U.S. Code 798 - Disclosure of classified information US Law LII Legal Information Institute

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.

that was investigated up, down, sideways etc. Nothing was there. Cheney etc were dumber than a box of rocks the way they handled it.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Amazing that you libs will stand by her no matter what.

No one has any expectation of privacy with personal emails. Also, all correspondence should be marked one way or the other and it's likely the emails were tampered with. It took way too long for them to be turned over. If there was nothing to hide, they would have been turned over a long time ago.

Hillary is full of shit and anyone who believes her is a special kind of stupid.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.

that was investigated up, down, sideways etc. Nothing was there. Cheney etc were dumber than a box of rocks the way they handled it.

There are many reasons DICK should be in jail, that is just one.
Hillary's Private Emails: The Vise Slowly Tightens

The political class is seriously underestimating the impact of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. They see it mainly as a problem of public opinion and electoral politics, where it has been increasingly costly but not yet fatal. The political damage—the drip, drip, drip of revelations—has been bad, but there is worse to come.

Hillary Clinton’s big problem now is legal, and it could well be insurmountable politically. Here’s why. Once a “political” issue finally moves into the legal system, as the Clinton email server has, it moves forward with an independent logic. That logic will slowly ensnare Secretary Clinton.

You can already see it happening. Two weeks ago, the Department of Justice acknowledged that it “has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information.” The referral was not criminal, and the Clinton camp immediately pummeled the New York Times’ sloppy reporting that it was. But that’s small ball and misleading at that. The DOJ is not investigating a civil matter here. It is investigating a crime. As that investigation moves forward, it will take on a life of its own, as it should in a government of laws.

Even if the Department of Justice is highly politicized—and it is—there is a powerful legal procedure here that will be hard to kill off. It began when the intelligence community’s inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, and his counterpart at the State Department, Steve Linick, made a referral to DOJ, saying that classified materials may have been compromised. McCullough also wrote Congress that a spot check of 40 Clinton emails showed that "four contained classified [intelligence community] information." That meant classified materials were being held in an unauthorized, insecure site—the Clinton server. In fact, the materials were also being held in a second unauthorized site. Clinton had given the materials to her attorney, David Kendall, on thumb-drives for his safekeeping. Since the communications are, by her own admission, official business and possibly classified, she may not have been authorized to transfer them, nor he to receive them.

Hillary s Private Emails The Vise Slowly Tightens RealClearPolitics
Her usage was widely known to the over 100 State Department and U.S. government colleagues she emailed, consistent with the practice of prior Secretaries of State and permitted at the time.

As Clinton has said, in hindsight, it would have been better to just have two accounts. While she thought using one account would be easier, obviously, that has not been the case.

Was it allowed?

Yes. The laws, regulations, and State Department policy in place during her tenure permitted her to use a non-government email for work.

The 2009 National Archives regulation in place during her tenure required that "[a]gencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system." The regulation recognizes the use of non-government email accounts.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.

that was investigated up, down, sideways etc. Nothing was there. Cheney etc were dumber than a box of rocks the way they handled it.

There are many reasons DICK should be in jail, that is just one.

no reasons other than liberals getting their pants wet.
How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails
ignorance isn't the issue with me.
If she brags about her experience in government, she should know what a secret document looks like by now

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