Hillary can't be held responsible over private server-Newsmax

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Thank you.
BS, she knew the info was classified, ignorance is no excuse

Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Hillary is fucked. Just go through the stages of grieving fast and get to acceptance. It'll go much easier for you. :)
It just keeps getting worse...

Tech company which maintained Hillary's secret server was sued for 'illegally accessing' database and 'stealing White House military advisers' phone numbers'
  • Platte River Networks was used by Clinton to maintain 'homebrew' server in her New York State house which held her State Department emails
  • She handed over the server and a thumb drive this week to FBI after emails were found to contain 'above top secret' material
  • Her White House campaign is said to be in 'panic' over the growing scandal which comes out of probe into US diplomats' deaths in Benghazi
  • Daily Mail Online can reveal Denver, Colorado, based firm was sued for illegally accessing master database of US phone numbers
  • It was also accused of causing chaos to White House military advisers when their numbers stopped working as it took their numbers
  • Case raises questions over how Platte River Networks' ability to secure server which would have been major target for foreign spy hackers
The Internet company used by Hillary Clinton to maintain her private server was sued for stealing dozens of phone lines including some which were used by the White House.

Platte River Networks is said to have illegally accessed the master database for all US phone numbers.

It also seized 390 lines in a move that created chaos across the US government.

Among the phone numbers which the company took - which all suddenly stopped working - were lines for White House military support desks, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, a lawsuit claims.

Others were the main numbers for major financial institutions, hospitals and the help desk number for T2 Communications, the telecom firm which owned them.

A lawsuit filed on behalf of T2 claims that the mess took 11 days to fix and demands that Platte River pay up $360,000 in compensation.

: Hillary Clinton s servergate IT company accused of illegal actions Daily Mail Online
BS, she knew the info was classified, ignorance is no excuse

Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......
BS, she knew the info was classified, ignorance is no excuse

Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......

You're the idiot that posted the FBI wasn't involved...after the server was handed over to the FBI....I should take you serious, why?

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
BS, she knew the info was classified, ignorance is no excuse

Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......

You're the idiot that posted the FBI wasn't involved...after the server was handed over to the FBI....I should take you serious, why?

Here is one of RW's low information offsprings now!
Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......

You're the idiot that posted the FBI wasn't involved...after the server was handed over to the FBI....I should take you serious, why?

Here is one of RW's low information offsprings now!

Low info would be posting the FBI isn't involved....when they took possession of the server. LMAO Spin away, dope
Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......

You're the idiot that posted the FBI wasn't involved...after the server was handed over to the FBI....I should take you serious, why?

Here is one of RW's low information offsprings now!

You're believing all the bullshit and lies Hillary has told and righties are low information?

Jesus dude....looking in the fucking mirror....okay?


Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.
Plame outed herself. She admitted that under oath.
BS, she knew the info was classified, ignorance is no excuse

Does it matter?

Of course it matters, it's criminal.

You frothing Righties love to throw that word around, but I bet that most of you have no idea what it means and when it really applies or not.

Poor low-information Righties. Please, whatever you do: don't breed.


Too late......

You're the idiot that posted the FBI wasn't involved...after the server was handed over to the FBI....I should take you serious, why?

You lie often?

I never posted anything like that....idiot.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Right, that's why Clinton wasn't charged or prosecuted for perjury while in office....................Oh wait, he was wasn't he?

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Right, that's why Clinton wasn't charged or prosecuted for perjury while in office....................Oh wait, he was wasn't he?
And let off...

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Right, that's why Clinton wasn't charged or prosecuted for perjury while in office....................Oh wait, he was wasn't he?
And let off...

Not completely, he did lose his law license and was impeached.
After watching his poll numbers after that fiasco, you'd have thought the gop stopped the crazies then ..... but nooooooooooo. LOL
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Right, that's why Clinton wasn't charged or prosecuted for perjury while in office....................Oh wait, he was wasn't he?
And let off...

Not completely, he did lose his law license and was impeached.
Yes completely. Impeachment is a call to trial and the actual trial he was essentially acquitted.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Of course everyone knows that a Clinton or an Obama cannot be charged for a felony. It's in the Constitution.

Where in the Constitution?
It's unwritten. Just like same sex marriage.

Right, that's why Clinton wasn't charged or prosecuted for perjury while in office....................Oh wait, he was wasn't he?

And he could be reelected if he wanted. Can W say that?

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