Hillary can't be held responsible over private server-Newsmax

"You mean this wasn't my Hotmail account? I thought those official headings looked sorta out of place. Oh well, live and learn. LOL."
please don't let facts get in the way of your partisan hackery... :thup:

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
Are we really expected to believe that someone who has been a United States Senator and Secretary of State did not have the common sense to look at the content of e- mail and who it was from and not know or suspect this was classified or top secret? Also if you see something that looks like it should be marked classified or top secret and isn't shouldn't that set off some warning bells for you? I really don't want someone who can't manage that as President.
please don't let facts get in the way of your partisan hackery... :thup:

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
The FBI doesn't do criminal inquiries?


Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
You're absolutely right. He'd beat anyone in the hunt right now--including Hillary. But I think he values his life more than another term as President. Hillary might have given him a pass on all the whores he's schtupped, but she'd have his nuts for sure if she lost her final chance at validation. She'd beat his ass like she was the Hulk. :thup:


I almost wish a third term was still possible, just to see that shit go down. :thup:
No, I really do wish they'd allow it just one more time, just to see that shit go down. :thup: :thup: :eusa_pray:
I don't think Mrs. Clinton's scandals are sufficient to hide her incompetency.

She's a shitty candidate and a shitty person. That's what is going to get her beat.
Are we really expected to believe that someone who has been a United States Senator and Secretary of State did not have the common sense to look at the content of e- mail and who it was from and not know or suspect this was classified or top secret? Also if you see something that looks like it should be marked classified or top secret and isn't shouldn't that set off some warning bells for you? I really don't want someone who can't manage that as President.

There it is.
please don't let facts get in the way of your partisan hackery... :thup:

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
Is this a copy/paste of the emails her campaign is distributing?

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.
And you seem okay with it as you feel the need to use this deflection to deal with Hillary's errors.

Of course she will not be held liable and it has nothing to do with anything other than elitist garbage. We do not hold the political elite liable for anything that they do. It is fucking disgusting.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Any Republican would be held responsible under similar circumstances.

You forget Valerie Plame? Everyone walked away except for one lowly aide. Everyone know DICK was behind the whole thing.
Oh yeah? Well Bush lied us into war in Iraq! Dick Cheney! Halliburton! Halliburton!! Squirrel!

Dems cant deflect fast enough.
If the document was unclassified when she sent it, it could have become classified at a later date if it is determined that it could possibly lead to a leak further along the line.

If it was unclassified when she sent it, she's in the clear.

And no...............you can't necessarily know if the information is considered classified or not if it is unmarked.

If it was classified, it's marked clearly at the top and bottom of the document, and can sometimes be stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot be shared with any foreign government, even our allies.

I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years, and worked daily with classified information. It is ALWAYS clearly marked.

But if it's not? Generally, it's considered unclassified.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
I see. So Hillary had no idea she would get classified emails so figured she was good to go, even though it was against department policy?

Liberals have stunted mental development.
please don't let facts get in the way of your partisan hackery... :thup:

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
The FBI doesn't do criminal inquiries?


They have stated they are not in this case.
please don't let facts get in the way of your partisan hackery... :thup:

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
The FBI doesn't do criminal inquiries?


They have stated they are not in this case.

Then why do they get the server?

Hillary Clinton agrees to provide private e-mail server to FBI

Hillary Clinton agrees to provide private e-mail server to FBI - The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
I see. So Hillary had no idea she would get classified emails so figured she was good to go, even though it was against department policy?

Liberals have stunted mental development.

I cannot blame you. You have got to get rid of Hillary somehow. She will kill any of the clowns in the GOP short bus....

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.
I see. So Hillary had no idea she would get classified emails so figured she was good to go, even though it was against department policy?

Liberals have stunted mental development.

I cannot blame you. You have got to get rid of Hillary somehow. She will kill any of the clowns in the GOP short bus....
You dodged my point. Well, actually I made two.

Hillary Clinton can't be held responsible for forwarding emails through her private server if they weren't marked as being classified, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday.

"Everybody acknowledges nobody should ever send classified, highly classified, secret material over unsecured lines," the attorney told Fox News' "America's Newsroom," but the questions remain about why the former secretary of state, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, did not know.

"If it was not marked classified, you can't blame her for following usual procedures of the State Department and sending unclassified material over a private server," Dershowitz said. "That is why the Justice Department is exploring this to see how to prevent it from happening in the future. And I think what we're doing is looking forward to make sure this never happens again."

The GOP may be drooling over the FBI examining Hillary's server, but it seems it is going nowhere! She comes out of this stronger than ever and wipes the floor up with any of the GOP clowns, including the Chief Clown, Donald "wherever" Trump.

It is the "Clinton Way." Ask Bill, he has been over some of the roughest roads ever in DC, and he could be re-elected if he wanted.

Clinton and all people who get security clearance having training on how to handle classified material. Ignorance of the law does not excuse you.

Two people in the last three years have been convicted for the exact same thing Clinton has done.

Dershowitz is a known partisan hack. His opinion means nothing.
If the document was unclassified when she sent it, it could have become classified at a later date if it is determined that it could possibly lead to a leak further along the line.

If it was unclassified when she sent it, she's in the clear.

And no...............you can't necessarily know if the information is considered classified or not if it is unmarked.

If it was classified, it's marked clearly at the top and bottom of the document, and can sometimes be stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot be shared with any foreign government, even our allies.

I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years, and worked daily with classified information. It is ALWAYS clearly marked.

But if it's not? Generally, it's considered unclassified.

There are media reports the classification markings were removed by parties within the State Dept. If so....that is a felony.

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