Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

The poor right wing shot their load in Congress today....and now it will be a snore fest

Obama has been reelected. State will beef up security and will revamp protocols for how differing levels within State deal with it all

All it's about now is keeping the fringe of the base energized with outrage and hatred and fear
McCain, Graham, and Paul's political posturing is an insult to Americans. Republicans have to resort to non-issues like Benghazi or Obama's birth certificate because they have no political ammunition whatsoever. You spent it all during the Bush era.

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut: "If some people on this committee want to call this tragedy the worst since 9/11, it misunderstands the nature of 4,000 plus Americans lost in the War in Iraq under false pretenses."

Well except there were 3 Congressional investigations on Iraq and all 3 said no one lied. Is the Democratic Senator telling us we shouldn't believe what the Congress tells us? I mean his own party ran one of them.

So I'm assuming that if the outcome here is that no one lied you won't oppose it? And the senator did not say anyone lied, he said the war was begun under false pretenses. Which it was. It was an unnecessary gamble and Republicans lost. Thus 8 years of Obama.
Regardless of ones political affiliation, the fact that the warnings received were not taken seriously and proper security measures were not taken is inexcusable. What is more disturbing is that when the facts were known we have the feeble utube video statements made by the President. No, Dorothy the wicked witch is not dead after all and terrorism is still very much alive, contrary to those living in the crystal palace.

You post this after Bush and 9/11.


Yet more evidence of the neo-McCarthyism of the partisan right, they couldn’t care less about the tragedy, they only care about scoring perceived political points with their base.

Fortunately the American people know the truth, that this is nothing more than a contrived controversy.

So we just throw our hands up, "Well 4 Americans are dead.....nevermind how it happened"


Nevermind those dead bodies behind the curtain...
Yet more evidence of the neo-McCarthyism of the partisan right, they couldn’t care less about the tragedy, they only care about scoring perceived political points with their base.

I am certain a great majority of Americans just simply want to know why help wasn't allowed when it was available.

and then why: "it was a movie".
Regardless of ones political affiliation, the fact that the warnings received were not taken seriously and proper security measures were not taken is inexcusable. What is more disturbing is that when the facts were known we have the feeble utube video statements made by the President. No, Dorothy the wicked witch is not dead after all and terrorism is still very much alive, contrary to those living in the crystal palace.

You post this after Bush and 9/11.


Where were the direct warnings from a pilot that terrorists were on board a plane months before 9/11? I don't recall reading about those.
So you do not care that they lied to the world about their being a demonstration because of an election? The only guy in jail because of Benghazi at this point is a guy who made a film that had nothing to do with it. Except of course the Democrats making him a fall guy.

Where was your outrage at lies during 2000 - 2008? Here only 4 people died, which is terrible, but I'm pretty sure Republicans in congress know that this thing doesn't have any legs and that's why this investigation is a waste of everyone's time. Hindsight is 20/20. You can't put people in jail because afterwards you recognized that a few errors were made.

Obama was not trying to kill those Americans. What is wrong with you people?

Why do you have to point to something else to try and justify the incidents in Benghazi? Because you have no other way to justify what know were out and out lies by Obama, Clinton and Rice. What about the Admiral that had to sacrifice his career because he wanted to save as many lives as possible? Want to point to something else again or answer the questions?

I suppose I like pointing out blatant hypocrisy.

And as for the General he is still a General and was replaced at that command as part of what an official statement called a "routine order of succession."
WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got testy on Capitol Hill Wednesday in response to a query from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who called into question her department's accounting of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Facing expected scrutiny from Republicans during her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Clinton appeared to take exception to Johnson's pointed inquiry into the State Department's initial report that the attack had been mounted spontaneously as a reaction to an anti-Islam YouTube video.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," Clinton responded, raising her voice at Johnson, who continued to interrupt her. "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."
Clinton continued, defending the State Department's efforts in the wake of the assault. "Honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is people were trying their best in real time to get to the best information," she said.

Earlier in the hearing, Clinton spoke about the aftermath of the attack, her voice cracking as she recalled meeting the families of the four Americans killed, including that of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

More: Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO)
The first time she heard that line as when she asked Bill about the blow job in the oval office.
Regardless of ones political affiliation, the fact that the warnings received were not taken seriously and proper security measures were not taken is inexcusable. What is more disturbing is that when the facts were known we have the feeble utube video statements made by the President. No, Dorothy the wicked witch is not dead after all and terrorism is still very much alive, contrary to those living in the crystal palace.

You post this after Bush and 9/11.


Where were the direct warnings from a pilot that terrorists were on board a plane months before 9/11? I don't recall reading about those.

There were direct warnings from multiple sources that something was about to happen.

And yet..with the most powerful military behind him, Bush could not stop the most hair brained scheme, in the history of hair brained schemes from killing three thousand American citizens and destroying a good chunk of American real estate right in his back yard.

Even after it STARTED, he had several hours to mobilize our multi-billion dollar state of the art jet fighters.

That didn't happen.
Does anyone care that the glaring problem in all of this was, no one wanted to make a command decision. We have generals saying that they weren't told to go in so they didn't. Why do two, three, and four star generals have to ask for permission to save Americans? They got that rank because they make good decisions the majority of the time, and they know how to lead. Are we really saying that our government has to be micromanaged because the other side holds the president and his cabinet ultimately responsible for everything? This issue has me wondering the political affiliation of all of the generals, do conservative generals want to make Obama look bad? or visa versa. Our political system is F#^*ed.
Republican Rep McCaul of Texas was spanked and corrected... http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

Security Cables never went above Assistant Secretary level where the ARB (report) placed responsibility 'where the rubber hits the road'

No one in 'Secretary's Office' saw cable about security issues

"With regard to the security requests subsequent to the August 16 cable, our personnel in Libya had not submitted any additional security requests to Washington at the time of the Sept 11 attack"

FACT: August 16th cable stated security requests for Ben Ghazzi will be forthcoming ... the RSO in Ben Ghazzi submitted to Tripoli a preliminary list of proposed security recommendations on August 23rd BUT NO REQUESTS WERE SUBMITTED TO WASHINGTON BEFORE THE ATTACKS


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It is Hillary's and Obama's JOB to know what THEIR people are doing, this "I didn't know" crap is juvenile and demeaning to their respective offices.

What kind of silly, illogical nonsense is this? It's Hillary's and Obama's JOB to know about everything that goes on, as it happens? I'm sorry, but short of Omniscience that is an impossibility. We're not just in Libya, as the person you quoted has in his post, we have hundreds of thousands of personnel stationed all across the world- not just Arab nations. If you expect two people to personally leaf through all the information that is, no doubt constantly coming in... you're simply mad.
I bet the families of the four dead care. What a coward.

Oh please, :blahblah: it is terrible to see what looks like you hiding behind tehse deaths and the families in order to score cheap political points

So if your kids and husband died you wouldn't want to know the reason? She said what difference does it make in regards to it being terrorism or outrage over a cartoon, the motive. I'd want to know the motive.

Obviously it was a militia cell of some sort whose members received a green-light to go on a plan that was already in place, taking advantage of the media wave that day, and the state department either screwed the pooch on a political risk by promising some asshole in Libya a light foot-print or not.

It would be kind of nice to know why that outpost had so few defenses.

Outside of that question, I'm with Hillary... FUCK who attacked and why... those little bastards over there are the only little bastards crazier and better armed than Momma's little American bastards.
Does anyone care that the glaring problem in all of this was, no one wanted to make a command decision. We have generals saying that they weren't told to go in so they didn't. Why do two, three, and four star generals have to ask for permission to save Americans? They got that rank because they make good decisions the majority of the time, and they know how to lead. Are we really saying that our government has to be micromanaged because the other side holds the president and his cabinet ultimately responsible for everything? This issue has me wondering the political affiliation of all of the generals, do conservative generals want to make Obama look bad? or visa versa. Our political system is F#^*ed.

:laugh2: where do you get this info FOX News?

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