Hillary Clinton called Paul Fray, a Clinton aide, "a F---ing Jew bastard"

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Socialists have always hated Jews, including Hitler and the National Socialists in Germany. Here is a taste in the US today

Notice all the signs against capitalism and Jewish bankers.

Some things never change.
This witch is the symbol of hate and Division. as is this whole Progressive/(we should STOP calling it Democratic party for starters) and call it what it is. the Socialist/Communist party of the United States. what more do people need to see from her? another Obama in a pantsuit who used Class warfare, Uses Division amongst we the people for her Gain in politics. gawd help us all

Hillary Clinton Claims Mississippi State Flag IS A SYMBOL Of HATE

October 30, 2015 by John Binder

After the University of Ole Miss removed the Mississippi state flag from campus, Hillary Clinton just had to chime in and make it known that she agrees with the NAACP and leftists on campus.

The Hayride reports:

Naturally the social justice warriors over the Ole Miss College Democrats were at the forefront of the fight to take down the flag from the university’s campus. Because, you know, Democrats are soooo tolerant and all, which is why they want to tell the rest of us that we’re hateful for believing that a symbol of the South simply represents pride.

And now, Hillary Clinton is jumping on the politically correct bandwagon with the College Democrats. Clinton tweeted this out this week on Twitter: “Well done, Ole Miss. Symbols of hate have no business flying over a place of learning.”

Clinton’s probably forgetting that her husband, former President Bill Clinton (you know, the one who had oral sex with that chubby brunette White House intern), actually designed the Arkansas state flag after the Confederate flag.
Bill Clinton, the Confederacy, and the Arkansas State Flag
Bill Clinton, the Confederacy, and the Arkansas State Flag

But, that doesn’t matter because now, being politically correct with the academia grey-ponytail crowd will score her some political points with all the young rich, white liberal kids who feel horrible about being white.

And the saddest part is that Hillary Clinton will never be called-out for her hypocrisy on this.

all of it here:
Hillary Clinton Claims Mississippi State Flag IS A SYMBOL Of HATE - Progressives Today
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Polidic? That's a blog from 2007. The O/P has to go to a 2007 blog with supposed quotes of Hillary from 2000. Wha' happened? Benghazi hearing didn't quite turn out your way?
It is amazing how childish Conservatives get in trying to defeat Hillary. Such simplistic political strategies

Made up Hillary quotes, photoshopped pictures

It's what the GOP eats up
Hillary faces voters' wrath for alleged ethnic slur

Hillary Clinton: “f***ing Jew bastard” [The Times, London] and other Clinton quotes. | Polidics.com

Now she calls Israelis "cocky", People, this is the most racist candidate in history, the Israelis are Americas finest allis in this region of the World, Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be a metermaid, much less POTUS.

Actually, a President who will finally stand up to the Jews totally has my vote.

Well, at least you're honest about your anti-semitism and are willing to make it clear that you don't care about racial slurs as long as they are uttered by liberals and are aimed at Jews.

Folks, this is another example of the fact that the far left of today's Democratic Party is nothing like the far left of previous generations. This ain't your parents' Democratic Party.
Hillary faces voters' wrath for alleged ethnic slur

Hillary Clinton: “f***ing Jew bastard” [The Times, London] and other Clinton quotes. | Polidics.com

Now she calls Israelis "cocky", People, this is the most racist candidate in history, the Israelis are Americas finest allis in this region of the World, Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be a metermaid, much less POTUS.

Finest allies? When is the last time an Israeli died fighting alongside Americans?

A truly stupid argument.

Well, it's nice to see the hateful liberals here being open about their racist attitude toward Jews and the state of Israel.
Hillary faces voters' wrath for alleged ethnic slur

Hillary Clinton: “f***ing Jew bastard” [The Times, London] and other Clinton quotes. | Polidics.com

Now she calls Israelis "cocky", People, this is the most racist candidate in history, the Israelis are Americas finest allis in this region of the World, Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be a metermaid, much less POTUS.

Finest allies? When is the last time an Israeli died fighting alongside Americans?

A truly stupid argument.

Well, it's nice to see the hateful liberals here being open about their racist attitude toward Jews and the state of Israel.

Did the Israelis fight alongside us in Iraq? In Afghanistan? In Iraq again? Are the Israelis putting their people in harm's way against ISIS? You obviously have no idea what an ally is.
So Kuwait had nothing to do with the first Gulf war and George Bush didn't go to war in the second to avenge his dad? Apparently the talking points have changed. Care to produce the evidence of what you say, other then me being a retard which I will do myself, thank you.

Okay. Here's the thing on Kuwait. Saddam asked our ambassador, April Glaspie, if the US had an alliance or any obligation in case of a war between Kuwait and Iraq. She told him, no.

Then he invaded Kuwait, and suddenly all the Jews in Washington were just DEMANDING we take action.

Same thing with the second War. A bunch of Neo-Con Jews who looked at 9/11, rubbed their hands together and said, "Now we can finally get that bastard Saddam!"
Well, at least you're honest about your anti-semitism and are willing to make it clear that you don't care about racial slurs as long as they are uttered by liberals and are aimed at Jews.

Folks, this is another example of the fact that the far left of today's Democratic Party is nothing like the far left of previous generations. This ain't your parents' Democratic Party.

Uh, dude, I'm a registered Republican. I voted Republican in every presidential election since 1980 except for that year you fuckwats nominated a Weird Mormon Robot. (I practically love the Jews compared to the Mormons.)

And in the immortal words of Bush Crime Family Consiglare James Baker, "Fuck the Jews, they don't vote for us".

The Democratic nominee gets 70% of the Jewish vote every election and Hillary will be no exception.
Hillary faces voters' wrath for alleged ethnic slur

Hillary Clinton: “f***ing Jew bastard” [The Times, London] and other Clinton quotes. | Polidics.com

Now she calls Israelis "cocky", People, this is the most racist candidate in history, the Israelis are Americas finest allis in this region of the World, Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be a metermaid, much less POTUS.

Sounds very Presidential to me. Are numerous examples of this from actual sitting Presidents throughout history.
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