Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year private email probe

No. And neither did Obama or Clinton.

As usual, you live in your own narrative. You don't like reality so you create an alternate reality.

What assistance did Obama send to the Americans in Benghazi. Go look it up and get back to me. I'll wait.
Time to move on folks...3 years? Seriously? And Benghazi - how many years was that? If a Republican administration, supported by a Republican congress was not able to find any wrong doing....there probably isn't any.

Trump is silent on this.

Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year email probe, Trump silent

A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Assertions of wrongdoing had been a major cornerstone of President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign—with repeated chants and demands to "lock up crooked Hillary"—however, Trump made no mention of the findings on Friday.

The investigation was launched by Grassley in 2017 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Grassley remained critical of Clinton's handling of classified information after it was revealed she had been using a private email to conduct official business when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

The Iowa Republican pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges. Comey did, however, criticize Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless."

The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."

Great news! Thank you! I'm not surprised. Go Hillary!

So much of it really was a witch hunt - the investigations produced nothing. Benghazi should have been open and shut with a focus on how to prevent this from happening again, but it clearly wasn't.
Now Trump will have to apologize...:21:
When Trump revealed the name of the Israeli spy in Syria to the Russian ambassador, he did as a free sample. Like, hey, here's the kind of stuff I can provide to you guys. (or at least so it seemed)
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Umh....where do you get that idea?

You obviously supported Hillary setting up a private, secret server to conduct the people's business. You obviously supported Hillary transmitting classified documents through it. Therefore, you obviously support government officials doing whatever they like.
No. And neither did Obama or Clinton.

As usual, you live in your own narrative. You don't like reality so you create an alternate reality.

What assistance did Obama send to the Americans in Benghazi. Go look it up and get back to me. I'll wait.

Sorry dude. I stick to the facts. You're so bound up in conspiracy theories you can't see it. It doesn't matter how often or thoroughly debunked - believers won't accept it.

Benghazi conspiracy theories debunked by GOP-led House report – The Mercury News
The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."
I'm calling BullshitFrom the Comey news briefing dated 2016
"Consistent with our counterintelligence responsibilities, we have also investigated to determine whether there is evidence of computer intrusion in connection with the personal e-mail server by any foreign power, or other hostile actors."
With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
...that you want a hanging without conviction.

The American consulate in Benghazi was attacked. The U.S. failed to provide assistance. Americans died. Then, the Obama regime told us that a YouTube video was the reason for the attack. Obama and Hillary abandoned the Americans there because they didn't want to upset the Libyans. Obama was so unconcerned that, the very day after those Americans died, he jetted off to Vegas for a fundraiser.
Umh....where do you get that idea?

You obviously supported Hillary setting up a private, secret server to conduct the people's business. You obviously supported Hillary transmitting classified documents through it. Therefore, you obviously support government officials doing whatever they like.

You're nuts. Link please.

Third time.

Yer out...

Trump's pulling SES weeds like crazy.

And going for the top carrot.
I stick to the facts.

Nope. You stick to a fantasy narrative. Neither Obama nor Hillary sent any assistance to the Americans in their hours of need. Show me otherwise. Your link was a joke and did not refute this FACT.
You're nuts. Link please.

Hey shit-for-brains, did Hillary set up a secret server to conduct government business? Did Hillary transmit classified documents through that server. You are truly a fucking idiot.
"...Investigation..." :laughing0301:

So how much did this "investigation" of Hillary cost? I mean compared to the money that was spent on the Mueller nothingburger?

Yet that "nothing burger" produced convictions for crimes. It also showed conclusively that Russia was actively trying to influence our elections. That "nothing burger" also refused to exhonerate him from obstruction. :dunno:

Maybe it's less of a nothing burger than the Hillary shenanigans which should never have taken that long or comprised multiple investigations. And no convictions or even any indictments despite a Republican administration and majority in Congress pushing it on.

The "findings" were presented by the State Department. I trust them as little as I trust the Russians or the North Koreans, as the Department of State is rife with communist-sympathizers, Trump-haters, Hillary-supporters, deep-staters, seditionists, traitors, and liberal do-nothings who weren't even elected to serve the people.

Hell, the focal point of Senator Joe McCarthy's investigation in the 1950's was the US Department of State. Even then, it was filthy with Russian assets, spies, and infiltrators. If the State Department was that much compromised 65 years ago, just imagine how bad it is today, in a time where nearly half of of the millennials say they would vote for a socialist.

WTF does voting for a Socialist have to do with "Russian assets"?

What does that make, say those who voted for Bob LaFollette?
poor dear pogo still using that fake meme in your signature
I guess you're still confused.
...that you want a hanging without conviction.

The American consulate in Benghazi was attacked. The U.S. failed to provide assistance. Americans died. Then, the Obama regime told us that a YouTube video was the reason for the attack. Obama and Hillary abandoned the Americans there because they didn't want to upset the Libyans. Obama was so unconcerned that, the very day after those Americans died, he jetted off to Vegas for a fundraiser.
Custer died also without a conviction of Grant.
Custer died also without a conviction of Grant.

I didn't call for anyone to be convicted. I'm just pointing out the FACT that Obama and Hillary abandoned the Americans in Benghazi. Don't take my word for it, ask the guys that were there.
I will as soon as I can get to where they are at.

It's common knowledge. They said that the U.S. could have deployed assets but that the amateur didn't want another "Blackhawk down" incident, and so they decided to cut their losses and allow the Americans to die. If not for the bravery of the Americans, along with some help from a friendly, local militia, it could have been a massacre.

Do you think assistance would have been sent had it been the Obama girls or Chelsea in that compound? LOL. Hell yea, because their lives are important, yours and mine, not so much.
I will as soon as I can get to where they are at.

It's common knowledge. They said that the U.S. could have deployed assets but that the amateur didn't want another "Blackhawk down" incident, and so they decided to cut their losses and allow the Americans to die. If not for the bravery of the Americans, along with some help from a friendly, local militia, it could have been a massacre.

Do you think assistance would have been sent had it been the Obama girls or Chelsea in that compound? LOL. Hell yea, because their lives are important, yours and mine, not so much.
The first rule of sending help in the SOP handbook is never send in help when you don't know the full details of what is happening on the ground. I were disappointed they sent some help but the numbers overwhelmed the mercenaries. The worst thing is that the US changed the rules on security and decided that the host nation is responsible for security to which the host militia failed in its attempts. Yet you understand that what happened to Khadaffy is what the US has wanted since Reagan so I guess the trade off was worth it.
Time to move on folks...3 years? Seriously? And Benghazi - how many years was that? If a Republican administration, supported by a Republican congress was not able to find any wrong doing....there probably isn't any.

Trump is silent on this.

Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year email probe, Trump silent

A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Assertions of wrongdoing had been a major cornerstone of President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign—with repeated chants and demands to "lock up crooked Hillary"—however, Trump made no mention of the findings on Friday.

The investigation was launched by Grassley in 2017 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Grassley remained critical of Clinton's handling of classified information after it was revealed she had been using a private email to conduct official business when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

The Iowa Republican pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges. Comey did, however, criticize Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless."

The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."
Oh boy, here come the tantrums....
Time to move on folks...3 years? Seriously? And Benghazi - how many years was that? If a Republican administration, supported by a Republican congress was not able to find any wrong doing....there probably isn't any.

Trump is silent on this.

Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year email probe, Trump silent

A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Assertions of wrongdoing had been a major cornerstone of President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign—with repeated chants and demands to "lock up crooked Hillary"—however, Trump made no mention of the findings on Friday.

The investigation was launched by Grassley in 2017 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Grassley remained critical of Clinton's handling of classified information after it was revealed she had been using a private email to conduct official business when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

The Iowa Republican pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges. Comey did, however, criticize Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless."

The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."
For conservatives it was never about facts or the truth, it was only about attacking a political opponent.
Khadaffy is what the US has wanted since Reagan...

Nope. Khadaffi had turned the corner and had abandoned his WMD programs after he saw what happened to Saddam. Obama repaid him by helping to have him overthrown and executed. Now other world leaders will be less likely to surrender their WMD's after what Obama did. Thanks, Obama.

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