Hillary Clinton did not even go halfway to get Christians to vote for her


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Every other Presidential candidate in American history made efforts to get the Christian vote, but Hillary decided she could win the election while completely ignoring the concerns of Christians, she did not even attempt to meet us half way.

She took the most extreme position possible on abortion, openly stating in a debate that her primary criteria for Supreme Court nominees would be that they would vote to uphold Roe v. Wade.

When Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion, she did not even bother to deny it.

Hillary openly supported repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which for decades has prevented the federal government from funding abortions.

While Christian bakers were forced out of business for not baking cakes for same-sex weddings, Hillary said nothing.

While Catholic religious orders were forced to provide birth control for their employees Hillary said noting.

While men were invading women's restrooms and lockerrooms Hillary said nothing.

Hillary simply decided that she could be the first President ever elected without the Christian vote.

And she lost Christian voters, even the Catholics, who have historically voted for Democrats ever since the beginning of the Catholic Church in America.

Donald Trump Wins Catholic Vote, 52%-45% - Breitbart

The fact is, the Democratic Party used to own the Catholic vote, and could count on them to vote big for Democrats in every election.

Why are Catholics Democrats? · Secular Right

But Hillary decided, I don't need Christians, I don't need Catholics, I will take anti-God positions on every issue and still win this election.
Catholics are a giant voting bloc in America (25% of Americans are Catholic) but I think both parties take Catholics for granted. Perhaps that is because Catholics are not as vocal as the evangelicals, nor are they as politically active. But at least half of Catholics are solid traditionalists, and when you choose as your Vice-President a Catholic who tells a LGBT rally that the Vatican is going to one day allow same-sex marriage in the Catholic Church, it makes traditionalist Catholics wonder if that man has literally gone insane.

Kaine thinks Catholic Church will change stance on gay marriage

I think it's easy to see that Hillary Clinton would have fared better with Catholics had she chosen a non-Catholic.
Why would Christians vote for a Satan lover like Rotten Clinton?

No way.
The thing is, Trump doesn't even qualify as a Christian candidate. He's been divorced twice and married three times, he is reputed to have numerous extra-marital affairs, he was recorded telling a reporter that he is aggressive toward non-consenting women, and I'm not sure he even goes to Church on Sunday.

But Christians believed that Hillary was actively hostile to their faith, and would take measures to oppress them, and she did nothing to alleviate those concerns. She never spoke out against any of Obama's anti-Christian policies, and while she was Secretary of State, she never lifted a finger to help Christians who are oppressed and murdered in the Middle East. There was much talk about helping homosexuals in the Middle East, but never a protest while Christians were driven out of lands that have belonged to them for thousands of years.
It hardly mattered to me who won the election, there was enough I didn't like about both that caused me to write-in McMullin. The views expressed in the OP were a major factor in not voting for Hillary.
Democrats Have a Religion Problem

Obama deliberately set out to pick fights with Christians, particularly the Catholic Church, which up to then had been one of the biggest advocates for Obamacare.


It's not just indifference to Christianity, it's downright hostility.
Well if she isn't going to be thorough in one situation like choosing a husband for example, why would she be thorough in another?

God bless you always!!!

The thing is, the Democrats have completely written off the Christian vote, not just evangelical Christians, but Catholics too. How can Democrats wonder that they lost the Presidency and over 1000 other seats at the federal and state level? They only control five states now, out of fifty. They can't even call themselves a major political party anymore, since they are now at the same level as the Libertarians and the Green Party in their complete lack of power.

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