Hillary Clinton Faced Kim Kardashian in a Legal Knowledge Quiz…and Lost!

You probably spent a few days or weeks learning calculus in school as a requirement then didn't use it again for decades. Hillary spent most of her life practicing LAW as a career of CHOICE, then the rest of her adult life in politics surrounding law.
A year in HS and Calc I, II & III in college, so more than a few weeks and never got less than an A. Like they say, use it or lose it.
It would be interesting to know what they were.

I would imagine a nursing student about to graduate could probably do better on a nursing school test than someone that has been nursing for 10 years.
Was one of them about baking cookies?
A year in HS and Calc I, II & III in college, so more than a few weeks and never got less than an A.

And you've forgotten it all? Must be a problem with you. People don't take calculus in college unless it allies with their career. I learned the books of the Bible as a kid, and still know them now today well into my sixties and I'm not even a practicing Christian! :lmao:

Can you even still name the two people who simultaneously discovered the calculus, what the POINT is to calculus or the difference between integral and differential methods?
Non-practicing, while Kim has been studying for the bar exam. Use it or lose it.
Oh it's clear she wasn't using any of her legal education while in Govt...none. She apparently didn't even realize it was illegal to have a private server to conduct Govt business on
And you've forgotten it all? Must be a problem with you. People don't take calculus in college unless it allies with their career. I learned the books of the Bible as a kid, and still know them now today well into my sixties and I'm not even a practicing Christian! :lmao:

Can you even still name the two people who simultaneously discovered the calculus, what the POINT is to calculus or the difference between integral and differential methods?
Who said all? Don’t put words in my mouth. You have enough trouble with the ones coming out of yours.
Non-practicing, while Kim has been studying for the bar exam. Use it or lose it.

Practicing or not, you don't choose to be a lawyer and then spend your life as a lawyer in the field of law and politics and not have an interest in it. People usually tend to keep up with things they are interested in. Besides, without knowing what questions Hillary flunked, you are just shooting blanks in the dark.
Oh it's clear she wasn't using any of her legal education while in Govt...none. She apparently didn't even realize it was illegal to have a private server to conduct Govt business on
So, it’s not like she stole military secrets, a la Trump.
We do not know what the questions were. Why is that confusing for you?
I was attempting some humor. Most of the time they are attempts. Hillary is a goddess to you, I get it. But she really is not very talented and most likely in a sane world would be no more than a mid-level employee somewhere.
So, it’s not like she stole military secrets, a la Trump.
A). You don't know that Trump stole anything. All presidents take records home. Every last one of them. Trump has been lied about, harrassed and attacked since before he even took office and now we know that the same people who raided his home were involved in trying to falsely pin Russian "collusion" on him.

B). You don't know what was in those 33,000 government emails Hillary deleted to avoid sharing. Probabnly baking recipes, right? :21:
Hillary is a goddess to you, I get it. But she really is not very talented and most likely in a sane world would be no more than a mid-level employee somewhere.

You are so funny. I think Hillary is a fucking hack that should be in jail.
You are so funny. I think Hillary is a fucking hack that should be in jail.
What a politician does affects us all. They push agendas and there are winners and losers. And with Progs it is not a good thing. We are paying for that today with a declining economy. Hillary does not think these things up. Just like Joe Biden does not. She has marching orders. The whole party does. Then it comes down to personality and gender and likability and charisma and such. She is the epitome of privilege.

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