Hillary Clinton Faced Kim Kardashian in a Legal Knowledge Quiz…and Lost!

and clearly Kim Kardashian knows more then a former Dem Senator, Presdidental nominee, and Obama offical.

Not surprised.

So, who would you rather treat you, a doctor that has been practicing medicine for 20 years but does not remember the book answer or a med student that knows the book answers to a quiz?
What a politician does affects us all. They push agendas and there are winners and losers. And with Progs it is not a good thing.

It is not a good thing with any politician we have today. That people like you can only see one side of the equation is why we are in such bad shape.
So, who would you rather treat you, a doctor that has been practicing medicine for 20 years but does not remember the book answer or a med student that knows the book answers to a quiz?
If that doctor hasn't a clue about medicine, then the med-student. That's what Clinton's problem is
If that doctor hasn't a clue about medicine, then the med-student. That's what Clinton's problem is

One can know a shit ton about a subject and still not be able to give the correct book answers.

Real life jobs are not like the test and quizzes you get in school
um...yeah actually she did have military secrets...https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-spy-satellite-secrets-in-hillarys-emails
No documents though, right? One is a technical violation; the other, theft of government property.
One can know a shit ton about a subject and still not be able to give the correct book answers.

Real life jobs are not like the test and quizzes you get in school
The presumption is that the doctor has been in continuous practice over his entire career. That isn’t the case with Clinton.
The presumption is that the doctor has been in continuous practice over his entire career. That isn’t the case with Clinton.

and the doctor still may not be able to give the book answers for some quiz.
No documents though, right? One is a technical violation; the other, theft of government property.
yes they were documents. Emails are documents. What the f are you talking about? and yes they belonged to the Govt, and yes she keep them hidden for years, and they needed to be turned when she left.

Moreover, she wasn't the President, and didn't have the authority to declassify things, like Trump did, moreover, she had to follow the Federal Records Act, not the Presidential Records Act, the Presidential Records Act, allows the President to determine what is personal v presidential...Clinton didn't have that authority.
yes they were documents. Emails are documents. What the f are you talking about? and yes they belonged to the Govt, and yes she keep them hidden for years, and they needed to be turned when she left.

Moreover, she wasn't the President, and didn't have the authority to declassify things, like Trump did, moreover, she had to follow the Federal Records Act, not the Presidential Records Act, the Presidential Records Act, allows the President to determine what is personal v presidential...Clinton didn't have that authority.
Tell it to a judge. Oh right, it has been many times and when did she get locked up again? Even Trump judges won’t side with his garbage motions.
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It would be interesting to know what they were.

I would imagine a nursing student about to graduate could probably do better on a nursing school test than someone that has been nursing for 10 years.

One of the questions read as follows:

"If you were the legal counsel, and your client gave you new evidence after his/her trial had already began, would you:

A. "Ask the presiding judge in open court to accept the new evidence" ?


B. "Make sure the stained blue dress was destroyed, and no mention of it ever given" ?
You don't think she dealt with the law all the time in her positions near the top of the government? You just shot a hole in your best argument for her qualification!

Lawyers make between $100,000 and $200,000 a year, commensurate with most top federal jobs. Not many jobs pay better than that unless you move up into organized crime. Ahem.

$100-$200k a year? That's chicken feed for her, which is my point. She is in the 9 digit club.

Check out her earnings after 2001 compared to before.

Hillary Clinton Net Worth:
$120 Million

$100-$200k a year? That's chicken feed for her, which is my point. She is in the 9 digit club.

Yes but ALL OF IT WAS ACQUIRED WHILE WORKING IN WASHINGTON, apparently from quid pro quo deals with foreign governments abusing the position of her office and other lucrative things like "investing" in their "Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative."

Remember when Hillary said she was dead broke? Care to show me the balance sheet of where all her money came from then?

And how does any of this have anything to do with her being the best president ever or being a lawyer?
Hillary Clinton Loses ... To KIM KARDASHIAN


laughing hilariously.jpg

Well, Comey did say Hillary was too stupid to know what she was doing. Kim Kardashian just proved Comey right.

Hillary Clinton Loses ... To KIM KARDASHIAN
Well, Comey did say Hillary was too stupid to know what she was doing. Kim Kardashian just proved Comey right.

Everyone here trying to defend Hillary overlook the fact that she AGREED to the contest and could have studied and prepared for it!

BOTTOM LINE: A former presidential candidate (twice!) and secretary of state with 49 years in law got SPANKED by a Hollywood socialite and media personality (not even sure WTF that is!)!

My university never offered me any career choices in being a socialite or media personality but they look pretty good now! :smoke:
Tell it to a judge. Oh right, it has been many times and when did she get locked up again? Even Trump judges won’t side with his garbage motions.
what trump judges?

what jump? the obama doj said what she did wasn’t going to be charged, because she didn’t have “intent”

that policy is why trump could never have been charged, highlighting further that this raid was based on politics
One of the questions read as follows:

"If you were the legal counsel, and your client gave you new evidence after his/her trial had already began, would you:

A. "Ask the presiding judge in open court to accept the new evidence" ?


B. "Make sure the stained blue dress was destroyed, and no mention of it ever given" ?

Well played!
what trump judges?

what jump? the obama doj said what she did wasn’t going to be charged, because she didn’t have “intent”

that policy is why trump could never have been charged, highlighting further that this raid was based on politics
Should we start with his election fraud lies?

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