Hillary Clinton Finally Decides


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Where has this beatch been, and she want to be da leader, lol...
Hillary Clinton Finally Decides Christians are Suffering Genocide
How nice of Hillary.
December 30, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


How nice of Hillary.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday called the killing of Christians and other religious groups in the Middle East a “genocide” -— a term she had previously been reluctant to use.

“Yes, I will now. I will because we now have enough evidence,” Clinton told a man during atown hall at Berlin High School, who asked whether she would join the Pope and other religious and political leaders in using the term.

What "new evidence" suddenly showed up to change her mind?

The statistics have been there for some time now. ISIS has been at it ever since it began its campaign in Syria.


Of course not. Only Muslims can really suffer. When Christians are killed, they are "these communities". When Jews are killed, they're "random folks in a deli". But when a Muslim gets a dirty look, it's an Islamophobic crisis that is immediately on the front page of every newspaper and requires immediate intervention by the Attorney General. Not to mention an Obama speech.


So is ISIS is killing more Christians now than it was a few months ago? What missing evidence did Hillary suddenly come up with? Or is she just worried enough about a Webb independent run that she decided to admit what everyone knew last year?

Hillary Clinton Finally Decides Christians are Suffering Genocide

As the election draws closer she will finally decide on a lot of things, for votes but she will be lying...
Heaven is filling up with Christian martyrs.

Hell is filling up with Musllm martyrs.
Heaven is filling up with Christian martyrs.

Hell is filling up with Musllm martyrs.

every once in awhile, I wish there was a heaven and hell. It is a bit sad to think of the good and bad just being dead in the same nothingness

It is not so much the lack of heaven but there does seem to be a need for at least some punishment or temporary hell for the really really bad'uns

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