Hillary Clinton is a CHEATER & YOU are going to endorse that by voting for her.

If she got the questions in advance....it would be considered cheating. She would still get my vote. I'm confident that she knows
enough to do the job.

Agree...there is too much evidence a lack of integrity in Clinton that is dismaying. But she can do the job. Trump has too many more failings.

She has done such a fine job so far!

Unlike Trump, he's no billionaire... wait, I mean trillionaire.
I preferred Sanders. But I support Clinton. She's highly qualified and capable.
Too bad she is likely going to jail.


You playing stupid again today?
No, are you. You think obammy will pardon her?

You seem convinced that she has committed a crime and will be convicted. That's awesome. You are special.

Committed a crime? Yes. Will be convicted? No
Clinton sucks. Trump sucks more. We can survive 4 yrs of Clinton. I have my doubts about 4 years of Trump. Keeping him out is more important.

I suspect there are ardent and blind supporters of both - but I think the majority of us are voting for the most paltable of the shit-sandwitch choice we're faced with.
you would eat a hildabeast shit sandwich wether it was Trump running against her or not. I love how libtards are now saying they have to vote for the lesser of two evils when they have been 100% hildabeast all along.

I preferred Sanders. But I support Clinton. She's highly qualified and capable.
She has literally no qualifications. She hasn't succeeded in a single position she has held.
you would eat a hildabeast shit sandwich wether it was Trump running against her or not. I love how libtards are now saying they have to vote for the lesser of two evils when they have been 100% hildabeast all along.

Silly man.

I voted Obama in 2008. I voted Sanders in the primary.

I love how Retardicans think they know what they're talking about.
I love how imbeciles vote for scum.

Yes. I do as well.
Anyone that voted for obastard in 08 is a simple minded media fed imbecile. Own it.

Nope. I have no regrets.
The cows haven't came home yet.
I preferred Sanders. But I support Clinton. She's highly qualified and capable.
Too bad she is likely going to jail.


You playing stupid again today?
No, are you. You think obammy will pardon her?

You seem convinced that she has committed a crime and will be convicted. That's awesome. You are special.

Committed a crime? Yes. Will be convicted? No

Awesome!! You all can't be wrong!
These dispicable POS liberals will vote for a proven POS lying,cheating,stealing hag over the best interests of the country. Amazing.

Clinton will eventually be found guilty of
pay for play
Illeagal use of a non profit

and libtards dont give a shit. Just vote for for the democrat. Its fucking pathetic.
If you cannot support Hillary anymore take a look at mcmullin. Competent, constitutional, and honest.

Why a Democrat vote for a candidate with a conservative agenda?

It may surprise you but not all democrats are hyperpartisan ideologues. Some just want good government.
True, I have two good, old friends that are 60+ years old, have historically voted dem their entire lives, but this time are voting for Trump. They can't stand the sight of clinton. They see the lying, they see the corruption, they see the constant, perpetual, filthy slime & low life CRAP that has been the clintons ever since they appeared, and they can't support it. They're also gun owners and hunters, and they know that if Hitlery is elected, they can kiss their guns goodbye. They might be dems, but they're not hacks or stupid. They know Hitlery is establishment politics and cronyism on steroids, and they know Washington is broken, corrupt to the core, and the swamp needs to be drained.
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You seem convinced that she has committed a crime and will be convicted. That's awesome. You are special.

She has committed a plethora of crimes, as you well know. That we are not a nation of laws and exempt party bosses from the laws that govern commoners doesn't make Hillary any less guilty of engaging in these acts. That you are a sociopath who lacks even the most rudimentary ethical functions and thus sees Hillary as a perfect role model does not make her any less guilty.

Of course she won't be convicted. Comey did what he could to shield her from the law, Obama will pardon her if she loses and is in any danger of being subject to the laws of the little people. Justice in this nation is a farce, as we all know. Status and rank with the part determines what law if any accrues to a person.

We all know this.
These dispicable POS liberals will vote for a proven POS lying,cheating,stealing hag over the best interests of the country. Amazing.

Clinton will eventually be found guilty of
pay for play
Illeagal use of a non profit

and libtards dont give a shit. Just vote for for the democrat. Its fucking pathetic.

She is guilty of all of those things, but she is not subject to the laws that govern the commoners, so there will be no conviction. The very WORST that will happen is Obama will pardon her, which will make her a pariah.
These dispicable POS liberals will vote for a proven POS lying,cheating,stealing hag over the best interests of the country. Amazing.

Clinton will eventually be found guilty of
pay for play
Illeagal use of a non profit

and libtards dont give a shit. Just vote for for the democrat. Its fucking pathetic.

She is guilty of all of those things, but she is not subject to the laws that govern the commoners, so there will be no conviction. The very WORST that will happen is Obama will pardon her, which will make her a pariah.
I don't think it's going to be that simple. The kenyan's time is very limited. An investigation and ultimate conviction of Hitlery can take place long after the muslim has been thrown out of the people's house, and then, well, she'll be fitted for an orange jump suit.
These dispicable POS liberals will vote for a proven POS lying,cheating,stealing hag over the best interests of the country. Amazing.

Clinton will eventually be found guilty of
pay for play
Illeagal use of a non profit

and libtards dont give a shit. Just vote for for the democrat. Its fucking pathetic.

Look at you!

I showed all of you nutbags how to respond to a thread that is negative on one's chosen candidate....and then you
can't help yourselves. You keep adding things for us to respond to. Made up shit....most of it.

So lame and boring.
So lame and boring.
yet you cant help yourself from responding. You sound like you are about to cry....need a tissue?

I don't think it's going to be that simple. The kenyan's time is very limited. An investigation and ultimate conviction of Hitlery can take place long after the muslim has been thrown out of the people's house, and then, well, she'll be fitted for an orange jump suit.

He'll issue a blanket pardon on the day he leaves office.

If she loses, I guarantee he will do so.
I don't think it's going to be that simple. The kenyan's time is very limited. An investigation and ultimate conviction of Hitlery can take place long after the muslim has been thrown out of the people's house, and then, well, she'll be fitted for an orange jump suit.

He'll issue a blanket pardon on the day he leaves office.

If she loses, I guarantee he will do so.
He can't pardon her for crimes she has yet to be charged with after he's left office.

Once hussein is gone, clinton is dead meat.

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