HILLARY CLINTON......Kept our diplomats safe

the depth to which left-wing losers will delude themselves is truly amazing!

we're just taking our cues from you rightwingnut loons.

i can't even begin to imagine what you idiots would be doing if 9/11 had happened on Pres. Obama's watch.

nobody takes you seriously dummy. if 9-11 happned on your precious community organizer's watch, your first black President's watch, no telling how many countries you lemmings would have wanted to anhhilate

idiots and hypocrites
Actually, it was Bush who attacked Iraq to ........ Keep us safe

Cost 5000 lives to keep us safe

nobody cried when the 9-11 commission was set up to uncover the truth; which curiously left-wing nutjobs dont bother to remember when they still insist Bush "lied to go to war". Now contrast that to hillary and left-wing losers crying about even being investigated over benghazi, even though there is MUCH more evidence the obama administration lied about it
9-11 commission took two months. Why does the republican investigation take three years?

It takes three years because republicans don't like the conclusions
Sure shitflinger, you wouldn't lie much..


Feb. 1, Ankara, Turkey: Ecevit Sanli detonates a bomb near a gate at the U.S. Embassy. Sanli dies after detonating the bomb. One Turkish guard is also killed. Didem Tuncay, a respected television journalist, is injured in the blast. Unlike the bombing at the embassy in Benghazi last September, the U.S. government immediately calls the bombing a terrorist attack. According to Turkish officials, the attack is from the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, which has been labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and other nations.
April 15, Boston, Mass.: multiple bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Two bombs go off around 2:50 in the afternoon as runners finish the race. Three people are killed. One is an eight year old boy. More than 260 people are injured. Three days later, the FBI releases photos and video of two suspects in the hope that the public can help identify them. Just hours after the FBI releases the images, the two suspects rob a gas station in Central Square then shoot and kill a MIT police officer in his car. Afterwards, the two men carjack a SUV and tell the driver that they had set off the explosions at the marathon. Police pursue the vehicle into Watertown. During the shootout, a MBTA officer is shot and one of the suspects, identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, is killed. A suicide vest is found on his body. The other suspect, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, age 19, remains at large for several hours, causing a massive manhunt and lockdown for all of Boston, Cambridge, and many other surrounding communities. The manhunt ends when he is found alive, but seriously injured, hiding in a boat behind a house in Watertown. The two suspects are brothers and had been living together in Cambridge. They have lived in the U.S. for about a decade, but are from an area near Chechnya, a region in Russia.
July 17, Ukraine:
A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crashes in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border, killing all 298 passengers and crew members. The crash occurs in territory where pro-Russian separatists have been battling Ukrainian troops. President Poroshenko says the crash is an act of terror. "I would like to note that we are calling this not an incident, not a catastrophe, but a terrorist act," he says. Ukrainian and American officials say the plane is shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile, citing satellite images. Poroshenko accuses the separatists of launching the missile, which they deny. Russian president Putin also denies having any role in the disaster. A day after the crash, President Obama says he believes that the rebels shot down the plane. He calls the crash a "global tragedy" and faults Putin for continuing to arm the rebels and for not stopping the fighting. Most analysts say rebels may have thought they were targeting a military transport plane rather than a commercial jet. A day before the crash, the U.S. and Europe impose further sanctions on Russia in response to Putin's refusal to stop arming the separatists.
August 19: Members of ISIS behead American journalist James Foley, 40, in apparent retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the group. Foley, who worked for GlobalPost, went missing in Syria in November 2012.
You have no idea what "us" means or the role of secretary of state

ZERO diplomats were killed after Benghazi


Just an Ambassador, a CIA guy and two ex Navy SEAL's. I'm sure the families of those men are very happy with the way Hillbat kept them all safe.

Funny. I thought an Ambassador was a diplomat.
With terrorist attacks you can't be expected to anticipate them before hand. Only react to what has happened

Didn't you learn anything from 9-11?

They had months of warnings about that attack and did nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Seems they didn't learn anything from 9-11.
Warnings ?

There were no more warnings than we had on 9-11

Terrorists don't usually give warnings

Of course they had warnings. The same warnings that caused the Brits and the Red Cross to pull out of Libya.

The same warnings that caused the Ambassdor to ask for more security.
After Benghazi, there were NO terrorist attacks and NO Americans killed

Hillary Clinton kept us safe
Except for the ones that died and got forks up their butts.

1. Terrorist attack occurs.

2. From that point on, "(Fill in the blank) kept us safe."


1. 9/11/01

2. "George Bush kept us safe."

1. 9/11/12

2. "Hillary Clinton kept us safe."

It ruins the joke when it has to be explained to slow people.
After Benghazi, there were NO terrorist attacks and NO Americans killed

Hillary Clinton kept us safe
Except for the ones that died and got forks up their butts.

1. Terrorist attack occurs.

2. From that point on, "(Fill in the blank) kept us safe."


1. 9/11/01

2. "George Bush kept us safe."

1. 9/11/12

2. "Hillary Clinton kept us safe."

It ruins the joke when it has to be explained to slow people.
Maybe your jokes aren't that good lol
the depth to which left-wing losers will delude themselves is truly amazing!

we're just taking our cues from you rightwingnut loons.

i can't even begin to imagine what you idiots would be doing if 9/11 had happened on Pres. Obama's watch.

nobody takes you seriously dummy. if 9-11 happned on your precious community organizer's watch, your first black President's watch, no telling how many countries you lemmings would have wanted to anhhilate

idiots and hypocrites
Actually, it was Bush who attacked Iraq to ........ Keep us safe

Cost 5000 lives to keep us safe

nobody cried when the 9-11 commission was set up to uncover the truth; which curiously left-wing nutjobs dont bother to remember when they still insist Bush "lied to go to war". Now contrast that to hillary and left-wing losers crying about even being investigated over benghazi, even though there is MUCH more evidence the obama administration lied about it
9-11 commission took two months. Why does the republican investigation take three years?

It takes three years because republicans don't like the conclusions

this is why i rarely even reply to you any longer; you're just too much of a self-deceiving intellectual coward to be worthy of my time.

AS WE SPEAK, as in RIGHT THIS MOMENT, people running the State Department are combing through the emails FROM THE PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER HILLARY FIRST WOULDNT ADMIT HAVING, to see which emails THAT SHE INSISTED WERENT RECOVERABLE when she WIPED HER PRIVATE SERVER CLEAN, TO REDACT INFORMATION THAT IS SENSITIVE; which is exactly what Hillary has REPEATEDLY DENIED had crossed her server in the first place; sensitive information that could endanger national security if intercepted.

and THAT is why it's taken this long

libs are pathetic losers who lie to themselves
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After Benghazi, there were NO terrorist attacks and NO Americans killed

Hillary Clinton kept us safe
Except for the ones that died and got forks up their butts.

1. Terrorist attack occurs.

2. From that point on, "(Fill in the blank) kept us safe."


1. 9/11/01

2. "George Bush kept us safe."

1. 9/11/12

2. "Hillary Clinton kept us safe."

It ruins the joke when it has to be explained to slow people.
Maybe your jokes aren't that good lol
The jokes were simpler to get when Bush was President. He gave us more to work with. The jokes in this Administration are a little too intellectual for most people.
there was nothing "concluded" you idiot. first the story was there wasnt any secret email server, then it was there was but no secret information crossed it. then when that was proved to be A LIE, the story became well it wasnt marked classified. THEN when it was noted that IT DOESNT MATTER IF IT WAS LABELED as such because IN HER POSITION SHE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN and THE STATUTES CLEARLY SAY ALL THAT MATTERS IS IT WAS CLASSIFIED AND IF YOU MISHANDLED IT YOU BROKE THE LAW. THAT'S WHEN YOU LOSERS started crying it was a witchunt
After Benghazi, there were NO terrorist attacks and NO Americans killed

Hillary Clinton kept us safe
Except for the ones that died and got forks up their butts.

Everyone is entitled to one free terrorist attack. It is keeping people safe afterwards that matters

Just ask George Bush

which one did obama use leftard?

Ft Hood? charleston? tennessee recruitment center and naval reserve base?
nobody takes me seriously?

you mean rightwingnut braindead misogynist idiots don't take me seriously. i'm ok with that.

and like i said....

quiet, loon.

People take you for what you are, a mindless hack with zero integrity, who will say anything to promote your party or defame the hated opposition. :dunno:

you really shouldn't project the way people see you onto me, wackjob
you really shouldn't project the way people see you onto me, wackjob

Jilly, everyone sees you as a hack.

Your fellow demagogues praise you for your dishonesty, the rest of us criticize you for it. But everyone sees you for what you are, a hack without a shred of integrity.

BTW, you never did answer where it is that you want Iran to drop their shiny new ObamaNuke? Tel Aviv?
you really shouldn't project the way people see you onto me, wackjob

Jilly, everyone sees you as a hack.

Your fellow demagogues praise you for your dishonesty, the rest of us criticize you for it. But everyone sees you for what you are, a hack without a shred of integrity.

BTW, you never did answer where it is that you want Iran to drop their shiny new ObamaNuke? Tel Aviv?
She is the second biggest poseur on this site. Her contributions seem to consist of emoticons and personal insults. SHe runs away from any contrary fact or opinion. Merely a hit and run poster.
On topic, Obama lost Bush's Iraq War. Obama is losing Bush Afghanistan War. And Obama is losing Bushs war on terrorism. Democrats take GOP success and turn it into shit. Then they run on how they're going to fix it by doing more of the same, and it was really the GOP's fault.
you really shouldn't project the way people see you onto me, wackjob

Jilly, everyone sees you as a hack.

Your fellow demagogues praise you for your dishonesty, the rest of us criticize you for it. But everyone sees you for what you are, a hack without a shred of integrity.

BTW, you never did answer where it is that you want Iran to drop their shiny new ObamaNuke? Tel Aviv?
She is the second biggest poseur on this site. Her contributions seem to consist of emoticons and personal insults. SHe runs away from any contrary fact or opinion. Merely a hit and run poster.
On topic, Obama lost Bush's Iraq War. Obama is losing Bush Afghanistan War. And Obama is losing Bushs war on terrorism. Democrats take GOP success and turn it into shit. Then they run on how they're going to fix it by doing more of the same, and it was really the GOP's fault.

poor wackos. but it's good that you have each other to lean on.

you should see what the normal people say about you.
you really shouldn't project the way people see you onto me, wackjob

Jilly, everyone sees you as a hack.

Your fellow demagogues praise you for your dishonesty, the rest of us criticize you for it. But everyone sees you for what you are, a hack without a shred of integrity.

BTW, you never did answer where it is that you want Iran to drop their shiny new ObamaNuke? Tel Aviv?
She is the second biggest poseur on this site. Her contributions seem to consist of emoticons and personal insults. SHe runs away from any contrary fact or opinion. Merely a hit and run poster.
On topic, Obama lost Bush's Iraq War. Obama is losing Bush Afghanistan War. And Obama is losing Bushs war on terrorism. Democrats take GOP success and turn it into shit. Then they run on how they're going to fix it by doing more of the same, and it was really the GOP's fault.
poor wackos. but it's good that you have each other to lean on.

you should see what the normal people say about you.

We are the normal people, hack.

So where to you want that Obamanuke to go off? You supported a nuclear armed Iran, where do you want Obama's buddies to detonate?

It will be Israel - that is forgone. You know, a real Jew would be opposed to that.

Not you though...

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