Hillary Clinton knew she was unlikable.

Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
The Clinton’s are the most repugnant people on the planet
'Hillary Clinton knew she was unlikable.'

...and she didn't give a $h!t!

Hillary did not want to be liked and in turn be 'The People's President' - she insisted this was 'Her Turn', and she wanted to 'Rule The $H!T' out of people, not represent them.

This may be a bit of a shock for some people, but the truth is Hillary didn't give a damn about American citizens:

- She could not give a rat's ass about WOMEN - how else can a woman insult, berate, attack, demonize, bully, and silence the victims of her husband's criminal sexual harassment, assaults, and rapes for decades if she truly cared about women?!

- She rejected more than 50 pleas for additional security from the US Ambassador in Libya, refused to take Americans out of Libya when she KNEW there was going to be a Middle East-Wide Terrorist attack on 9/11/12. She even TOOK AWAY members of their security team before the big attack - she abandoned Americans to die, and then she did not hesitate a second to throw them under the bus again after their murders, blaming a video for the attack that resulted in their needless deaths in order to save her own political ass.

The NEEDLESS, PREVENTABLE deaths of 4 Americans meant nothing to her compared to her own political future and goal of becoming President.

The wayside along the Clintons' path of political ambition and progression is littered with dead bodies...

Becoming President for anyone else's benefit other than her own has NEVER come into consideration for Hillary.
Thanks for all the BS hate GOP propaganda, super duper. What a load of crap...
well she is well known for calling people "F----ing Dogs" and throws 40 pound lamps at those she has vicious arguments with
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
Ya, I am not very likable either. Did not stop me from winning a couple of elections! Isn't it strange how some people can tear some one a new ass hole and the person that got their ass torn is not bothered. I on the other hand just say excuse me you are about to kill yourself and get popped in the nose. I only intervene when I see possibility of loss of life or limb for this reason. Otherwise I let people do what they are going to do!
well she is well known for calling people "F----ing Dogs" and throws 40 pound lamps at those she has vicious arguments with
Only on Fox Rush Etc super duper. While you are obsessed with BS gossip, the lying thieving greedy idiot Mega rich GOP is Robbing you and the country blind 4 35 years now.
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
The Clinton’s are the most repugnant people on the planet
If you believe a Mountain of discredited bologna LOL!
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
Clinton death count.jpg
You can figure it out.
new monkey butt poll. horny donkey 50%...7 ton pile of oxen manure...20%...shaven gerbils...19%...used ford pinto..15%...Hillary...00.42%

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